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Scheduling Protocols. Triage Emergent Urgent Non Urgent.

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Presentation on theme: "Scheduling Protocols. Triage Emergent Urgent Non Urgent."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scheduling Protocols

2 Triage Emergent Urgent Non Urgent

3 Nails/corns/calluses /wart Desires nails trimmed/ painful corn (non infected)/ wart N Fungus nailsNails yellow or thick N Athletes footItching/ burning/ cracking skin N Heel painPain in heel not due to injury U BunionPainful bump on inner side of big toe joint without swelling/redness N Hammer toeBuckled to joint usually leading to corn N General foot pain/swelling Rather sudden onset of pain and swelling anywhere in foot U GoutRed, hot swollen joint U Flat feetFallen arches N Infected ingrown toenail Red, swollen and draining nail margin (non diabetic) U Infected ingrown toenail Red, swollen and draining nail margin ( diabetic) E Foreign bodyStepped on something E TraumaHurt foot and thinks its broken E

4 Efficiency Terminology Flow mapping- involves walking into your office as a patient and taking detailed notes about your entire visit Cycle-time measurement -builds on flow mapping and involves measuring and charting the time associated with various parts of the patient visit.


6 Due diligence for EHR- Ask questions! Does the system use the codes and terminologies that are frequently used in your specialty? Can the system handle multiple physicians and/or offices? Where is the data stored? On servers in your office or is it offered as a cloud service? Does the system safeguard information in compliance with HIPAA? How can you access the information? On a computer only or can you use notepads or a blackberry? Does the EHR system manage other patient information such as test results, x-rays What are the costs? The maintenance costs? Is the software CCHIT certified?

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