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x ( ) + - x ÷ ( ) + - x ÷ ( ) ! B I D M A S

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Presentation on theme: "x ( ) + - x ÷ ( ) + - x ÷ ( ) ! B I D M A S"— Presentation transcript:

1 + - + - x ( ) + - x ÷ ( ) + - x ÷ ( ) ! B I D M A S
Four 4s investigation Use the symbols at the top of each column to make the numbers up to 20 with four 4s. Example: – 4 = 8 + - + - x ( ) + - x ÷ ( ) + - x ÷ ( ) ! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20

2 4, 8, 14, 22, 32

3 For each sequence decide which of these tasks will challenge you:-
Draw the next two patterns and describe how the pattern grows in words Copy and complete the table of results. Find a rule that will help you to predict patterns number 7 and 8. Describe your rule. Try to find the 15th pattern using your rule? Find a rule that will help you to predict the 100th pattern. Explain fully how you would use your rule to work out the 100th pattern.

4 Today’s Task Create an equivalent expressions spider diagram Use substitution to check that your expressions are equivalent. Task A Using the symbols for addition and subtraction write as many different expressions as you can for your chosen expression. Task B Using the symbols for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division write as many different expressions as you can for your chosen expression. Task C Using the symbols for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and using brackets and indices write as many different expressions as you can for your chosen expression. 15n + 9 6n2 + 9 36n - 30

5 Starter Activity The class discussion should lead to pupils noticing that each question has the same answer.



8 Decide which scheme you want to investigate
You must compare at least 3 schemes. Complete the table for your chosen schemes. Make sure that you show all of your working out.

9 Task B – Use Card Sort One
My measurements have got all jumbled up! Cut up the entries in the table. Choose the cards that are about temperature. Put them in order from coldest to hottest. Next choose the cards that are about time. Put them in order from slowest to quickest. Next match each of your cards to a unit of measurement and a value. Pupil hand-out. Print this slide and the next slide two to a page.

10 Task C – Use Card Sort Two
My measurements have got all jumbled up! Cut up the entries in the tables. Match each description to a value and a unit of measure. Work in pairs, you must discuss and convince each other Start with the items which you are most confident about. Task D – Use Card Set Two Each time you match a description card to a value and a unit of measure, convert the measurement from metric to imperial. (You will need to use the conversion table.) Pupil hand-out. Print this slide and the previous slide two to a page.

11 Print this slide and the next slide onto a double sided sheet as pupils will be choosing one of these card sets to use. Card Sort One

12 Print this slide and the previous slide onto a double sided sheet as pupils will be choosing one of these card sets to use. Card Sort Two

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