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Shane Marcus Claire Scimeca Jacob Ellis Yu-Shang Tu Sue Young.

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Presentation on theme: "Shane Marcus Claire Scimeca Jacob Ellis Yu-Shang Tu Sue Young."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shane Marcus Claire Scimeca Jacob Ellis Yu-Shang Tu Sue Young

2  Concepts:  Mass  Vectors  Displacement  Speed  Acceleration  Velocity  Acceleration due to Gravity  Newton’s 1 st Law  Newton’s 2 nd Law  Newton’s 3 rd Law  Inertia  Weight  Tension  Normal Force  Kinetic friction (air resistance)  Equilibrium  Non-equilibrium  Inertial Frame of Reference  Uniform Circular Motion (UCM)  Centripetal Force  Centripetal Acceleration  Work-Energy Theorem (marble did work to initiate mouse trap)  Work  Kinetic Energy  Gravitational Potential Energy  Power (instantaneous)  Conservative Forces  Impulse  Linear Momentum  Conservation of Momentum  Inelastic Collision  2-D Collision  Center of Mass  Axis Of Rotation  Angular Displacement  Angular Velocity  Angular Acceleration  Tangential Speed  Torque  Center of Gravity  Moment of Inertia  Angular Momentum  Conservation of Angular Momentum  Hooke’s Law  Spring Constant  Restoring Force  Elastic Potential Energy  Lever Arm  Wavelength  Speed of Sound  Loudness  Constructive Interference  In Phase  Sound Intensity

3  Concepts:  Mass  Vectors  Displacement  Speed  Velocity  Acceleration  Acceleration due to Gravity  Newton’s 1 st Law  Newton’s 2 nd Law  Newton’s 3 rd Law  Inertia  Universal Gravitation  Weight  Kinetic Friction  Equilibrium  Non-Equilibrium  Inertial Frame of Reference  Uniform Circular Motion (UCM)  Centripetal Acceleration  Centripetal Force  Work-Energy Theorem  Work  Kinetic Energy  Gravitational Potential Energy  Power  Conservative Force  Non-Conservative Force  Center of Mass  Impulse  Linear Momentum  Conservation of Momentum  Inelastic Collision  Axis of Rotation  Angular Displacement  Angular Velocity  Tangential Speed  Torque  Lever Arm  Center of Gravity  Moment of Inertia  Angular Momentum  Conservation of Angular Momentum

4  Concepts:  Mass  Vectors  Displacement  Distance  Speed  Velocity  Acceleration  Acceleration due to Gravity  Freefall  Newton’s 1 st Law  Newton’s 2 nd Law  Newton’s 3 rd Law  Inertia  Weight  Tension  Kinetic Friction  Non-Equilibrium  Inertial Frame of Reference  Work-Energy Theorem  Work  Kinetic Energy  Gravitational Potential Energy  Power  Conservative Forces  Impulse  Linear Momentum  Conservation of Momentum  Elastic Collision  2-D Collision  Center of Mass  Simple Pendulum  Wavelength  Speed of Sound  Constructive Interference  In Phase  Ferromagnetic (the steel bar)

5  Concepts:  Mass  Vectors  Displacement  Distance  Speed  Velocity  Acceleration  Acceleration due to Gravity  Projectile Motion  Relative Velocity  Newton’s 1 st Law  Newton’s 2 nd Law  Newton’s 3 rd Law  Inertia  Universal Gravitation  Weight (of ball)  Tension (string holding back catapult)  Normal Force  Kinetic Friction  Non-Equilibrium  Centripetal Force  Centripetal Acceleration  Work-Energy Theorem  Work  Kinetic Energy  Potential Energy  Power  Conservative Force  Impulse  Linear Momentum  Conservation of Momentum  Inelastic Collision (ball hitting funnel)  2-D Collision  Center of Mass  Axis of Rotation  Angular Momentum  Angular Velocity  Angular Acceleration  Tangential Speed  Torque  Lever Arm  Moment of Inertia  Angular Momentum  Conservation of Angular Momentum  Hooke’s Law  Spring Constant  Restoring Force (rubber band)  Elastic Potential Energy  Inertial Frame of Reference

6  Concepts:  Mass  Vectors  Displacement  Distance  Velocity  Acceleration  Acceleration due to Gravity  Newton’s 1 st Law  Newton’s 2 nd Law  Newton’s 3 rd Law  Inertia  Inertial Frame of Reference  Universal Gravitation  Weight  Normal Force  Static Friction  Kinetic Friction  Non-Equilibrium  Banked Curves  Work-Energy Theorem  Work  Gravitational Potential Energy  Kinetic Energy  Impulse  Linear Momentum  Conservation of Momentum  Elastic Collision  2-D Collision  Center of Mass  Angular Velocity  Angular Displacement  Tangential Speed  Angular Speed  Angular Acceleration  Angular Momentum  Conservation of Angular Momentum

7  Concepts:  Mass  Vectors (current)  Speed (current)  Velocity (current)  Acceleration due to Gravity  Newton’s 1 st Law  Newton’s 2 nd Law  Newton’s 3 rd Law  Inertia  Weight  Normal Force  Static Friction  Kinetic Friction  Equilibrium  Inertial Frame of Reference  Work-Energy Theorem  Work  Kinetic Energy  Power  Conservative Forces  Non-conservative Forces  Linear Momentum  Conservation of Momentum  Center of Mass  Center of Gravity  Internal Energy  Temperature  Heat (created by laptop)  Specific Heat  Radiation  Conduction  Thermal Equilibrium  Thermo 0 th Law  Thermo 1 st Law  Thermo 2 nd Law  Magnetic Field  Magnetic Force  Magnetic Poles  Transformers  Electric Charge  Electric Force  Electric Field  Conductors  Insulators  Coulomb’s Law  Electric Potential Energy  Electric Potential  Capacitance  Current Resistivity Resistance DC Ohm’s Law Electric Power Series and Parallel Wiring Loop Rule Junction Rule Visible Light Colors Speed of Light Radiowaves (emitted by laptop) Quantized Conservation of Charge

8  Concepts:  Mass  Vectors (waves)  Velocity (waves)  Speed (waves)  Acceleration due to Gravity  Newton’s 1 st Law  Newton’s 2 nd Law  Newton’s 3 rd Law  Weight  Normal Force  Equilibrium  Period (sound wave)  Work-Energy Theorem  Work  Kinetic Energy  Gravitational Potential Energy  Power  Wavelength  SHM  Amplitude  Cycle  Frequency  Speed of Sound  Loudness  Sound Intensity  d β  Constructive Interference  Destructive Interference  Out of Phase  In phase  Linear Superposition  Beat Frequency  Transverse Wave  Ferromagnetism  Magnetic Field  Magnetic Force  Magnetic Poles  Electromagnets  Magnetic Flux  Induced EMF  Induced Current  Lenz’s Law  Gauss’s Law  Transformers  Quantized  Conservation of Charge  Electric Charge  Electric Field  Electric Force  Conductors  Coulomb’s Law  Electric Potential Energy  Electric Potential  Capacitance  Current  Resistivity  Resistance  DC  Ohm’s Law  Electric Power  Series and Parallel  Loop Rule  Junction Rule  Condensation  Rarefraction  Vibrations  Pitch

9  Concepts:  Mass  Vectors  Displacement  Distance  Speed  Velocity  Acceleration  Acceleration due to Gravity  Newton’s 1 st Law  Newton’s 2 nd Law  Newton’s 3 rd Law  Inertia  Universal Gravitation  Weight  Normal Force  Static Friction  Kinetic Friction  Work-Energy Theorem  Centripetal Acceleration (wheels on shooter)  Centripetal Force  UCM  Period (tires spinning)  Cycle (revolutions of tires)  Work  Kinetic Energy  Gravitational Potential Energy  Power  Conservative Forces  Impulse  Linear Momentum  Conservation of Momentum  Center of Mass  Axis of Rotation  Angular Displacement  Angular Velocity  Angular Acceleration  Tangential Speed  Inertial Frame of Reference  Batteries to power shooter-  Conservation of Charge  Quantized  Electric Potential  Electric Potential Energy  Electric Charge  Electric Field  Electric Force  Coulomb’s Law  Current

10  Concepts:  Mass  Vectors  Displacement  Speed  Velocity  Distance  Acceleration  Acceleration due to Gravity  Freefall  Projectile Motion  Newton’s 1 st Law  Newton’s 2 nd Law  Newton’s 3 rd Law  Inertia  Inertial Frame of Reference  Universal Gravitation  Weight  Normal Force  Static Friction  Kinetic Friction  Equilibrium  Non-equilibrium  Work-Energy Theorem  Work  Kinetic Energy  Gravitational Potential Energy  Power  Non-Conservative Forces  Impulse  Linear Momentum  Conservation of Momentum  Inelastic Collision  2-D Collision  Center of Mass  Center of Gravity  Axis of Rotation  Angular Displacement  Angular Velocity  Angular Acceleration  Tangential Speed  Torque  Lever Arm  Moment of Inertia  Angular Momentum

11  Concepts:  Mass  Inertia  Weight  Normal Force  Inertial Frame of Reference  Equilibrium  Kinetic Energy (of light)  Center of Mass  Wavelength  Electric Charge  Electric Field  Electric Force  Conductors  Insulators  Coulomb’s Law  Electric Potential Energy  Electric Potential  Capacitance  Current  Resistivity  Resistance  DC  AC  Ohm’s Law  Electric Power  Junction Rule  Visible Light  Colors  Speed of Light  Frequency  Light Intensity  Refraction  Snell’s Law

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