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Suronjit Dey Assistant Teacher(English) Jamal Khan Kusum Kumari City Corporation Girls’ High School,Chittagong.

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Presentation on theme: "Suronjit Dey Assistant Teacher(English) Jamal Khan Kusum Kumari City Corporation Girls’ High School,Chittagong."— Presentation transcript:

1 Suronjit Dey Assistant Teacher(English) Jamal Khan Kusum Kumari City Corporation Girls’ High School,Chittagong.

2 English 1 st Paper Class:Nine Time:45minutes

3 Look at the picture and answer the questions: 1.What do you think the woman is to the child? 2.Why is she holding the child on her flank? 3.Can a mother be compared to anybody? “She can be compared with no other; This lovely lady is none but my mother.”

4 MOTHER’S DAY Unit:3,Lesson:1,Page:27

5 By the end of the lesson,SS will be able to- 1.learn related vocabularies. about events and festivals. 3.ask and answer questions. 4.choose the best answer from the alternatives. 5.write paragraph from given questions. Learning Outcomes

6 WordMeaning Flank(noun)Arm Trace(verb)Mark Adopt (verb) Accept Proclaim (verb) Announce Dine out(verb) To have dinner Nurture (verb) Bring up Vocabulary Presentation

7 Mother’s Day can be traced back to the times of ancient Greece when tribute was paid to ….. … ‘Rhea’ the mother of gods.The next recorded tribute to mothers was paid during the 17 th century when England celebrated…..on the fourth Sunday in honour of…. ….Mary,the mother of Jesus Chirst.

8 Julia Ward Howe,an American author who wrote “The Battle of Hymn of the Republic”,suggested the idea of … …in 1872.

9 However, it is Anna Jarvis of Philadelphia who is credited with creating Mother’s Day in 1905.In 1910,West Virginia became the first state in the USA to adopt a formal holiday to recognise mothers.A year later nearly every state officially marked the day of celebration.In 1914,…. ….proclaimed Mother’s Day as a national holiday to be the second Sunday of May.Today Mother’s Day is celebrated throughout the world on different days. The USA,Denmark,Finland,Italy,Turkey Australia,Belgium and Bangladesh celebrate the day on the second Sunday in May,while the UK and some other countries do it on the fourth Sunday.

10 On this day, mothers are honoured by their families in different ways.They dine out with them,give them….. Flowers,Gifts & Cards. The celebration of Mother’s Day should be every day. Mothers are the persons who nurture us,teach us,protect us and make us feel good.They are the people in our lives who are the most responsible for the way we grow.

11 EVALUATION Choose the correct answer: 1.According to ancient Greek myths Rhea is the--- a. mother of gods. b. goddess of love. c. goddess of wealth. d. goddess of health. 2.The name of Jesus Christ’s mother was--- a. Rhea. b. Mary. c. Anna. d. Anna Junior. 3.Julia Ward Howe was--- a. Dutch. b. English. c. Australian. d. American. 4.Mother’s Day was first announced as a formal holiday in the USA in--- a.1872. b.1905. c.1910. d.1914. 5.In 1914 the American president was--- a. Roosevelt. b. Ford. c. Nixon. d.Wilson. 6.Which country doesn’t celebrate Mother’s Day on the 2 nd Sunday of May--- a. Denmark. b. The UK c. Italy. d. Turkey. a.Mother of gods b.Mary d.American d.1914 b.The UK d.Wilson

12 Pair Work Answer the following questions in pairs: 1.What country first observed Mother’s Day as a national holiday? 2.When is Mother’s Day now celebrated by most of the countries in the world? 3.How is Mother’s Day usually observed? 4.Why should we observe Mother’s Day?

13 Home Task Write a paragraph by answering the following questions: 1.Do you help your mother with her work? How? 2.Do you celebrate Mother’s Day? If yes,when and how?

14 Grammar Focus Passive voice Example:Mothers are honoured by their families in different ways. Structure: Sub(Obj.of Active) + Auxi.verb +(be/being/been) +P.P form of main verb + by +Obj(Sub.of Active).

15 মাকে মনে পড়ে সান্ত্বনা চট্টোপাধ্যায় আজ দিনটা মেঘলা, বৃষ্টি হয়েছে শুরু, রাস্তায় এক হাঁটু জল, মেয়ে বললে ডেকে আজ খিচুরি কর মা, আজ খাবনা মাছের ঝোল । খিচুরির সাথে কি খাবি বিনু – মা বলতেন ডেকে, ফুলুরি, বেগুনি ভাল লাগে খুব, ডিম ভাজা যদি থাকে । চিকেন পাকোড়া – মেয়ে বলে দূর থেকে । তোলা উনুনের গরমে মায়ের ফরসা মুখটা লাল । আমি আর ভাই, গপা - গপ খাই বসে । আহা কি যে স্বাদ তার । ডিনার টেবিলে মেয়ে বলে - মা দারুন হয়েছে ফ্রাই । লাল পাড় সাদা সারিটা মায়ের – প্রথম আমার কেনা । চোখে জল মুখে হাসিটি মায়ের ফ্রেমের দেবি প্রতীমা । মাদার্স ডে - র গিফটা দেখ মা পছন্দ হল কিনা । মাগো কোনদিন বুঝিনি তুমি কতখানি জুরে ছিলে - বুঝিনি আমার জীবনে তুমি কতখানি ছিলে দামী । বুঝেছি তোমার স্নেহকে আজ মা, মেয়ের পানেতে চেয়ে, স্নেহ যে নিম্নগামী । Let’s finish our class by the Poem:


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