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English I 9/5/2014. Friday, 9/5/2014 Get out your map projects, I will collect Work on Bellringer (Comp notebooks): All of us, at one time or another,

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Presentation on theme: "English I 9/5/2014. Friday, 9/5/2014 Get out your map projects, I will collect Work on Bellringer (Comp notebooks): All of us, at one time or another,"— Presentation transcript:

1 English I 9/5/2014

2 Friday, 9/5/2014 Get out your map projects, I will collect Work on Bellringer (Comp notebooks): All of us, at one time or another, have felt that the grass is greener on the other side—in other words, that someone else’s life is better than our own. We believe that having what someone else has will make us happy—until we experience the negative results of envy. Write down your feelings about this. Have you ever wanted something someone else had? Or have you ever wished that your life was more like someone else’s? Has this envy ever resulted into negative effects? Did this type of wishful thinking result in something bad happening? (MINIMUM 7-10 complete sentences)

3 9/5/2014 Discussion: Irony, POV, Direct & Indirect Characterization Review (Guided Notes) 3001.8.2 Differentiate among verbal, situational, dramatic irony 3001.8.3 Analyze POV 3001.8.4 Analyze how author reveals character Finish “The Necklace” Work on Questions

4 ACES – How to answer effectively A – answer question (your point/claim) C – cite evidence E – explain how evidence backs your answer (point/claim) S – summarize

5 Writing Reflection Both Mathilde and Mme. Forestier hide the truth until the very end of the story. (1) Explain why you think each woman hides the truth (2) What are the consequences? (3) In what ways has Mathilde changed? Think about literary elements we discussed and use them in your responses (irony, type of character: dynamic, static, and direct/indirect characterization) You need to cite evidence. Use specific events/incidents from the story in your claims.

6 Exit Slip HW: Work on Writing Reflection Typed, Double-Spaced Use Rubric! Rubric to be submitted with paper.

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