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Station #8: At this station you will: 1. Describe the benefits of volcanoes 2. Complete the math problem on researching volcanoes.

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Presentation on theme: "Station #8: At this station you will: 1. Describe the benefits of volcanoes 2. Complete the math problem on researching volcanoes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Station #8: At this station you will: 1. Describe the benefits of volcanoes 2. Complete the math problem on researching volcanoes

2 BENEFITS Volcano Hazards and Benefits Information about the Earth Volcanologists and other scientists can gain information about the Earth’s interior. Geothermal heat The underground heat can be harnessed to heat water and to power cities. Rich soil to grow crops Some volcanic soils are rich in minerals that can help grow rice, vegetables, and fruit crops. Rock for materials/products Building materials such as cement and concrete blocks can be made from rocks such as pumice. It is also used to make cleaners, soaps, and cosmetics.

3 HAZARDS Volcano Hazards and Benefits Climate Change The volcanic ash and gases that spread throughout the atmosphere can alter the average global temperature. Loss of life Volcanoes have killed more than 225,000 people during the past 400 years. Cost of destruction The cost of destruction by volcanoes is almost impossible to calculate since the damage caused to the environment may not be known for years.

4 PROBLEM #5 Robots have been used to work in areas such as Mount Erebus in Antarctica, the southernmost active volcano on earth. Suppose it costs $3.14 million to operate one robot for one year in Antarctica. It costs $3.14 million for two volcanologists including their equipment to do the same job. The cost of their equipment is $2.12 million. How much does it cost for one volcanologist to work for a year in Antarctica, not including equipment?

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