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Introduction to Controlled Assessment 1 minute on… - Causes of WW1 - Trenches: formation & conditions - Battle of the Somme.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Controlled Assessment 1 minute on… - Causes of WW1 - Trenches: formation & conditions - Battle of the Somme."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Controlled Assessment 1 minute on… - Causes of WW1 - Trenches: formation & conditions - Battle of the Somme

2 What do you know about… - Recruitment - Any other battles - Conscientious Objectors

3 Recruitment Lesson Aims To use a variety of primary sources to understand how the British Government persuaded people to join the army

4 Watch the Video What do you see? What don’t you see (but would expect)? Why did these videos get made?

5 WW1 Recruitment Clip 0A 0A

6 Outbreak of War When war broke out the Government asked for 100,000 volunteers. The response was far better than anyone expected. 750,000 men joined the army in one month. Why?

7 Source A

8 Source B

9 Source C

10 A Source D

11 Source E

12 Source F

13 Why did he join up? What can this tell us about the effectiveness of propaganda? What do you think would have been the most effective methods used?

14 Valentine Strudwick, who died at the age of a young 15 on 14 January 1916. His local paper wrote, 'Pte Valentine Joe Strudwick of the 8th Rifle Brigade, joined up twelve months ago, and at the time of his death...had not reached his sixteenth birthday... a fine example of those maturer years who have not yet joined up...'

15 Conscription - 1916 The Military Service Act of January 1916 specified that single men between the ages of 18 and 41 were liable to be called-up for military service unless they were widowed with children or ministers of religion. Conscription started on 2nd March 1916. The act was extended to married men on 25th May 1916. The law went through several changes before the war's end with the age limit eventually being raised to 51. sh_Army_in_the_First_World_War

16 Homework Fact-file on Recruitment (use VLE page) – Names – Dates – Statistics – Reasons for joining the Armed Forces – Why was conscription introduced? How useful is this poster for telling you why people joined the army in ww1? Use the content, provenance and your own knowledge to answer. British Recruitment poster from 1915

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