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 Some countries create business opportunities for themselves their economies in order to avoid unnecessary competition among the group countries.  It.

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2  Some countries create business opportunities for themselves their economies in order to avoid unnecessary competition among the group countries.  It is inter relational ship between the group countries. It is safeguard to rival competition.

3  Free Trade Area: if a group of countries agree to abolish all trade restriction & barriers among (or) charge low rates of tariff in carrying out international trade.  Customs union: Abolish all the restrictions and barriers (or) low charges on trade among themselves, they adopt uniform commercial policy to members countries  Common market:  Eco union: They allow free trade among member countries, uniform in monetary &fiscal policy

4  The economic integration takes different forms like free trade area, custom union, common market, etc.  The members countries of the groups adopt a system of lower tariff, liberalized rules &regulation. ADVANTAGE:  Increase the market size,  Aggregate demand for product &services,  Huge level of production, employment opportunities  Comparatively lower prices etc.

5  EEC (EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY)  NAFTA (NORTH AMRECIA FREE TRADE AGREEMENT)  ASEAN( Association of South-East Asian Nation)  European free trade Association  Latin America Integration Association (LAIA)  South Asian Association For Regional Cooperation (SAARC)

6  it was formed in 1958,with the member ship countries (west germany, france, italy, belgium,netherlands & luxembourg  later in 1973, UK, ireland, &denmark was joined in this teams.  what the main theme is….  to eliminate import duties, quotas. Custom duties,

7  it was came into (1994) the most affluent nations of the world, USA, & CANADA along with Mexico – a developing countries joined together to form a trade blocks. Objectives:  To create new business opportunities particularly in mexcio.  To enhance competitive advantage. To reduce price of product.  To enhance industrial development  To improve & consolidate political relationship among member countries.

8  The group of six countries viz, Singapore, Burunei, Malaysia, Thailand, & Indonesia agreed in 1992 to establish Common Effective Preferential Tariffs plan. Objectives: to encourage inflow of foreign investment into region. to establish free trade area in member countries to reduce tariff of the products produced in ASEAN countries

9  India, Bangaladesh, Bhutan, Pakistan, The Maladives, & Srilanka adopted a declaration on SAARC IN Aug 1983  Objectives:  To improve the quality of life and welfare of the people of the SAARC  To develop the region economically, socially & culturally  To enhance the self-reliance of the member countries.  To extend co-operation to other trade blocks.

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