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Presentation Title Paper to be discussed.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation Title Paper to be discussed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation Title Paper to be discussed

2 Backoffice possible operational changes Discussion on Tendering Process Election of Chairman - Candidates are Welcome The following papers are being worked on

3 Traditionally HEPTech has been “hosted” by CERN, using a Team Account This gives us some advantages, as CERN has the “engine” in place to manage the finances. With Antonio moving to the UK, we are now “controlling” this engine from afar. We are informing board of a possible process change and seeking feedback. Back office - Background

4 We wish to simplify the way that we issue some invoices. We want to be more responsive to requests to pay We want to be clearer about what will be funded. Back office – Improvements

5 We are exploring running some of the back office invoice generation and payment via Ian & Antonio’s employer It has an admin team that is close to the core HEPTech team It has a track record for running a number of larger than HEPTech EU funded projects Back Office - changes

6 This should simplify the process of tracking what payments have been made and received This should reduce the effort we spend in “driving” our backend Back Office - Benefits

7 This is still work in progress and we are checking the details, but we see: Subscriptions will still be collected by CERN AIMEs, Symposium, etc. will be processed from the UK We are exploring the other elements like travel We will share with board the changes in June. Back office – changes

8 What questions do you have? What worries you ? (About this topic, if possible) Backoffice - concerns

9 Presentation Title Tendering

10 We were asked to consider a more formal approach to tendering for the products and services that HEPTech buys. We have considered it. We think it is vital that HEPTech is ran to good practice with the money that we have been given to spend from both your subscriptions, CERN additional contributions and other monies that we raise from our activity. We should put in place an appropriate tendering requirement At the previous board

11 We do have certain products & skills that are unlikely to be sensible to tender e.g. Once we have decided who is hosting the HEPTech Symposium, then tendering would not be sensible We have key people that we hire, via a purchase order to their current employer. Tendering would not be sensible Tendering

12 I suggest that we adopt similar tendering limits as our members Any purchase that will be sensible to tender will be funded from a board paper. And accept that the board may decide that tendering is not appropriate on a case by case basis. When we have real examples of tenders we wish to run, we will “borrow” appropriate rules, and submit them with the funding board paper Suggested Policy

13 Presentation Title Chairman

14 Election of Chairman Candidates are Welcome Reminder

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