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From Bicycle Design to the “Mod Ecology” Innovation in confusing times Dr Alison Powell “Making Innovation Work for You” ITP Seminar, London, June 9 2011.

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2 From Bicycle Design to the “Mod Ecology” Innovation in confusing times Dr Alison Powell “Making Innovation Work for You” ITP Seminar, London, June 9 2011

3 Game changing?


5 'I say to you that the VCR is to the American film producer and the American public as the Boston strangler is to the woman home alone.' Jack Valenti, MPAA, 1982 In the decade to 2002, 70 million cassettes per year sold for rental market and 600 million cassettes for home viewing.

6 How to balance responding and retrenching 1.The bicycle industry 2.Today’s ‘Mod Ecology’

7 The ‘Ordinary’ Bicycles 1860- 1910



10 The ‘Safety’ Bicycle


12 Until 1910, there was NO bicycle “killer app”

13 The “Mod Ecology”

14 Both software and hardware can be “Open Sourced” (though not under warranty...)

15 A new ecosystem With some enthusiastic players


17 But we don't only have bicycle racers...

18 Sometimes no one knows which is the killer app

19 Alison Powell: http://www.alisonpowell.ca Twitter: @postdocal

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