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Instructor Professionalism Mel Burkart, MCFI Instructor Professionalism Professionalism –Professionalism – –What does that mean? –Why is it important?

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2 Instructor Professionalism Mel Burkart, MCFI

3 Instructor Professionalism Professionalism –Professionalism – –What does that mean? –Why is it important? –How do you become professional?

4 Instructor Professionalism Professionalism –Professionalism – –What does that mean? Google – 17,800,000 hitsGoogle – 17,800,000 hits –Professional status, methods, character, or standards. –the expertness characteristic of a professional person Merriam Webster defines professionalism asMerriam Webster defines professionalism as –“the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person” professionprofessional professionprofessional

5 Instructor Professionalism Why is it important?Why is it important? Isn’t stick and rudder skills enough?Isn’t stick and rudder skills enough? I’ve been doing this for 30 years!I’ve been doing this for 30 years! Why do we care about instructor professionalism anyway?Why do we care about instructor professionalism anyway? –It’s just a sport!

6 Instructor Professionalism Answer –Answer – –FAA mandates it. –CFI Instrument Practical Test Standards, – men/test_standards/media/FAA-S-8081-8B.pdf men/test_standards/media/FAA-S-8081-8B.pdf men/test_standards/media/FAA-S-8081-8B.pdf

7 Instructor Professionalism Aviation Community at large expects pilots to observe a reasonable standard of careAviation Community at large expects pilots to observe a reasonable standard of care Professional approach is in every instructor ’ s enlightened self-interestProfessional approach is in every instructor ’ s enlightened self-interest Sense of Personal PrideSense of Personal Pride

8 Instructor Professionalism Professionalism as an InstructorProfessionalism as an Instructor a.Important personal characteristics 1.Sincerity - be straightforward and honest 2.Acceptance of the student 3.Personal Appearance and Habits i.Neat, clean, appropriately dressed ii.Exercise common courtesy

9 Instructor Professionalism a.Important personal characteristics (continued) 4.Demeanor - calm, thoughtful and disciplined 5.Advocate and observe all regulations and safety practices 6.Use proper language 7.Be alert to opportunities to improve own qualifications, effectiveness and services

10 Instructor Professionalism Professionalism as an InstructorProfessionalism as an Instructor –Methods to minimize student frustration 1.Motivate students 2.Keep students informed 3.Approach students as individuals 4.Give credit when due 5.Criticize constructively 6.Be consistent 7.Admit errors

11 Professionalism Exists only when a service is performedExists only when a service is performed –for someone, or –for the common good

12 Characteristics of Professionalism Is achieved only after extended training and preparationIs achieved only after extended training and preparation –Typically accomplished with Formal Education –Requires significant self-study –Requires significant “practice” Such as a Doctor’s internshipSuch as a Doctor’s internship

13 Characteristics of Professionalism True performance as a professional is based on study and researchTrue performance as a professional is based on study and research –Examples: Master’s or Doctoral thesis –Searching for the “WHY”

14 Characteristics of Professionalism Presupposes an intellectual requirementPresupposes an intellectual requirement –Able to reason logicallylogically accuratelyaccurately

15 Characteristics of Professionalism Ability to make good judgmental decisionsAbility to make good judgmental decisions –Actions are not limited to standard patterns and practices

16 Characteristics of Professionalism Demands a Code of EthicsDemands a Code of Ethics –True to themselves –True to those whom they serve

17 Characteristics of Professionalism Sincerity of EffortSincerity of Effort –Inadequacies are admitted, not hidden AND corrected for the futureAND corrected for the future

18 Characteristics of Professionalism A Flight Instructor is required to have strong skills and abilitiesA Flight Instructor is required to have strong skills and abilities –A competent and qualified teacher –An expert pilot

19 Characteristics of Professionalism A flight instructor is required to have high standards ofA flight instructor is required to have high standards of –Personal appearance Neat, clean, and appropriateNeat, clean, and appropriate –Personal habits Common courtesyCommon courtesy Not rude, thoughtless, or inattentiveNot rude, thoughtless, or inattentive Proper language; not profane or obsceneProper language; not profane or obscene –Cleanliness Body and BreathBody and Breath

20 Characteristics of Professionalism Self-improvementSelf-improvement –Alert for ways to improve qualificationsqualifications effectivenesseffectiveness servicesservices –Alert to changes AIM, A/FD, Charts, Handbooks, Manuals, PTSAIM, A/FD, Charts, Handbooks, Manuals, PTS –Periodicals, Internet, Meetings, Seminars, etc.

21 Characteristics of Professionalism You must be a practical psychologistYou must be a practical psychologist –Understand anxiety –Reactions to stress NormalNormal AbnormalAbnormal –Obstacles to Learning Impatience, Worry, Lack of Interest, ApathyImpatience, Worry, Lack of Interest, Apathy Anxiety, Discomfort, Illness, FatigueAnxiety, Discomfort, Illness, Fatigue Other Interests, Enthusiasms, TroublesOther Interests, Enthusiasms, Troubles

22 Characteristics of Professionalism Have a PlanHave a Plan –Use a Syllabus –Set goals –Personally prepare for each lesson

23 Characteristics of Professionalism Remember the Four Levels of LearningRemember the Four Levels of Learning –Rote –Understanding –Application –Correlation This is the only level acceptable on a checkrideThis is the only level acceptable on a checkride

24 Flight Instructor Professionalism Laws of LearningLaws of Learning –Why does a student learn ReadinessReadiness EffectEffect –Why does a student remember PrimacyPrimacy ExerciseExercise IntensityIntensity RecencyRecency

25 Characteristics of Professionalism SummarySummary

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