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Occupational Health Module

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1 Occupational Health Module

2 Occupational Hygiene

3 Occupational Hygiene objectives
Importance of Health Working Environment Relationship between Preventive Components and Health Working Environment What is Occupational Hygiene and hygienist, and, what do we do

4 Human & Environment Work Environment (unhealthy) Disease Diagnosis
Treatment and Cure HEALTHY PERSON

5 Recognition and evaluation of problem Preventive control measures
Human & Environment Work Environment (unhealthy) Disease Diagnosis Recognition and evaluation of problem Treatment and Cure Preventive control measures Work Environment (healthy) HEALTHY PERSON

6 Preventive Components
Work Environment (unhealthy) OH Professionals OH Nurses OH Doctors/Physicians Ergonomists Occupational Hygienists Epidemiologists Recognition and evaluation of problem Preventive control measures Other Professionals Safety Officers Legal Advisers Engineers Work Environment (healthy)

7 Concept & Definition OCCUPATIONAL HYGIENE
Anticipation, recognition, evaluation and control of hazards in the working environment with the objective of protecting worker health and well-being and safeguarding the community at large

8 Occupational hygiene is considered a "science"; but it is also an art that involves judgment, creativity and human interaction.

9 Occupational Hygienist (OH)
Scientists and engineers committed to protecting the health and safety of people in the workplace and the community Traditionally occupational hygienists worked primarily in factories and other industrial settings Today, Occupational hygienists can be found in almost every type of work setting

10 Goal of the occupational hygienist
Keep workers, their families, and the community healthy and safe. Play a vital part in ensuring OHS laws and regulations are followed in the work environment

11 Typical roles of the OH Investigating and examining the workplace for hazards and potential dangers Making recommendations on improving the safety of workers and the surrounding community Conducting scientific research to provide data on possible harmful conditions in the workplace Developing techniques to anticipate and control potentially dangerous situations in the workplace and the community

12 Cont…… Training and educating the community about job-related risks
Advising government officials and participating in the development of regulations to ensure the health and safety of workers and their families Ensuring that workers are properly following health and safety procedures

13 What do OH do? Anticipation Recognise hazards/sources
Evaluate exposure/risk Design, evaluate effectiveness of control strategies

14 Anticipation Vital skill Require access to readily available sources;
MSDS Literatures Past experiences Online database

15 Recognise hazards/sources
Records of accidents and diseases Raw materials, products, by-product Design of process, equipment, environment Process and operations Walkthrough survery – senses, talk to workers, etc Grab samples (air, dust, gas, water, soil etc) Measure noise levels etc..

16 Evaluate exposure/risk
Purpose exposure evaluation and assessing risks associated with the hazards A typical risk assessment include, Identify the health effects & route of entry Estimate likelihood of exposure by : Monitoring the exposure to the hazard (e.g. substance/noise/dust) Comparing with recommended exposure standard or limits Deciding whether there is a risk to health & safety Some may not need instrument but some require specific instruments Standard, regulations e.g. personal exposure,

17 Specific Instruments Noise level – Dosimeter, SLM Lighting – Luxmeter
Heat – WBGT, Psychrometer Gas/Vapour/Fumes – Gas detector, Drager pump Dust – suction pump

18 Evaluate Controls Principle of control measures
Hierarchy of control measures

19 Summary Occupational Hygiene Preventive Control Measures
Identify hazards/sources Evaluate risk of exposure, environment, modes of action, process Design, evaluate effectiveness of control strategies Risk Assessment of health hazards Preventive Control Measures Multidisciplinary Team

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