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Presented by Omar Adra - President

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1 Presented by Omar Adra - President
Sustainable Uranium Resources Development Business Model Canvas for UrAmerica Argentina S.A. Central Plateau Project Presented by Omar Adra - President In cooperation with Luis López (CNEA)

2 Infrastructure Key activities
Uranium exploration, focused on supplying future local & international demand - Central Plateau Project in the San Jorge Basin, Chubut Province, Argentina (sandstone type U deposits) Key resources Human Resources: 30 Physical resources : headquarters in Buenos Aires, technical office in Paso de Indios (Chubut), truck-mounted RC drill rig, full service equipment and in-house drilling crew Financial – Typical budget: : US$18,000,000 Intellectual: 6 exploration permits, 59 statements of discovery (224,000 has) *owned & JV´s. Inferred resource of 7,350 tU grading 265 ppm eU, certified by NI Key partners JV with United Energy Metals since 2010 Strategic Alliance with Cameco from 2011 to 2013 Argentine UO2 conversion plant – Dioxitek S.A. Foreign nuclear fuel manufacturers

3 Value Propositions Environmentally friendly, low-cost, innovative uranium extraction, to provide revenue, employment and social benefits with a strategic nuclear raw material supply Augmentation of nuclear mineral resources Development of ISR uranium project in Chubut Province Uranium supply from domestic sources for the current operating reactors and those planned for the future Social licensing

4 Customers Customer Segments Channels Customer Relationships
UrAmerica´s customer would be CNEA/Dioxitek S.A. Channels One-on-one relationship Uranium production cycle meetings Press releases Customer Relationships Public-Private Partnership Cooperative Agreement with Governmental Nuclear Agencies Consortium Medium – long term contracts

5 Finances Cost structure Revenue streams
Estimated production costs lower than USD 80/ kg U Cost structure will be adjusted after complexion of ISL pre-feasibility studies Revenue streams Funding from own resources and JVs Average annual investment of US$ 2,000,000 ( ) More favorable scenarios both at national and international levels, are expected

6 The UBM Canvas for Argentina – UrAmerica – CP Project
Key Partners Cameco United Energy Metals S.A. Dioxitek S.A. Foreign nuclear fuel manufacturers Key Activities Uranium Exploration in Argentina Value Propositions Environmentally friendly, low-cost, innovative uranium extraction, to provide revenue, employment and social benefits with a strategic nuclear raw material supply Customer Relationships Public-Private Partnership Cooperative Agreement with Governmental Nuclear Agencies Consortium Medium – long term contracts Customer Segments CNEA/Dioxitek S.A. Key Resources Human Resources: 30 Headquarters, technical office, exploration infrastructure Budget : US$18,000,000 NI IR of 7, ppm eU Channels One-on-one relationship Uranium production cycle meetings Press releases Cost Structure Estimated production costs lower than USD 80/ kg U Cost structure will be adjusted after complexion of ISL pre-feasibility studies Revenue Streams Funding from own resources and JVs Average annual investment of US$ 2,000,000 ( ) More favorable scenarios both at national and international levels, are expected

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