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ŠkolaKatolické gymnázium Třebíč, Otmarova 22, Třebíč 674 01 Název projektu Moderní škola Číslo projektu CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0464 Šablona III/2 Inovace a.

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Presentation on theme: "ŠkolaKatolické gymnázium Třebíč, Otmarova 22, Třebíč 674 01 Název projektu Moderní škola Číslo projektu CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0464 Šablona III/2 Inovace a."— Presentation transcript:

1 ŠkolaKatolické gymnázium Třebíč, Otmarova 22, Třebíč 674 01 Název projektu Moderní škola Číslo projektu CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0464 Šablona III/2 Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT Autor DUM Paula Torresan Název DUM Cambridge Kód DUM VY_32_INOVACE_3.3.7_Cambridge Datum vytvoření 05/01/2014 Předmět Anglický jazyk Tematická oblast Anglicky mluvicí země Výstup ŠVP Reálie anglicky mluvících zemí Anotace DUM Power-point prezentace o Cambridge (reálie). Metodický popis Prezentace slouží k seznámení studentů s nejdůležitějšími informacemi o Cambridge. Hodnocení DUM přispěl k hlubšímu zapamatování či procvičení učiva. Autor prohlašuje, že řádně uvedl všechny použité zdroje. Pokud není uvedeno jinak, použitý materiál je z vlastních zdrojů autora.

2 C AMBRIDGE A brief trip through images and texts of its monuments and sights

3 Cambridge is the one of the most famous university towns in the world. It lies on the River Cam, in the county of Cambridgeshire, in the north-east of London, and has a population of 125,000. Clare Bridge 2003. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2013-12-27]. Dostupné z:

4 One fifth of the population of Cambridge are students, who attend the local schools includind the University of Cambridge, which is the second oldest university in the country. It was founded in 1209 by a group of students who had left Oxford. It is considered one of the top five universities in the world. ROYAN, Jorge. Cambridge - University of Cambridge - 1355. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2014-01-03]. Dostupné z: _1355.jpg?uselang=cs

5 Today Cambridge University is formed by 31 colleges which are divided in six schools:  Arts and Humanities,  Biological Sciences,  Clinical Medicine,  Humanities and Social Sciences,  Physical Sciences and  Technology. Many important personalities studied at Cambridge, and among its alumni there are 90 Nobel laureates. Cambridge is famous especially for mathemathics and the sciences. DUNN, Andrew. TrinityCollegeCamGreatGate. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2013-12-27]. Dostupné z:

6 Peterhouse is Cambridge's first college and was founded in 1284. EDWARDS, Robert. Part of Peterhouse College - - 1508178. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2014-01-03]. Dostupné z:

7 King’s College was founded in 1441 by King Henry VI. The most impressive building of the college is the King's College Chapel, which is considered one of the greatest examples of late Gothic English architecture. The chapel is an icon of Cambridge. RICHARDT, Christian. ClareCollegeAndKingsChapel. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2013-12-27]. Dostupné z:

8 The Choir of King's College, the chapel’s choir, is as famous as the chapel itself; each Christmas Eve since 1928, the BBC radio and television have broadcasted The Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols sung by the choir. It is a special service to celebrate the birth of Jesus. TUBBS, Bob. Cam colls from johns. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2013-12-27]. Dostupné z: MAN VYI. Sèrvice dé Neu Léçons et Cantiques dé Noué Dézembre 2010 c. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2014-01-03]. Dostupné z: d%C3%A9_Neu_L%C3%A9%C3%A7ons_et_Cantiques_d% C3%A9_Nou%C3%A9_D%C3%A9zembre_2010_c.jpg?usel ang=cs

9 Trinity College is the largest college in Cambridge. It was founded by King Henry VIII in 1546. Two members of the British Royal Family, six British prime ministers and thirty-one Nobel prize winners have studied here. DUNN, Andrew. TrinityCollegeCamGreatCourt. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2013-12-27]. Dostupné z: eCamGreatCourt.jpg TUBBS, Bob. Cam trinity clock tower. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2013-12-27]. Dostupné z: tower.jpg

10 St John's College was established by Lady Margaret Beaufort in 1511. She was the mother of King Henry VII and the paternal grandmother of King Henry VIII. Cam formal dinner st johns hall 2005. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2013-12-27]. Dostupné z: 05.jpg Among the college's alumni there are nine Nobel Prize winners, six prime ministers of various countries, three archbishops, at least two princes, and three Saints. ROB, Ian. Cambridge-The Bridge of Sighs - - 517224. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2014-01-03]. Dostupné z:

11 Cambridge and its surrounds is often called the Silicon Fen, with reference to the Silicon Valley, because it is a centre of high-tech businesses dealing with software, electronics and biotechnology. It is estimated that there are between 1,000 and 3,500 businesses in this area, many of which which co-operate with Cambridge University. CMGLEE. Cambridge Science Park Napp. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2014-01-03]. Dostupné z: ARM-Cambridge. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2014-01-03]. Dostupné z:

12 The Pink Floyd are a rock band from Cambridge. The Dark Side of the Moon and The Wall are two of their most successful albums. BAIKOVICIUS, Jimmy. 120616-2412-jikatu (7379105852). In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2014-01-03]. Dostupné z:

13 SEZNAM POUŽITÝCH ZDROJŮ: Text: Cambridge. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2014-01-03]. Dostupné z: Obrázky: Clare Bridge 2003. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2013-12-27]. Dostupné z: ROYAN, Jorge. Cambridge - University of Cambridge - 1355. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2014-01-03]. Dostupné z: _1355.jpg?uselang=cs DUNN, Andrew. TrinityCollegeCamGreatGate. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2013-12-27]. Dostupné z: EDWARDS, Robert. Part of Peterhouse College - - 1508178. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2014-01-03]. Dostupné z: RICHARDT, Christian. ClareCollegeAndKingsChapel. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2013-12-27]. Dostupné z: MAN VYI. Sèrvice dé Neu Léçons et Cantiques dé Noué Dézembre 2010 c. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2014-01-03]. Dostupné z: 9_D%C3%A9zembre_2010_c.jpg?uselang=cs TUBBS, Bob. Cam colls from johns. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2013- 12-27]. Dostupné z: TUBBS, Bob. Cam trinity clock tower. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2013-12-27]. Dostupné z: DUNN, Andrew. TrinityCollegeCamGreatCourt. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2013-12-27]. Dostupné z: POKRAČOVÁNÍ NA DALŠÍ STRÁNKU

14 ROB, Ian. Cambridge-The Bridge of Sighs - - 517224. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2014-01-03]. Dostupné z: Cam formal dinner st johns hall 2005. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2013-12-27]. Dostupné z: CMGLEE. Cambridge Science Park Napp. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2014-01-03]. Dostupné z: ARM-Cambridge. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2014-01-03]. Dostupné z:

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