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TEP - Geohazards PDR co-location Meeting M.F. Buongiorno, M. Silvestri, M. Musacchio, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia Terradue - Rome, 2016-05-23.

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Presentation on theme: "TEP - Geohazards PDR co-location Meeting M.F. Buongiorno, M. Silvestri, M. Musacchio, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia Terradue - Rome, 2016-05-23."— Presentation transcript:

1 TEP - Geohazards PDR co-location Meeting M.F. Buongiorno, M. Silvestri, M. Musacchio, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia Terradue - Rome, 2016-05-23

2 Voltage Pilot Project STEMP (Surface TEMPerature) chain for GEP VOLTAGE (VOLcanoes Thermal Application for GEP) is aimed to the production and implementation of an E2E processing chain dedicated to the estimation of surface temperature named STEMP to be integrated in GEP The scope of STEMP is the systematic processing of EO optical data acquired over Etna and Campi Flegrei in Italy, Arenal in Costa Rica and Puyehue-Gordon Caulle in Chile. All these are active volcanoes

3 Basis on Volcanoes under study The volcanic explosivity index (VEI) is a relative measure of the explosiveness of volcanic eruptionsvolcanic eruptions

4 MT. Etna Mt Etna is the largest active volcano in Europe with a diameter of 40x40 kmq and elevation of abot 3350 m a.s.l. Towering above the city of Catania on the island of Sicily, it has been growing for about 500,000 years. Mt Etna has the longest period of documented eruptions in the world. Etna is noted for the wide variety of eruption styles.

5 CAMPI FLEGREI AREA The earliest known eruptive products are dated 47,000 years before present (BP). The Campi Flegrei caldera formed following two large explosive eruptions, the massive Campanian ignimbrite about 36,000 years BP, and the >40 cubic km Neapolitan Yellow Tuff (NYT) about 15,000 years BP. Following eruption of the NYT a large number of eruptions have taken place from widely scattered subaerial and submarine vents. Most activity occurred during three intervals: 15,000-9500, 8600- 8200, and 4800-3800 years BP. Two eruptions have occurred in historical time, one in 1158 at Solfatara and the other in 1538 that formed the Monte Nuovo cinder cone.

6 COSTA RICA: ARENAL VOLCANO Arenal is the youngest stratovolcano in Costa Rica and one of its most active, indeed an eruptive period that began with a major explosive eruption in 1968 ended in December 2010; continuous explosive activity accompanied by slow lava effusion and the occasional emission of pyroclastic flows characterized the eruption from vents at the summit and on the upper western flank.

7 COSTA RICA: TURRIALBA VOLCANO Turrialba, the easternmost of Costa Rica's Holocene volcanoes, is a large vegetated basaltic-to-dacitic stratovolcano located across a broad saddle NE of Irazú volcano overlooking the city of Cartago. Covers an area of 500 sq km, and is one of Costa Rica's most voluminous volcanoes. Three well-defined craters occur at the upper SW end of a broad 800 x 2200 m summit depression that is breached to the NE. Most activity originated from the summit vent complex, but two pyroclastic cones are located on the SW flank.

8 Test: Cile Puyehue-Cordón Caulle The Puyehue-Cordón Caulle (Chile) volcanic complex (PCCVC) is a large NW-SE-trending late-Pleistocene to Holocene basaltic-to-rhyolitic transverse volcanic chain SE of Lago Ranco. It is located near the Chile-Argentina border and it represents a typical cross- border treat, also considering that the most common wind direction is west-east then the eruptive plume flows and falls over the two countries

9 Data Resources: Area Of Interest

10 User Stories

11 Data Resourcs: EO

12 Data Resources: Time Of Interest EO optical data suitable or to be tested for surface temperature estimation are Sentinel 2 and Sentinel 3 since their availability LANDSAT8 and TERRA-ASTER for at least two year of data since 2013

13 Data Resources: In Situ INGV has the capability to collect ground truth data by means of discontinuous field campaign. Such campaigns are aimed to the acquisition of surface temperature by using several thermometer (e.g. Infrared, thermocouple), in parallel to the satellite passages. These data can be used for products validation. In order to remove the effect of the atmosphere on the EO satellite data for obtaining the surface temperature, the atmospheric correction has to be applied. This correction is done by means in situ data provided by University of Wyoming and containing several information as: vertical profiles of temperature, atmospheric pressure, humidity, wind speed and direction, geopotential height and others

14 Results: Mt. Etna (Sicily) ASTER DAY 17/04/2016 ASTER NIGHT 14/03/2016 LANDSAT8 DAY 21/02/2016 LANDSAT8 NIGTH 27/01/2016 DATATIMEASTER-1roiASTER-2roiLANDSAT-1roiLANDSAT-2roiTemp_AST08-1roiTemp_AST08-2roi ASTER-AST08 ROI1 ASTER-AST08 ROI2 10/01/201621:002,59152,52652,07911,880,51240,6465 27/01/201620:451,6852-1,2887 05/02/20169:363,33057,2719 11/02/201621:005,13352,8685,88333,46420,74980,5962 21/02/20169:3619,018730,6303 14/03/201621:004,0103-4,42832,3653-3,13161,6451,2967 15/04/201621:006,12231,18565,97041,4750,15190,2894 17/04/20169:3038,271153,629838,942854,01420,67170,3844

15 Results: Solfatara (Naples) ASTER DAY 14/03/2016 ASTER NIGHT 18/12/2015 LANDSAT8 DAY 31/03/2016 LANDSAT8 NIGTH 16/04/2016 DATATIMEASTER-1roiASTER-2roiLANDSAT-1roiLANDSAT-2roiTemp_AST08-1roiTemp_AST08-2roi ASTER-AST08 ROI1 ASTER- AST08 ROI2 14/03/201610:0019,082921,446819,537721,66580,45480,219 31/03/20169:4028,300525,845 15/04/201610:0025,179329,348127,066630,28751,88730,9394 16/04/20169:4029,495229,7765 16/04/201620:4616,594113,5791

16 Results: Cile Puyehue-Cordón Caulle ASTER DAY 07/05/2016 ASTER NIGHT 07/05/2016 LANDSAT8 DAY 21/02/2016 DATATIMEASTER-1roiASTER-2roiLANDSAT-1roiLANDSAT-2roi Temp_AST08 -1roi Temp_AST08- 2roi ASTER-AST08 ROI1 ASTER- AST08 ROI2 23/01/201614:5350,294139,906745,325638,11564,96851,7911 31/01/201614:3528,88128,324400 03/03/201614:35CLOUD 00 19/03/201614:3519,037517,459500 03/04/201614:530,0005 frame not included-0,06590,0664 07/05/201603:422,52122,60462,08032,83140,44090,2268 07/05/201614:53 frame not included8,0813 frame not included7,89470,1866

17 Results: Costa Rica Arenal ASTER NIGTH 17/04/2006 LANDSAT8 DAY 27/10/2015 ASTER DAY 17/04/2006 DATATIMEASTER-1roiLANDSAT-1roiTemp_AST08-1roi ASTER-AST08 ROI1 17/04/200604:0214,3904 17/04/200616:04-5,3095-9,01273,7032 27/10/201516:0024,32070 15/12/201516:1217,0272 23/01/201604:0220,785

18 ICT Resources ensure by GEP

19 Processing services STEMP will generates surface temperature map STEMP will be operated directly by the USER. At this stage two agencies have been identify to be involved as USER: Italian Civil Protection and Argentinian Central Inteligencia Geoespacial or Laboratory for Study and Monitoring of Active Volcanoes (LESVA) STEMP will run on-demand for the chosen volcanoes Aster, L8, S2, S3 Surface Temperature Map

20 Integration plan Concerning S3 SLTSR data the foreseen deadline strictly depends on the data availability. Access to simulate data will be considered to speed up the dedicated STEMP processing chain


22 Specific Requirements for STEMP processor A proper use of STEMP processor requires as mandatory input atmospheric profile and co-registered DEM. Both data are used to characterize the column atmosphere over volcanic area and remove its contribution to the EO data. INGV and T2 are developing a routine dedicated to query and download atmospheric profile for all the world to be used in STEMP Besides these data also emissivity value is necessary for the algorithm implemented within STEMP Emissivity value is obtained by standard ASTER archive The capability of GEP will produce, on demand, surface temperature map over a wide number of volcanoes and for a long time period, enabling the possibility to analyze trend and variation of surface temperature into spatial and time domain. The coverage of these requirements will ensure the correctness of STEMP functionalities allowing the User to obtain a reliable product

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