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The Precession of the Equinox is currently explained by the “Wobble Hypothesis”, as I refer to it. In which it is asserted that the Earth wobbles on its.

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Presentation on theme: "The Precession of the Equinox is currently explained by the “Wobble Hypothesis”, as I refer to it. In which it is asserted that the Earth wobbles on its."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Precession of the Equinox is currently explained by the “Wobble Hypothesis”, as I refer to it. In which it is asserted that the Earth wobbles on its axis, just like a spinning top. However this is a stable wobble, apparently the only stably wobbling thing in the Universe. As the wobble has a 26,500 year periodicity that is maintained indefinitely, without alteration. How is this wobble generated, and by what means is it stabilized? By torque produced from the Sun and the Moon in what is called Lunisolar Precession. When you take into account all the rotational motions and orbital paths of these three bodies it is staggering to think that a uniform force could be applied to generate a stable enough torque to maintain a 26,000 year periodicity through thousands of precessional cycles.

3 This is the Heliacal rising of Sirius in the Summer ♈ ♉ ♊ ♋ ♌ ♍ ♎ ♏ ♐ ♑ ♒ ♓ Sun Summer Winter And the birth of the new born Sun in Winter, in which Sirius is seen directly above the Sun, as the Star of Bethlehem. As the Earth rotates towards the sun, an observer at a specific locus, say the Giza Plataeu, leaves the Earth’s shadow and comes into the light of the Sun. As indicated by the curved arrow and the shaded cone, respectively. From the Observer’s point of view in the afore mentioned locus, Sirius appears just above the Sun. Direction of Earth’s orbit around the Sun.

4 The vast majority of stars appear to have a retrograde motion caused by the putative wobble and precession of the seasons through time, except for Sirius, which remains relatively motionless.

5 This is why the Egyptians based their calendar off of the star Sirius, or as they called it Sopdet. Sirius comes from the Greek word for Sopdet: Sothis. And thus you have the Sothic year, in which the new year occurs upon the Heliacal rising of Sirius. Here described by Drunvalo Melchizedek in the Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, volume 1. Secret-Flower-Life/dp/1891824171 This is why the Egyptians based their calendar off of the star Sirius, or as they called it Sopdet. Sirius comes from the Greek word for Sopdet: Sothis. And thus you have the Sothic year, in which the new year occurs upon the Heliacal rising of Sirius. Here described by Drunvalo Melchizedek in the Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, volume 1. Secret-Flower-Life/dp/1891824171 From Africa, where the Dogons live, the star Sirius disappears below the horizon and is out of sight for a couple of months; then it appears again on the morning of July 23, when it rises about one minute before the Sun. It appears bright ruby-red, just above the horizon, almost exactly due east. Sixty seconds later the Sun emerges. So you can see Sirius for just a moment, then it's gone. This is called the heliacal rising of Sirius, which was a very important moment for most of the ancient world, not just for the Dogons and Egypt. This is the moment when Sirius and the Sun and the Earth are in a straight line across space. In Egypt, almost all the temples werea aligned with this line, including the gaze of the Sphinx. Many of the temples had a tiny hole in the wall somewhere; then there would be another wall and another, going into some dim inner chamber. In that chamber there would be something like a cube or Golden Mean rectangle of granite sitting in the middle of the room with a little mark on it. At the moment of the heliacal rising of Sirius, a ruby-red light would strike the altar for a few seconds, which would begin their new year and the first day of the ancient Sothic calendar of Egypt. From Africa, where the Dogons live, the star Sirius disappears below the horizon and is out of sight for a couple of months; then it appears again on the morning of July 23, when it rises about one minute before the Sun. It appears bright ruby-red, just above the horizon, almost exactly due east. Sixty seconds later the Sun emerges. So you can see Sirius for just a moment, then it's gone. This is called the heliacal rising of Sirius, which was a very important moment for most of the ancient world, not just for the Dogons and Egypt. This is the moment when Sirius and the Sun and the Earth are in a straight line across space. In Egypt, almost all the temples werea aligned with this line, including the gaze of the Sphinx. Many of the temples had a tiny hole in the wall somewhere; then there would be another wall and another, going into some dim inner chamber. In that chamber there would be something like a cube or Golden Mean rectangle of granite sitting in the middle of the room with a little mark on it. At the moment of the heliacal rising of Sirius, a ruby-red light would strike the altar for a few seconds, which would begin their new year and the first day of the ancient Sothic calendar of Egypt. Sopdet was a female diety associated with the fertility of Earth, because after the heliacal rising of Sirius (Sopdet) the Nile would flood. Sopdet was the consort of Sah (which was the constellation Orion). When Sopdet and Sah would appear (upon the heliacal rising of Sirius) they would give birth to Sopdu. Sopdu (Sopdet and Sah's child) was the Sun. Upon the union of the Sun, Amen-Ra with Sopdet, they would give birth to the heat of the summer (what the Romans called the Dog Days of Summer). Sopdet and Sah are also associated with Isis and Osiris, respectively. Their child was Horus, the Sun.

6 Direction of Earth’s orbit around the Sun. ♈ ♉ ♊ ♋ ♌ ♍ ♎ ♏ ♐ ♑ ♒ ♓ Sun Summer Winter Now remember the seasons have shifted and occur in a different location in the orbit of the Earth because of the wobbling rotational axis of the Earth. And as a result the stars of the zodiac appear to move retro- progressionally across the sky.

7 ♈ ♉ ♊ ♋ ♌ ♍ ♎ ♏ ♐ ♑ ♒ ♓ Sun Winter Summer Sirius The problem with the Precession of the Seasons in the “Wobble Hypothesis” is that the heliacal rising of Sirius would progress through time, occurring at different seasons throughout the 26,000 year Precession of the Equinox, because all stars will shift except for those oriented directly above the poles, which will have only minor perturbations. In the Precession of the Seasons, Summer now occurs in a new location relative to the Sun, and to Sirius, which no longer has a heliacal rising in Summer. The heliacal rising of Sirius now occurs here, in this case in Spring. This is contrary to what is observed. And the Egyptians could never have based their calendar on the Sothic year if this were to be the case.

8 Sun As the Earth’s rotational axis wobbles this causes the Zodiacal constellations to shift, as pictured below from a stationary observation point. Sirius However, because it is the Earth’s rotational axis that is causing the Precession, Sirius migrates with all the other stars. From here To hear Again, this is contrary to what is observed

9 These inconsistencies are resolved in the new-paradigm theory

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