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1 1 Abel Barasa Atiti Research Fellow, UNU-IAS

2 Presentation Overview 20/08/2013 UNU RCE Initiative 2 Conclusion Establishing an RCE Challenges of multi-stakeholder engagement and networking Understanding the UNU RCE Initiative Background to DESD and UNU ESD programme

3 3 Decade of ESD 2005-2014 20/08/2013 UNU RCE Initiative  Proposed by Japanese Government and NGOs in Johannesburg Plan of Implementation in 2002  Adopted by UN General Assembly in December 2002  UNESCO designated as a lead agency  The International Implementation Scheme (IIS) for DESD was approved in September 2005.  Governments invited to consider the measures to implement DESD in their educational strategies and action plans. Background

4 DESD Objectives 20/08/2013 UNU RCE Initiative 4 1. Facilitate networking, linkages, exchange and interaction among stakeholders in ESD 2. Foster an increased quality of teaching and learning in education for sustainable development; 3. Help countries make progress towards and attain the millennium development goals through ESD efforts 4. Provide countries with new opportunities to incorporate ESD into education reform efforts Background

5 Strategies for DESD 20/08/2013 UNU RCE Initiative 5  Advocacy and vision building  Consultation and ownership  Partnership and networks  Capacity building and training  Research and innovation  Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)  Monitoring and evaluation Background

6 UNU ESD Programme 20/08/2013 UNU RCE Initiative 6  Programme created in 2003 in response to the launch of DESD.  Overall Goal: to create a global learning space for ESD through research and capacity development.  Has created global networks to promote discussion, research and intervention on ESD (RCEs and ProSPER.Net). Background

7 An Overview of UNU ESD Programme 7 UNU RCE Initiative 20/08/2013 1. Advancing ESD through multi- stakeholder initiatives 4. Advancing ESD knowledge 2. Contribution to transformation of higher education 3. Contribution to international ESD- related actions Background

8 Contribution to broad goals of ESD 20/08/2013 UNU RCE Initiative 8 1. Improving access and retention in quality basic education 2. Reorienting existing educational programmes to address sustainability (Focus on higher education) 3. Increasing public understanding and awareness of sustainability 4. Providing capacity development and training Background

9 The ProSPER Network 9  ProSPER.Net: Promotion of Sustainability in Postgraduate Education and Research Network  Network of higher education institutions in Asia-Pacific  Launched in 2008  Currently 28 members 20/08/2013 UNU RCE Initiative Background

10 The RCE Network 10 UNU RCE Initiative 20/08/2013 Understanding RCEs

11 What is an RCE? 20/08/2013 UNU RCE Initiative 11  A network of existing formal, non-formal and informal organizations  A networked community of practice  An RCE provides social learning characterized by: 1. Networked governance structures 2. Implementation of collaborative ESD activities 3. Transformative learning 4. Research and development Understanding RCEs

12 The UNU RCE Initiative 20/08/2013 UNU RCE Initiative 12 Provides possibilities of social learning through multi- stakeholder engagement and networking processes. Processes are characterized by:  Learning from one another  Creating trust and social cohesion  Creating ownership with respect to both learning process and well as solutions that are found.  Collective meaning and sense making. (Waals, 2010) Understanding RCEs

13 Multi-stakeholder engagement and networking 13  Enable different perspectives to be presented and debated  Involve working with complexity  Are about new ways of governance and societal learning  Enable learning at individual, organisational and societal levels UNU RCE Initiative 20/08/2013 Understanding RCEs

14 14 UNU RCE Initiative 20/08/2013 Multi-stakeholder learning processes in RCEs entails:  Promoting different ways of knowing  Advancing partnerships across geographic, knowledge and interdisciplinary boundaries  Respecting cultural diversity of local communities  Undertaking community-engaged research  Pooling together ESD capacities, expertise, resources and experiences through networked governance mechanisms Understanding RCEs

15 Networked governance mechanisms 20/08/2013 UNU RCE Initiative 15 Networked governance refers to the coordination of interdependent actors from public, private and local community stakeholders for the purposes of developing and implementing ESD programs.  Designed to capture decision-making processes, which are decentralised and characterised by fluidity  Trust, mutuality and common identity are critical.  An RCE is expected to produce the maximum possible ESD value, greater than the sum of what each single stakeholder could achieve without collaboration.  Provides integrative, unrestrained and open-ended approaches to addressing environmental issues Understanding RCEs

16 16 UNU RCE Initiative 20/08/2013  Translation of DESD agenda into regional realities  Building local ESD knowledge base  Capacity development for sustainable development and ESD  Enlarged scope of ESD actions  Consistency of regional efforts  Consolidated efforts of all relevant actors RCE Outcomes Understanding RCEs

17 Growth of Global RCE Network 17 UNU RCE Initiative 20/08/2013 Development of the RCE concept Establishment of the first 7 RCEs Beginning of cross-RCE geographical collaboration Emergence of thematic and operational groups Discussion of how to assess RCEs begun 20042005200620072008 1028476174 Mid- Decade Year 2003 UNU/UNESCO Conference on Globalization and ESD (Nagoya, Japan) 1 st International RCE Conference (Yokohama, Japan) 2 nd International RCE Conference (Penang, Malaysia) 3 rd International RCE Conference (Barcelona, Spain) 4 th International RCE Conference (Montreal, Canada) DESD Launch Showcasing RCEs at the World Conference on ESD (Bonn, Germany) Establishment of ESD Programme at UNU-IAS Number of RCEs Acknowledged by UNU Understanding RCEs

18 Growth of Global RCE Network 18 UNU RCE Initiative 20/08/2013 Stronger emphasis on capacity development Engagement with international processes 2010201120122013 7489 2014 End- Decade Year 5 th International RCE conference (Curitiba, Brazil) 6 th International RCE Conference (Kerkrade, the Netherlands) Number of RCEs Acknowledged by UNU 101 7 th International RCE Conference (Tongyeong, Republic of Korea) 8 th International RCE Conference (Nairobi, Kenya) 9 th International RCE Conference (Okayama, Japan) 117 Understanding RCEs

19 20/08/2013 UNU RCE Initiative 19 117 RCEs acknowledged by UNU to date… 22 are in Africa

20 Positioning RCEs 20 UNU RCE Initiative 20/08/2013 Strategic Actions  RCEs and the Global Learning Space  RCEs and Capacity Development  RCEs and Research and Development  RCEs and Networked Governance Thematic Actions  RCEs and Climate Change  RCEs and Health  RCEs and Higher Education  RCEs, Traditional Knowledge and Biodiversity  RCEs, Youth and School Evaluation of impact Understanding RCEs

21 Capacity development processes 21 UNU RCE Initiative 20/08/2013 Regional and continental networks Global conference Sharing of case stories Online communities Understanding RCEs

22 Capacity development-support in Africa 20/08/2013 UNU RCE Initiative 22 1. Transformative Learning 2. RCE Coordination and Management 3. Networking and Collaborative Partnerships 4. Community Engagement and Research Understanding RCEs

23 23 Improving quality through RCE Recognition Awards 20/08/2013 UNU RCE Initiative Understanding RCEs

24 Annual Global RCE Conferences 24 UNU RCE Initiative 20/08/2013 Tongyeong, Republic of Korea: 21-24 September 2012 Understanding RCEs

25 Challenges to multi-stakeholder engagement 20/08/2013 UNU RCE Initiative 25  Poor engagement and participation of key stakeholders.  Inadequate ESD research and innovation in higher education institutions.  Low priority for monitoring and evaluation of ESD implementation.  Poor inter-ministerial cooperation and coordination on ESD implementation.  Mobilisation of inadequate resources to support ESD implementation. Challenges

26 Overcoming the challenges 20/08/2013 UNU RCE Initiative 26  Develop capacity of policy makers and practitioners for mainstreaming ESD in institutional operations.  Strengthen existing RCE network  Develop research and self-assessment tools to enable monitoring and evaluation of ESD.  Establish more RCEs to increase multi-stakeholder engagement and networking Challenges

27 Establishing an RCE 20/08/2013 UNU RCE Initiative 27 1. Define your context in terms of: Geographical scope Prevailing sustainability issues – regional challenges 2. Identify and mobilise key stakeholders 3. Write to Global RCE Service Centre expressing an interest to establish an RCE in your Region 4. Submit detailed application based on the guidelines for RCE application. The guidelines can be found at: 5. Review of applications by the Ubuntu Committee of peers 6. Committee makes recommendations to the UNU for RCE acknowledgment

28 Guidelines for RCE Applications 20/08/2013 UNU RCE Initiative 28 1. Define geographical scope 2. Describe regional challenges – social, economic and environmental sustainability issues. 3. Provide background to RCE development. 4. State RCE vision and objectives 5. Derive strategies and scenarios for achieving RCE objectives 6. Explain monitoring and evaluation mechanisms 7. Describe governance and management structure 8. Resources and commitment 9. Collaboration among stakeholders 10. Describe ongoing and planned activities Establishing an RCE

29 Conclusion 20/08/2013 UNU RCE Initiative 29  RCEs exist as networks of existing formal, non-formal and informal education organizations.  RCEs facilitate multi-stakeholder engagement and networking in ESD.  The African RCE network provides an excellent opportunity to address sustainability issues.  Need to strengthen exiting network and also establish more RCEs.  Universities have a key role in providing leadership and promoting community-engaged research through RCEs

30 20/08/2013 UNU RCE Initiative 30

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