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Non-Binary Multithreshold Decoders with Almost Optimum Performance (For ISCTA’07) Space Research Institute RAS United Radioelectronic Technologies - -

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Presentation on theme: "Non-Binary Multithreshold Decoders with Almost Optimum Performance (For ISCTA’07) Space Research Institute RAS United Radioelectronic Technologies - -"— Presentation transcript:

1 Non-Binary Multithreshold Decoders with Almost Optimum Performance (For ISCTA’07) Space Research Institute RAS United Radioelectronic Technologies - - - - - - - - V.V.Zolotarev, S.V.Averin

2 35 years MTD2 They think, that only Reed-Solomon codes may be used for non-binary flows 1. RS decoders require ~n 2 operations 1. RS decoders require ~n 2 operations 2. More effective RS decoders can work with complexity near ~n 3 operations 2. More effective RS decoders can work with complexity near ~n 3 operations But q-ary MTD has linear complexity!!!

3 35 years MTD3 The Block Multithreshold Decoder for Code with R=1/2 and d=5 It is and q-ary simbolic MTD also

4 35 years MTD4 SOFTWARE IMPLEMENTATION OF Q-MULTITHRESHOLD DECODER 1.The complexity of software MTD decoder – 4÷8 lines of code C++! 2. It can decode up to 25÷50 Mbit/s with IBM PC!

5 35 years MTD5 Comparison of efficiency binary and symbolical MTD P 2 (∑>6) ~0,08 P q (∑>9) ~0,00005 Pj~0,03 d=11 Binary MTD Symbolic MTD

6 35 years MTD6 Non-binary MTD - variant 1 In ~10000000 times less operation number in MTD

7 35 years MTD7 Non-binary MTD - variant 2 In ~100000 times less operation number in MTD

8 35 years MTD8 Welcome for everybody! Visitors of our site in November, 2006. ~5 Gbytes asked data from us for more than 8000 site visitors of 60 countries in 2006. ------------------------------------------------------------ Russia ???? 240 data units USA

9 35 years MTD9 Reference book «Error correcting codes. Methods and Algorithms» под редакцией Ю.Б.Зубарева Authors: V.V. Zolotarev, G.V. Ovechkin Издательство «Горячая линия - Телеком», 2004г. Издательство «Горячая линия - Телеком», 2004г.

10 35 years MTD10 V.V.Zolotarev Theory and Algotithms of Multithreshold decoding Под редакцией члена-корреспондента РАН Ю.Б.Зубарева Издательства «Радио и связь», «Горячая линия - Телеком» 2006 г. Издательства «Радио и связь», «Горячая линия - Телеком» 2006 г.

11 35 years MTD11Conclusions 1We have invented effective iterative MTD algorithms 35 years ago. 2. QMTD appeared in1985. 3. It alwais better than RS codes, since our codes are very long, decoding is extremely simple, and symbol size does not depend of code length at all! 4. QMTD is usually almost optimum decoder (OD) even for large noise level 5. RS decoder with equal effectiveness is in 1000 ÷ 10 5 times more slow. 6. MTD – is the absolute leader forever! WE SUGGEST TO WORK TOGETHER!

12 35 years MTD12 16.07.2007 In Russia: e-mail: In Russia: e-mail: Work ph.: +7 495 333 45 45, +7 495 573 51 32 mоb.: +7 916 518 86 28, V.V.Zolotarev, S.V. Averin

13 35 years MTD13 16.07.2007 г. ИКИ РАН ОРТ т.+7-(495)-333-45-45 E-mail: моб.: +7-916-518-86-28

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