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We are taught by evolution to fight or flight Every cell, molecule, atom has a memory. In todays society people are continuously under stress (fight or.

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Presentation on theme: "We are taught by evolution to fight or flight Every cell, molecule, atom has a memory. In todays society people are continuously under stress (fight or."— Presentation transcript:

1 We are taught by evolution to fight or flight Every cell, molecule, atom has a memory. In todays society people are continuously under stress (fight or flight) and this registers in our cells. This means that often our fight or flight system is never or rarely turned off. The consequences of this is that regenerative processes are reduced, immunity may be compromised and other non-essential processes e.g. digestion may mot function efficiently.

2 Stress (fight or flight) – sympathetic nervous system At this time, oxygen is driven into the muscles for the flight or fight response. This means that other areas of the body may become malnourished due to lack of oxygen. If this is long- term adaptive mechanisms may collapse. The immune system may also weaken. Mitochondria are the cell's power producers. They convert energy into forms that are usable by the body's cells. In the first slide we see Mans evolution from primate to homosapien. We must understand that cells too have a memory and evolve according to their environment i.e. the development of cell is influenced by the elements and nature Prokaryotes were the only form of life on Earth for millions of years until more complicated eukaryotic cells came into being through the process of evolution.Earth

3 Duality control on the vertical axis S and PS and the importance of the volume of communication - good or bad Nervous system: fast command - physics - electric impulse can be compared to: fast command - company - telephone information Endocrine (hormonal) system: longer-term command - chemistry - hormonal impulse can be compared to longer-term command - company – written information Immune system: longest command - Biology - white blood cells – can be compared to longest command - a company - face to face / a personal touch

4 The level of communication in The control system - (NHI.S) The Kardivar assesses the control system through the heart rate variability

5 The structure of the nervous system

6 Structure of the hormonal system

7 Individual responses to stress (the level of fight and flight) and regeneration all is about energetic communication. It is essential that we look after ability to regenerate in order to stay healthy.

8 Structure (width) controlling commands destructive (sympathetic) and constructive (parasympathetic) branch Changing of fast and slow RR intervals from 30-70 (it is standard) PS is a longer R-R interval S is a shorter R-R interval

9 Basic parameters - indicators

10 There are 4 main periods shown below looking at communication in the Nervous and Hormonal System.





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