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The Land of the Dead pg. 675- 677 - Circe tells Odysseus he needs to talk to Teiresias to know his future -Odysseus finds the entrance & has a special.

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Presentation on theme: "The Land of the Dead pg. 675- 677 - Circe tells Odysseus he needs to talk to Teiresias to know his future -Odysseus finds the entrance & has a special."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Land of the Dead pg. 675- 677 - Circe tells Odysseus he needs to talk to Teiresias to know his future -Odysseus finds the entrance & has a special golden branch (holly) so he can enter & leave -sacrifice a sheep & lamb, has Teiresias drink the blood of this to tell the future -two outcomes (1) is that if his men don’t eat the cattle of the sun there is an easy way home for everyone (all of them survive), (2) if Odysseus’s men eat the cattle of the sun, they will all die, Odysseus will be alone, he will have a hard time getting home, where men are spending his money, eating his food, and trying to marry his wife, then he will have to kill these suitors (men who want to marry Penelope)

2 The Sirens, Scylla & Charybdis pg. 678-683 - O goes back to Circe’s Island -Circe tells him how to get to the cattle of the sun’s island -needs to navigate through three monsters or obstacles -Sirens: O has men put wax in their ears while he is tied to the mast while they row through -O doesn’t tell me about the moster Scylla, stears ship close to her & 6 of his men are lost instead of losing all his men and ships to Charybis (whirlpool) -make their way to Thrinakia (Island of the Cattle of the Sun aka Helios) EVENTNOTES

3 The Cattle of the Sun God pg. 684-686 - Odysseus’s men convince him to land on the island of Helios, but O has them promise NOT TO eat any of the cattle there -On the island for a month (due to storms) & supplies are running low -Odysseus goes to pray to gods for guidance & falls asleep -while asleep, O’s men kill & eat some of the cattle of the sun saying that it is better to suffer Helios’s rage than die of hunger -Odysseus wakes up & finds out what they have done -Once back on the ship, Zeus sends a thunderbolt destroying Odysseus’s ships, killing his men -O survives because he didn’t kill & eat any of the cattle, washes up on Calypso’s Island

4 EVENTNOTES Coming Home pg.690 -O returns to Ithaca in secret with a magically sailing ship from the Phaeacians, Athena disguises O as a beggar to protect him from his enemies -In disguise O goes to swineherd’s Eumaeus’s hut & gets info about what’s been going on at home -Telemachus returns & is warned by Athena that the suitors plan to kill him, lands in secret safely, makes his way to Eumaeus’s hut

5 EVENTNOTES Meeting of Father & Son pg. 691-694 - Eumaeus greets Telemachus as a son, Eumaeus doesn’t know the beggar is O & doesn’t like the suitors -Telemachus asks Eumaeus about news of his mom because he has been gone for a year -Eumaeus tells Telemachus that his mom is still single, hasn’t remarried, & grieves for Odysseus -Eumaeus is sent to the palace to tell Penelope of Telemachus’s return -Athena transforms O back to his original self but a little bit better -Telemachus doesn’t believe O is his father but a god -Odysseus convinces his son that he is father and they reunite after 20 years

6 EVENTNOTES Beggar & The Faithful Dog pg. 694-695 - Telemachus returns to the palace, a soothsayer (fortune teller) says O is alive & in Ithaca, Telemachus doesn’t tell his mother that his father is back -O as a beggar goes to the palace with Eumaeus -On the way into the palace, Argos his dog, hears his voice & wags his tail -Argos is mistreated, sleeps in manure, has flies & fleas -Both O & Eumaeus praise Argos as a good dog, swift, strong, courageous -As they enter the palace dies having seen O one last time

7 EVEN T NOTES The Epic Continu es pg. 696 - At the palace O as a beggar is mistreated by the suitors, he is insulted & abused (they throw things at him) but Penelope defends him & invites him to talk of Odysseus later with her -Penelope disciplines Telemachus for not standing up to the suitors when they mistreat the beggar -O & Telemachus discuss how to get rid of the suitors, O needs to test the female servants because some are involved with the suitors -Penelope talks to O as beggar, wants to know info about her husband, O makes up story about who is but tells her that he has meet Odysseus while traveling -O’s nurse Eurycleia recognizes O by his scar on his knee when washing his feet, she is sworn to secrecy about his identity -Athena tells Penelope to have contest for her hand in marriage, says if anyone can string & fire O’s bow threw 12 axe-handles she will marry them -O worries about suitors friends & family seeking revenge after they are killed, Athena tells him not to worry

8 EVENTNOTES Test of The Great Bow pg. 698- 702 - Penelope goes to the store room where O’s bow is locked away, tells suitors who ever can string & fire an arrow throw 12 axe- heads cleanly will be her husband -no one can even string the bow -O talks to two servants Eumaeus (swineherd) & Philoeteus (cowherd), asks them if they are loyal to Odysseus, then reveals that he is Odysseus to them -Odysseus as a beggar tries to string the bow, the suitors insult him & don’t want him to try but Penelope allows O to try to string the bow -Eumaeus tells the nurse Eurycleia to take Penelope & maids into the family room, lock the door, & not to come out -Telemachus has removed all the suitors’ weapons, they are defenseless against O & Telemachus (who is also armed) -Odysseus strings the bow & shoots an arrow clean throw all 12 axe-heads -Zeus thunders above & Odysseus reveals who he is to suitors, Telemachus stands armed next to his father

9 EVENTNOTES Death at the Palace Pg. 703- 705 -O confronts the 100 hostile suitors, targets Antinous (who is the leader & meanest of them, he is the one who hit O with a stool when he came to palace as a beggar) - O shoots Antinous in the neck with an arrow, dies with his cup in hand, falls over dead -Eurymachus (another suitor/not as bad as Antinous, but still bad) tries to get O to have mercy, tells him that he killed the man responsible (Antinous) who tried to take his place as king and kill son Telemachus, says they will pay restitution for what they have done & then some -O says no, kills all suitors with Telemachus

10 EVENTNOTES Odysseus & Penelope Pg. 706- 709 - O has the maids who betrayed him, Penelope, & his household brought in to clean the mess & dispose of bodies -Telemachus has maids hanged for punishment -Eurycleia tells Penelope O is home & suitors killed -Penelope meets O as beggar, believes it to be a trick of the gods -Telemachus chastises Penelope for not talking to O or having any reaction, Penelope says she’s stunned -O tells Telemachus, swineherd, & cowherd to go get cleaned up -O is cleaned up, Athena makes him look younger, stronger then when he left -O tries to convince Penelope who he is, Penelope tests him with knowledge of their bed -Penelope has bed made up in hall for him, which O reveals that the bed is special (olive tree grows in the middle of it) & cannot be moved, only O & Penelope know this (shows Penelope’s faithfulness) -they are reunited

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