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TCHAS Workshop May 6, 2016 Natomas Unified School District, Sacramento THIS INSTITUTION IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY PROVIDER.

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Presentation on theme: "TCHAS Workshop May 6, 2016 Natomas Unified School District, Sacramento THIS INSTITUTION IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY PROVIDER."— Presentation transcript:

1 TCHAS Workshop May 6, 2016 Natomas Unified School District, Sacramento THIS INSTITUTION IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY PROVIDER

2 Welcome & Overview Deborah Tamannaie, MS, RD Nutrition Education Consultant California Department of Education Nutrition Services Division

3 Welcome! Overview Day Two  Share Our Strengths Roundtable  Energizer Break – Region 7 Proyouth HEART  TCHAS in Transformation  Lunch (On Your Own)  Social Emotional Learning 2.0  Stretch Break – Region 7 Proyouth HEART  Certificates and Celebration!  Closing Activity

4 Day Two: Setting the Stage Activity 1.Share with folks at your table one thing from yesterday that stands out for you. 2.A few volunteers share out to larger group.

5 Share Our Strengths – Part 2

6 Share Our Strengths - Part 2 Roundtables! 1.Have Your Presenters stay at your Team’s Table. 2.Rotate to next TCHAS Team’s table to hear their Share Our Strength presentation. 3.When you hear the music start move to the next TCHAS Team table. 4.Final Rotation discuss with your Team what you learned from other Teams and how to apply within your program. Share with the large group highlights from the Roundtable.

7 Energizer Break Region 7 Proyouth HEART

8 TCHAS in Transformation Jamie Bumia and Jessica Gandara Region 10 Fontana After School Program Bruno Marchesi Center for Collaborative Solutions Deborah Tamannaie Nutrition Education Consultant California Department of Education Nutrition Services Division Jackie Russum California Healthy Kids and After School Resource Centers

9 TCHAS Teams 2018 Vision Wellness Policy Included At Staff Meetings and all Districts on Board and Imbedded in Summer Program and New Hire Training. TCHAS Leading Principles Strongly Used at All Sites. Building Better Partnerships with School District. Partnerships with Local Hospital. Imbed project-based learning in gardens, dance, physical activity, and nutrition. Change to fresh snack menu and all schools and sites have healthy choices! Have families and community understand and support healthy snack and supper. Include new elements with TCHAS Model (SEL). Continue Webinars and trainings.

10 TCHAS Web Pages and Toolkit

11 TCHAS in Transformation Panel Presentation Panel Questions: 1.Please describe why and how their Team became involved in this initiative or Leadership Role. 2.How does involvement in this initiative build on and continue TCHAS accomplishments? 3.What are one or two recommendations for other Teams? Panelists: Region 5: Silicon Valley YMCA – DASH Region 7: ProYouth HEART – HBI and CAN Region 10: Fontana After School – Presenting TCHAS to Other Organizations Region 9: Anaheim Achieves – Building Partnerships

12 TCHAS in Transformation Moving Forward 1.What are one or two steps forward your Team will take with TCHAS next year?

13 Lunch (On Your Own) Explore Nearby Restaurants!

14 Social Emotional Learning 2.0 Jason Smith and Mario Garcia R3 – Sacramento Chinese Community Service Center

15 Stretch Break Region 7 Proyouth HEART

16 Professional Learning Community Six PLCs Student Driven Instruction –Engaging Students’ Curiosity and Critical Thinking.

17 Celebration and Certificate Awards

18 Check In / Evaluations

19 Adjourn GOOOOOOO TEAMs! THANK YOU for being the Awesome People and Programs You All Are! Partner: California Department of Education Nutrition Services Division THIS INSTITUTION IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY PROVIDER

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