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Must: be able to outline the purpose of studying molecular biology and name carbon compounds Should: be able to distinguish between carbohydrates, lipids,

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Presentation on theme: "Must: be able to outline the purpose of studying molecular biology and name carbon compounds Should: be able to distinguish between carbohydrates, lipids,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Must: be able to outline the purpose of studying molecular biology and name carbon compounds Should: be able to distinguish between carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids Could: be able to draw and identify the key functional groups in each of those molecules

2  Sodium chloride  Methane  Ethane  Potassium fluoride  Water  Carbon dioxide  Magnesium oxide

3 1. Can you name these molecules? 2. What is their role/function?

4  Watch the short video clip about biological molecules  Under the sub headings  Protein, Lipids and Carbohydrates  Write down 3-4 key points about each as you watch.

5 1. Use slide 3 and assess students prior knowledge of GCSE Chemistry, ask them to work out which compounds are Covalently bonded and which are ionic. If knowledge is poor, spend 10-15 minutes recapping basic GCSE Chemistry. 2. Next ask students to draw out the molecules on slide four in their exercise books, explain that a big focus of todays lessons involved covalently bonded organic molecules such as… now is great time to share the lesson objectives. Slide 5 is optional and may be used if prior knowledge is excellent. 3. Show students short Youtube clip on slide 6 and ask them to write down as many key points as they can about Proteins, Lipids and Carbohydrates 4. Now use the molly mod kits and slide 7 to build and illustrate some of the key functional groups you want the students to recgonise, you may want them to also draw these in their exercise books. 5. Go through slides 8-12 and highlight the key parts and uses of each molecule. 6. Now give students 10 minutes to complete writing task on slide 13. 7. Share work with class and illustrate key differences and similarities between the molecules. 8. Now use white boards or laminated A,B,C,D cards for plenary activity from slide 15 onwards. 9. You may wish to use blank worksheet template to go over the key molecules, structure and their uses, this may depend on the length of the lesson.

6 CH 4 In your books draw out the displayed formulae for the following molecules 1.Water 2.Carbon dioxide 3.C 2 H 6 4.C 2 H 5 OH

7 Use the molecular model kits to model some of the key functional groups in these molecules: Carboxyl group: Amino acid: Simple fatty acid: 6 carbons long






13  In your own words.  Describe the key similarities and differences between amino acids, carbohydrates, nucleotides and fatty acids.  HINT: Look back at the key functional groups and give examples where possible.

14 A – Glucose B- Amino acid C- Ribose D – Fatty acid

15 A – Glucose B- Amino acid C- Ribose D – Fatty acid

16 A – Glucose B- Amino acid C- Ribose D – Fatty acid

17 A – Glucose B- Amino acid C- Ribose D – Fatty acid

18 A – Glucose B- Amino acid C- Ribose D – Fatty acid


20 A – Glucose B- Amino acid C- Ribose D – Fatty acid

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