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T H E C Z E C H R E P U B L I C T H E C Z E C H R E P U B L I C... my country.

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Presentation on theme: "T H E C Z E C H R E P U B L I C T H E C Z E C H R E P U B L I C... my country."— Presentation transcript:

1 T H E C Z E C H R E P U B L I C T H E C Z E C H R E P U B L I C... my country

2 My homeland on map: The Czech Republic is located in the heart of Europe. In my homeland lives 10 521 646 inhabitants. The Czech Republic is a member of European Union since 2004.

3 Our national symbols … we´re proud of them: 1. 1.The flag 2. The state emblem 3. The national anthem

4 PRAHA – it´s a name of our capitol city There are a lots of sights. For example: National TheatreCharles Bridge Prague castle Astronomical Clock Astronomical Clock

5 OTHER BIG CITIES…. Ostrava Brno Hradec Králové

6 MOUNTAINS…. the most beautiful sites in the Czech Republic The highest Mountains is Krnonoše. The biggest mountain´s name is Sněžka. Itś 1,602 meters high. Sněžka

7 Rivers: The longest river is Labe. It springs in Krkonoše. The longest river is Labe. It springs in Krkonoše. Source of Labe Our natinal river is Vltava. The composer Bedřich Smetana wrote a symphony about it.

8 Tourist attractions ZOO Dvůr Králové Mountain ŘípCastle Karlštejn Velká Pardubická steeplechaseAutomotodrom in Brno

9 Famous products of the Czech Republic Becherovka Škoda Car Cut glass Pilsner Urquell Becherovka Škoda Car Cut glass Pilsner Urquell

10 And now… a quiz about my homeland : Answer or correct! You can find the right answers in the previous slideshow. Good luck!!!  What´s the name of my homeland?  How is called our capitol city?  There is an Astronomical clock. Is it true?  Do you know another big city in my country?  The highest mountains is called Alps. Is it true?  The longest river is Vlatava. Is it true?  Correct mistakes: There are these tourist attractions – ZOO, castle Moritzburg, mountain Mont Everest  Do you know at least two products from the Czech Republic?  The last questions is in the next page………… click

11 I love my country A N D Y O U ?

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