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Information collected at EP group leader meeting March 31 2016 (presented by Manfred Krammer) => selected topics for LCD weekly meeting of 5/4.

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Presentation on theme: "Information collected at EP group leader meeting March 31 2016 (presented by Manfred Krammer) => selected topics for LCD weekly meeting of 5/4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Information collected at EP group leader meeting March 31 2016 (presented by Manfred Krammer) => selected topics for LCD weekly meeting of 5/4

2 2 News from the Enlarged Directorate 153rd ED meeting 29-2-2016 High level of security introduced since the Paris terrorist attacks should be maintained at least until the end of May (e.g. check of ID cards at entrances). The Host State authorities had also made a series of additional recommendations to improve protection standards at CERN, relating notably to key inventories, CCTV surveillance, crisis management provisions, contractor screening and the visible wearing of ID cards by everyone on the CERN site. Mandate approved for the coordination of studies for increasing the beam energy in the LHC (ATS-DO/EDMS 1582008, coordinator O. Brüning): 7 TeV - 7.54 TeV (9 T field) - >7.54 TeV with partial replacement of dipoles

3 3 News from the Enlarged Directorate 154th ED meeting 8-3-2016 Presentation of the structure of the International Relations Sector (C. Warakaulle) CERNs geographical enlargement strategy In the future, the focus will be on reinforcing relations with countries that can bring scientific and technological support to CERN’s projects. IR-REL IR-ECO

4 4 214 th Research Board 9-3-2016 Reports: Reports from SPSC, LHCC, INTC (Isolde, n-TOF) Report from Recognized Experiments Committee new LIGO, + several extensions Decisions: Confirmation of approval (with comments) as participants in the Neutrino Platform: NP4 DUNE-PT (single phase LAr TPC) NP5 Baby MIND (magnetized iron detector, WAGASCI exp.) Establish Study Group “Non-Collider Physics”, report 2018 led by J. Jaeckel, M. Lamont, C. Vallée SHiP approve Comprehensive Design Study

5 5 Miscellaneous ORCID (Jens Vigens): unique personal author identification system Connected to Inspire IDs (and also ResearcherID) Encourage CERN staff to register! Staff contributing to future projects: Confirm principle guideline “Not more than 50% on non-approved experiment.” EP-AGS group leader => Catherine Decosse, starting April 1st; for DPO role Catherine will be assisted by Youlia Krasteva.

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