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CERN Rüdiger Schmidt R2E – Availability Workshoppage 1.

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Presentation on theme: "CERN Rüdiger Schmidt R2E – Availability Workshoppage 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 CERN Rüdiger Schmidt R2E – Availability Workshoppage 1

2 CERN Rüdiger Schmidt R2E – Availability Workshoppage 2 Summary of session on equipment and systems Resolver X Axis: Optical position sensor Y Axis: Diamond Detector

3 CERN Rüdiger Schmidt R2E – Availability Workshoppage 3 HI Luminosity LHC

4 CERN Rüdiger Schmidt R2E – Availability Workshoppage 4 Benjamin Todd, Setting the scene Run 1: HL-LHC: 160 days 25 fb -1 200 days 210 fb -1 260 fb -1 HL-LHC: 200 days + 20% availability 300 fb -1

5 CERN Rüdiger Schmidt R2E – Availability Workshoppage 5 Benjamin Todd, Setting the scene ● Needs more than 300 fb-1 / year ● Peak luminosity is limited to pile-up ● Operating with high availability is required to achieve the target ● Increase of availability of 20% is required to reach target, assuming 200 days running ● Some questions were asked to the speakers Remaining inventory New inventory Cumulative effect of radiation (aging) Maintenance expectations – access requirements for repair or remotely How to improve availability – by 20%? Signaling and communication (common development possible?)

6 CERN Converter Control Electronics 11:00 – 11:30 Cryogenics J. CASAS-CUBILLOS 09:20 – 09:40 RF: Current Systems + DamperW. HOEFLE 10:00 – 10:20 Power Converters: ControlS. UZNANSKI 10:20 – 10:40 Power Converters: PowerY. THUREL 11:30 – 12:00 QPSJ. STECKERT 12:00 – 12:30 Interlock SystemsI. ROMERA 12:30 – 12:50 LHC Beam Dumping SystemV. SENAJ 14:15 – 14:45 BLMB. DEHNING 14:45 – 15:15 Beam InstrumentationT. LEFEVRE 15:15 – 15:35 Vacuum Systems P. KRAKOWSKI 15:35 – 15:55 Survey and AlignmentM. SOSIN 16:25 – 16:45 WorldFIPE. GOUSIOU 16:45 – 17:05 Electronics in the REG. SPIEZIA Day 1InfrastructureJ. DE CARVALHO The Big 4 Protection Plants Close to the Machine Common infrastructure 09:40 – 10:00 RF: New SystemsR. CALAGA Benjamin Todd, Programme

7 OUTLINE 1. Lighting & Power [EN-EL, James Devine,…] 2. Cooling Ventilation [EN-CV, Helmut Jena,…] 3. Safety Alarm System & Detection System [GE-ASE, Silvia Grau,…] 4. Mobile/Radio Services, Network & Wifi, Indoor Localization System [IT-CS, Frederic Chapron,…] Joao Pedro DE CARVALHO, brief look on "Infrastructure" (lights, fire, ODH, etc...) To provide 4G services in the LHC, during the LS2:  16 4G transmitters to be installed in the REs  Replacement of the current leaky feeder infrastructure and deploy a second one in // to allow higher data throughput with 4G/5G Relocation, some radiation tolerant development, future follow up of radiation levels

8 CERN Rüdiger Schmidt R2E – Availability Workshoppage 8 Wolfgang HOFLE, RF current systems + Damper ● Injectors: a number of issues related to RF systems in radiation environment being addressed by improved shielding and some development ● Linac 4, later LHC: new system for arc detection, to protect transmission line system and sensitive RF elements ● LHC: Cryo side of UX45: need some relocation for HL-LHC, integration to be addressed together with other teams ● LHC: Cavern side of UX45 should be safe – otherwise there could be a problem: radiation monitoring to be continued ● Availability: not driven by R2E, consolidation of the power system was performed in LS1 ● Aging needs to be addressed – continuous improvement ● Fault Tracking Tool appreciated, it was tedious to track faults

9 CERN Rüdiger Schmidt R2E – Availability Workshoppage 9 Rama CALAGA, RF - new systems required for HL-LHC ● Additional systems in IR1 and IR5 for Crab cavities ● In case of new RF system (200 / 800 MHz, not in baseline): would be installed in LSS4 using same rules as for 400 MHz system ● RF system for Crab cavities: somewhat standard, power and control electronics in shielded zones Options enlarged tunnel or surface installation (preferred solution) Electronics needs to be in rad-free zone for FPGA Working with a system on some 10 fs level will be required, challenging ● Machine Protection issues for Crab cavities are being addressed: reasons to be cautiously optimistic ● Debris from p-p collision: heat deposition is about 10%, long term effects not known

10 CERN Rüdiger Schmidt R2E – Availability Workshoppage 10 Slawosz UZNANSKI, Power-Converters: Control ● More than 1700 power converters: 1050 PCs (60/120A, 600A and 4-6-8kA) will remain in areas with radiation ● Faults are related to R2E but also other effects ● FGClite required to cope with radiation, some functionalities in gateway, no DSPs/microcontrollers in rad-areas Each device has a rad-monitor Reliable communication is key using World FIP To be installed starting from end of 2015 Infant mortality expected, from 2016 should be ok ● HL-LHC: some 60A power converters will operate in high dose area, others in a low dose area => swapping of power converters suggested ● Improving availability: further optimisation possible with higher bandwidth communication

11 CERN Rüdiger Schmidt R2E – Availability Workshoppage 11 Yves THUREL, Power-Converters: Power ● Power part of converters less sensitive to radiation than controls ● New 600A and 4-6-8kA converter: design internalised More modular, redundant up to 400 A (possibly still with a short current interruption in case of failure), easier to service, no issues with 0V crossing, design to about 100Gy ● Prototype for 600A available ● 6-8kA similar designs: no need of relocation ● Project status: should still be ok for 2018/19 despite some delays ● 60A and 120A studies not yet launched but can be done (need to be replaced for HL-LHC) ● Organisation of the project is important (acquire and keep competences, component testing, documentation, …)

12 CERN Rüdiger Schmidt R2E – Availability Workshoppage 12 Yves THUREL, Power-Converters: Power ● Radiation tests very important, CHARM test area is key! Database developed with BE-CO, for all test results ● The power converter / magnet system for single magnets should not be the bottleneck for the time required to ramp-down ● 752 converters with 60A to be replaced for HL-LHC. New design will include some redundancy. ● Availability of many converters will remain to be an issue => operational strategies (e.g. feedback based on info from converter / beam in case of trip)

13 CERN Rüdiger Schmidt R2E – Availability Workshoppage 13 Juan CASAS-CUBILLOS, Cryogenic systems ● Good overall availability for such complex system > 90% ● Commercial equipment in general out of radiation areas ● For faults, R2E issues are not dominant During 2012 most of the SEE/SEU were transparent to LHC availability Some electronics already consolidated (current lead control) Other effects: humidity, em-interference, aging, … cryo-maintain lost at several occasions (3 dumps/y) ● Part of sensors and actuators are exchangeable Temperature sensors not exchangeable: qualified for high radiation. Tunnel electronics has been designed to 1000Gy ok for HL-LHC ● Temperature monitoring for new Inner Triplets to be addressed

14 CERN Rüdiger Schmidt R2E – Availability Workshoppage 14 Juan CASAS-CUBILLOS, Cryogenic systems ● Spares should be ok ● Test benches for equipment are essential, some issues with maintenance of test benches built many years ago ● New equipment (e.g. new power supplies and new insulated temperature cards) to be tested at CHARM

15 CERN Rüdiger Schmidt R2E – Availability Workshoppage 15 Jens STECKERT, QPS ● Very large system for protecting magnets, bus bars, current leads with 16502 boards (13230 boards are installed in radiation areas) ● Substantial upgrade in LS1 Radiation tolerant quench detector for the individually powered magnets and 600A circuits were developed and will be installed Much improved remote maintenance (e.g. power cycles) Quench heater discharge monitoring ● Electronics in dispersion suppressors and quadrupole locations will become critical Relocation: move crates close to arcs (100-150m cables), possibly also quench heater power supplies (alternative: radiation tolerant boards) Remark: in the dispersion suppressor there are also low-dose areas ● Failure statistics to be further exploited

16 CERN Rüdiger Schmidt R2E – Availability Workshoppage 16 Jens STECKERT, QPS ● Communication: 15min for Post Mortem data sending after an event – to be improved! ● Lifetime for a protection system: many parts at end of life in 2024 (after 20 years). HL-LHC: large part of system to be replaced ● Start design well ahead of time to have enough time for testing / debugging / deployment  Big question: Shall we replace an outdated, limiting standard by a proprietary implementation of this standard OR going towards a more modern, widely used system ?

17 CERN Rüdiger Schmidt R2E – Availability Workshoppage 17 Ivan ROMERA RAMIREZ / Markus ZERLAUTH, Interlock Systems ● Beam Interlock System and FMCM: custom made boards, only user interface in radiation areas ● Powering and Warm Magnet Interlock Systems Some cards in low radiation areas. ● Very few failures in these systems, accelerator fault project should further improve tracking ● Obsolescence of components mainly for BIS and FMCM (BIS V2.0 being discussed, 2 nd generation FMCMs) ● FMCM: network glitches, develop switched mode PCs for RD1 ● Radiation test in CHARM is very important (for new cards) ● Common efforts on highly available systems suggested

18 CERN Rüdiger Schmidt R2E – Availability Workshoppage 18 Viliam SENAJ, LHC Beam Dumping System ● Cumulative effects very low, no effects expected ● Due to Single Effect Burnouts (SEB), some risk of burn out of High Voltage GTOs and High Voltage IGBTs – asynchronous dump (6- 12h downtime) ● Run 1: no SEB observed, due to lower operation voltage Request of 0.2 SEB/y on GTO leads to HEH fluence target value of ~ 5e4 HEH/cm 2.y ~ 1/4 of cosmic rays at sea level ● Tests were done, very different from different producers, large replacement campaign was performed ● Shielding is required in order to get to specifications (cable ducts) 6.5 TeV7 TeV ( without LS1 modifications ) Total AD (MKD GTO + IGBT) [y -1 ] 0.10.376 Total SD (MKB GTO + IGBT) [y -1 ] 0.352.221

19 CERN Rüdiger Schmidt R2E – Availability Workshoppage 19 Bernd DEHNING, BLM System ● In LHC tunnel: BLMs and front-end electronics ● Surface: VME crates with complex electronics ● Downtime mainly due to reception card in VME crate, some consolidation done during LS1 ● Some long cables to BLMs, replacement required. Noise issues correlated with length (one motivation for new development) ● Development Rad-hard new front end card to reduce noise, based on ASICs from BI and electronics from PH (GBTX ASIC) New surface card since it limits the performance (monitoring) Tests results very promising, deployment planned for after Run 3… ● Collaboration with PH very successful

20 CERN Rüdiger Schmidt R2E – Availability Workshoppage 20 Thibaut LEFEVRE, Beam Instrumentation Overview (injectors included ● Many developments / consolidation for injectors and LHC (wire scanners, beam gas profile monitors, new orbit monitoring system for SPS, SEM grids, BTVs, renovation of LHC-BPMs) ● HL-LHC: new BLMs at the triplet, button collimators (possibly using rad-hard FE electronics, new luminosity monitors) ● LHC Pt.4: New wire scanner, beam halo monitors, diagnostics for crab-cavities, long-range beam-beam compensation ● LHC and injectors are different: R2E, knowledge, infrastructure, development at different times (non-uniformity) Shielding and relocation in injectors, using FLUKA simulation data ● Availability is not only related to radiation (e.g. wire scanners) – hot spares for critical instruments and redundancy ● Operation for 3 years has a large impact on instrument design

21 CERN Rüdiger Schmidt R2E – Availability Workshoppage 21 Thibaut LEFEVRE, Beam Instrumentation Overview (injectors included ● Reliability and robustness: e.g. more robust wire scanner, synchrotron light telescope beam heating issues addressed by new design ● Renovation of BPMs: after LS3, want to use rad-hard field bus and optical fibres ● Cameras: not obvious, possibly development in collaboration with others ● New instruments (for wire scanners and SPS-BPM) use equipment developed by PH

22 CERN Rüdiger Schmidt R2E – Availability Workshoppage 22 Pawel Wojciech KRAKOWSKI, Vacuum systems ● Arcs: only passive devices, all intelligent devices in safe areas (after recent relocation, in particular in point 7) ● Total does objective: Vacuum controls equipment should stand 500Gy for HL-LHC (e.g. 24V power supplies for pumping groups) ● Possible relocation for future: 96 Turbo molecular pumps, relocate controllers and use cable connections ● Long term exposure to radiation: of cables, connectors, flexible connection for compressed air, bearings, carbon coating, …. ● Obsolescence is an issue, new designs required ● Improving availability: improvement expected since relocation, learn with time In LSS7 and LSS3 ageing of Profibus cables and connectors, for vacuum mobile equipment is already observed

23 CERN Rüdiger Schmidt R2E – Availability Workshoppage 23 Mateusz SOSIN, Continuous Survey and Alignment ● Monitoring of IT triplet H+V positions to 0.1 mm ● Interconnections between arc magnets – detect magnet shifts in the arcs (when wire touches arm, by +- 1mm) ● Idea for the future to monitor magnet position inside cryostat to a few mu (needs robust system due to high radiation) ● Preparation for HL-LHC in the next 10 years (R&D in several areas) ● Possibly extend measurement system to Q5? ● To be defined what will be done, including budget ● CHARM will be important

24 E.Gousou | BE-CO |15 Oct 2014 WorldFIP Infrastructure | Conclusions Actions for even higher availability Good stock management & in-sourcing provide margins for maneuver if needed Expansion of WorldFIP up to 5Mbps Explore other systems Complete in-sourcing of the WorldFIP technology Run1 Experience WorldFIP support will be essential till the end of life of the LHC | HL-LHC Run2 & beyond BE-CO to understand users’ needs New system for HL-LHC Evangelia GOUSIOU Enough “Masters cards” available? Maybe buy a number of spares. Larger bandwidth required? Yes! Development in centralised way – experience from PH could be interesting

25 CERN Rüdiger Schmidt R2E – Availability Workshoppage 25 Giovanni SPIEZIA, Electronics in the RE ● Many different systems installed, some very sensitive to radiation Detailed inventory needed ● Radiation levels were measured and were scaled for Run 2 and 3, expected to increase by a factor of about 8 But depends on several parameters ● Total dose: expected to be no problem ● In case of Single Event Effects, relocation is not an option, factor 5-10 reduction possible by shielding ● Re-iterate radiation level during Run 2, then decide if shielding is required ● Possibly tests of systems in CHARM need to be done

26 CERN Rüdiger Schmidt R2E – Availability Workshoppage 26 Comments, Wrap-up discussion ● LHC has always been very challenging machine – and will remain to be so for HL-LHC: High Availability is one of the challenges ● Equipment from many groups is affected by radiation ● Radiation to electronics issues - excellent progress made, and needs to be addressed in the future, as long as LHC operates ● CHARM radiation tests facility required by many teams for many years to come ● Radiation monitoring and simulations need to continue – Run 2 will give more insight ● R2E: From Mitigation to Prevention ● Availability due to other effects is likely to become dominant ● Very different approaches for solving (electronics) problems by different teams in the past

27 CERN Rüdiger Schmidt R2E – Availability Workshoppage 27 Comments, Wrap-up discussion ● Aging and obsolescence will become an issue ● Many systems need an upgrade / redesign Very demanding MTBF requirement for equipment ● Some teams profit from development and competence in PH (collaboration with PH appears to be very successful) Interesting development using optical links with GBT, fibres very attractive ● Competence in (some) teams of rad-tolerant designs ● Common efforts on developing highly available systems suggested ● Fault Tracking Project is not only required by OP, but also by R2E and several equipment groups ● Looking forward to Run 2 after a large effort on consolidation for many systems ● What about after 2035? Unlikely that LHC will suddenly stop….

28 CERN Rüdiger Schmidt R2E – Availability Workshoppage 28  Future There are many more systems to be considered when availability is to be addressed

29 CERN Rüdiger Schmidt R2E – Availability Workshoppage 29 Thanks for your attention Thanks to all speakers 29

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