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Interpersonal Skills: Effective Communication & Conflict Resolution.

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Presentation on theme: "Interpersonal Skills: Effective Communication & Conflict Resolution."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interpersonal Skills: Effective Communication & Conflict Resolution

2 What are interpersonal skills? Skills needed to get along with others Three types of skills: Communication Skills Conflict Resolution Skills Planning Skills

3 Conflict Resolution

4 CONFLICT is a clash among people who disagree.

5 Conflict Resolution On your own notebook paper, write a description in which you or someone you knew had a conflict. Activity What caused the conflict? Was it resolved? If so, how? If it wasn’t resolved, then why not?

6 Causes of conflicts Conflict Resolution Poor communication Power struggles – this is when individuals or groups feel a need to be in control Personality differences – people who have very different values and attitudes from one another are more likely to clash than those who agree on basic issues

7 Causes of conflicts Conflict Resolution Jealousy – a feeling of resentment or hostility Prejudice – forming negative opinions about people without knowing them personally

8 Negative Results of Conflict Conflict Resolution Negative emotions such as anger, frustration, fear, pain, humiliation, sorrow and distress. Stress- this can cause headaches, digestive problems, anxiety, and mental problems, difficulty sleeping, feeling extremely tired and difficulty concentrating

9 Negative Results of Conflict Conflict Resolution Damaged relationships- conflicts can break up families and friendships. Violence- when tempers flare, an argument can result in physical violence and this is the most serious as it may result in serious injuries or even death. Hurtful words- sometimes the wrong thing is said and people’s feelings get hurt.

10 POSITIVE Results of Conflict Conflict Resolution Develops problem-solving skills Develops communication skills Helps people learn to get along Strengthens relationships Brings issues to light

11 Conflict Resolution Resolving Conflicts Negotiation – this involves communicating about the problem to try to reach an acceptable solution The ideal outcome of negotiation ia a win-win solution, a solution that benefits everyone involved.

12 Conflict Resolution Resolving Conflicts Compromise – in a compromise, each party agrees to give up something in order to reach a solution that satisfies everyone. Agree to disagree – some differences cannot be resolved because its clear that the parties will not change their point of view. Withdraw – walking away from the situation gives both parties time to calm down and collect their thoughts.

13 Conflict Resolution Process  1. Identify the problem  2. Identify possible outcomes  3. Evaluate each suggested solution  4. Pick the best solution  5. See if the solution is working  6. If necessary, agree to disagree Conflict Resolution

14 Skillful resolution Use words, not fists Take charge of the situation Take turns talking Control your voice Show respect Speak the truth Control your language Use effective body language Value your safety Conflict Resolution

15 Mediation Unbiased third party that helps in settling conflicts Used when two people can not settle a conflict on their own Peer mediation (process in which specially trained students help other students resolve conflicts peacefully) is used in schools Conflict Resolution

16 Avoiding conflicts See the positive side in situations Change the subject Defuse the situation with confidence Don’t be easily irritated ??When should you ignore a conflict?? Conflict Resolution

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