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Qualitative Information This is the imformation that constract by words. Ex. Today is hot.

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Presentation on theme: "Qualitative Information This is the imformation that constract by words. Ex. Today is hot."— Presentation transcript:

1 Qualitative Information This is the imformation that constract by words. Ex. Today is hot

2 Quantitative Information This is the information which have the data in the sentence to express an imformation. Ex. The tempreture of the day is 38 degrees.

3 Observation The observation is appened in experiments, you watch the physical change of the objects Ex. the observation of plants photosynthesis

4 Interpretation The same meaning of defination but it is more formal

5 Description The description means that sentences are express a situation in chemistry experience or phenomenon.

6 Data Data means that the huge amounts of numbers and organize like a report

7 Experiment This is the process in order to prove some theory or any hypothesis. Ex. The experiment of seperation in order to seperate pure water from dirty water.

8 Hypothesis This word means that state a guessing of the experiment's consequence.

9 Theory Theory means the saying that is well-known but no one can prove that. Ex. Plate tectonics theory

10 Law The law mwans that acording to own experience to relect a necessity. Ex. Newton laws

11 Matter The matter is an abstract thing, it contain the mass and space. Ex. Human is matter. Computer is matter

12 Physical property The physical property means the object you can observe by your eyes it is measurable. Ex. The mass of the wood.

13 Chemical property The property which have acid, base or flammable. Ex. The paper could be burned.

14 Extensive property The objects which you can the date from the suface. Ex. mass, density.....

15 Intensive property The opposite meaning of physical property, you must do experiments or test to get the more detailed data from the object. Ex. The object is flammable

16 Solid The solid is an object with certain hardness. Ex. Ice wood plastic

17 Liquids The liquids is an object exsist like a aqueous. Ex. Water, NACL(aq)

18 Gases The gas means the exsist form like air. Ex. O2,CO2......

19 Hardness Hardness means that how hard the objects are. Ex. The wood have hardness but the water don't.

20 Malleability The dough throw on the table and it is expended.

21 Ductility The object is heated and it can strech like a wire. Ex. The copper

22 Lustre The light reflect on the liquid and the flash will be refrected.

23 Viscosity The liquid have the sticky characteristic. Ex. Honey

24 Diffusion How the particles mix together

25 Vapour The process of an object become the gas by heat

26 Elements The objects which is contain electron proton and nuetron. Ex. o,C,Cl,K.......

27 Atom The form of expression of elements but with out charge Ex. O2, C2.......

28 Molecule In chemistry, a molecule is defined as a sufficiently stable, electrically neutral group of at least two atoms in a definite arrangement held together by very strong chemical bonds.

29 Ion The elements with charge Ex. O^-2.......

30 Particle

31 Homogenous The Homogenous mean the two or more objects mix together but it looks still like one thing Ex. Nacl(Aq)

32 Hetrogenous One object have two phases Ex. Jelly

33 Pure Substance The pure sunstance is one example of homogenous, there is only one object. Ex. Water

34 Mixture two or more than two substance combind together. Ex. Dirty water

35 Mechanical Mixture

36 Solution The solution is made by two part one is solute the other is solvent. Ex. Nacl(aq)

37 Solute The solute is the most percentage in the solution. Ex. Water is the solvent in the Nacl solution.

38 Solvent The solvent is the least percentage in the solution. Ex. salt is the solute in the Nacl solution.

39 Compund The number of the atoms mix together. Ex. Caco3, KCL, HNo3......

40 Homogenous Mixture Two or more homogenous mix together Ex.Water and Nacl(aq)

41 Heterogenous Mixture The two hetrogenous mix together Ex. Jelly and Cola

42 Filtration Filtration is one of the seperation, by using the funnel

43 Filtrate Filtrate is the liquid which seperated from the filtration seperation

44 Residue The residue is the solid that sepreated from the filtration seperation

45 Distillation Is the seperation for seperate liquids and liquids

46 Solvent Extraction The seperation of solvent

47 Recrystallization recrystallization is make crystal into the water. And get the crystal again,in order to get more pure object.

48 Gravity Seperation The Gravity separation is an industrial method of separating two components, either a suspension, or dry granular mixture where separating the components with gravity is sufficiently practical

49 Chromatography Chromatography is the collective term for a set of laboratory techniques for the separation of mixtures

50 Chemical change Chemical changes occur when a substance combines with another to form a new substance

51 Physical Change hysical changes are changes affecting the form of a chemical substance, but not its chemical composition.

52 Kinetic energy kinetic energy of an object is the energy that it possesses due to its motion.

53 Rotational energy Causes a molecule to rotate arround one of its axes

54 Vibrational Energy It changes the bond lengths or bond anglesbetween atoms in a molecue.

55 Translational Energy Travel in a straight line from place to place






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