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Vice President and Chief Medical Physicist

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Presentation on theme: "Vice President and Chief Medical Physicist"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vice President and Chief Medical Physicist
Recent Advances in Clinical Proton Beam Therapy - Exploiting the Benefits of Pencil Beam Scanning Niek Schreuder Vice President and Chief Medical Physicist Provision Health Care

2 OUTLINE Classical Proton Radiation Therapy Proton Pencil Beam Scanning
Clinical Indications for Proton Therapy The Future of Proton Therapy

3 The Goal of Radiation Therapy for 100 years:
= Tumor Control Normal Tissue Complications Therapeutic Ratio Potential improvement in quality of life Cost savings by decreasing complications TR is defined as the balance between probability of tumor control and risk of normal tissue complications It will be increased if tumor dose escalation can improve local control and/or normal tissue dose can be decreased to lower the risk of complications

4 Depth Dose Curves for Different Treatment Modalities
The Physics of Protons Depth Dose Curves for Different Treatment Modalities 8 MV X-Rays SSD = 100 cm 100 Depth of Tumor 5 cm SOBP 80 60 Relative Dose 200 MeV Proton Pristine Bragg Peak 40 Chris The Chris / IBA rap The improved dose distributions of protons, as compared to x-rays, allows increased dose delivered to the target volume, translating into improved local control. Reduced dose to non-involved organs and tissues translates into reduced treatment morbidity and improved quality of life; reduced co-morbidity of multi-modality treatments, leading to improved treatment intensity and compliance. Improved local control of malignancies translates into increased probability of survival for a significant proportion of patients. 20 5 10 15 20 25 30 Depth in Tissue (cm) Protons 101

5 Radiation Therapy Classical Proton Therapy

6 Scattered Beam Proton Therapy
Patient Contour Target Area Compensator Inhomogeneity (Air Pocket) Aperture

Pencil beam scanning (PBS) is the generic name for delivering the dose to a target using individually controlled small pencil beams to cover the target in 3 dimensions.

The proton beam is actually not “pencil thin” -A better size representation is actually a white board marker PBS spot size (FWHM)

9 Pencil Beam Scanning (PBS) – Filling the target with spheres of Radiation dose

10 Advantage of Pencil Beam scanning
PBS offers Proximal and distal beam shaping Dose outside the target (integral dose) is reduced significantly Reduction of integral dose even more significant for large targets Double scattering / Uniform Scanning Dose Difference DS/US – PBS dose Pencil Beam scanning

11 Proton Radiation Therapy
Classical Proton Therapy  DS/US + Single Field Optimization (SFO) Pencil Beam Scanning – Multi Field Optimization (MFO)

12 Clinical Realization of PBS Pencil Beam Scanning changed the landscape
Large non-contiguous targets Smaller contiguous targets Classic indications: Base of skull tumors Eye (uveal) melanomas Brain tumors Pediatric tumors Spinal / Para spinal tumors Prostate cancers Lung 20 – 30 % of all radiation treatments Pencil Beam Scanning changed the landscape Lung Liver Breast Esophagus Pelvic tumors Large sarcomas High risk Prostate Mediastinal tumors Re-irradiation of recurrent tumors 80 % of all radiation treatments

13 Proton therapy  Projected Utilization of Protons
Prevention of complications Improvement of local control Prevention of secondary tumours Main clinical use PREVENTION: Complications Secondary tumors Standard indications This is what protons have been used for before PBS became a clinical reality Source: Horizon scanning report (Health council of the Netherlands 2009) With Compliments – Dr Hans Langendijk - UMCG

14 Robust Optimization  the “certainty” of proton dose delivery
(a) Nominal setup (b) Shifted setup Evaluate the uncertainties in the dose delivered by a single spot + Give higher weights to those spots with less uncertainty Instead of setting margins – specify uncertainties – no need for a PTV Robust optimization is also referred to as “Inverse planning of Margins”

15 Sphere of confusion = 2mm diameter
Set-up Tolerances Sphere of confusion = 2mm diameter Up to 1 mm – cannot conclude anything Typical setup threshold Typical Plan Design margin Robust optimization Parameters 1 mm 2 mm 3 mm



18 2 Field CSI to 23.4 CGE METHODS Field Size 30 x 40 cm 2 Fields only
Junction Length = 10 cm Gradient = 1.1% per 1mm Robust Optimization to Brain Range Uncertainty 2.5% + 1mm Treatment Time ~ minutes

19 2 Field CSI to 23.4 CGE Skin dose ~ 85%

20 Pelvic Lymph Node Treatment High Risk Prostate Cancer
Left lateral field Right lateral field Combined fields Maximum sparing of: Bladder Small bowel Rectum

21 Stenosis of the main coronary artery left anterior descending (LAD)
Coronary Exposure to Radiation in Conventional Radiotherapy for Breast Cancer Stenosis of the main coronary artery left anterior descending (LAD)

22 Use Protons Spare the heart and coronaries

23 Breast Cancer – Protons vs. Conventional Radiotherapy
Photons / Electrons Protons RCA LAD, D-1, D-2 Photons minus protons = excess dose Potential Impact: Coronary artery stenosis Second Malignancy Lung function

24 Medium Intact Breast Dashed – Photons (X-Rays) Solid - Protons Skin

25 Clinical Realization of PBS Pencil Beam Scanning changed the landscape
Large non-contiguous targets Smaller contiguous targets Classic indications: Base of skull tumors Eye (uveal) melanomas Brain tumors Pediatric tumors Spinal / Para spinal tumors Prostate cancers Lung 20 – 30 % of all radiation treatments Pencil Beam Scanning changed the landscape Lung Liver Breast Esophagus Pelvic tumors Large sarcomas High risk Prostate Mediastinal tumors Re-irradiation of recurrent tumors 80 % of all radiation treatments

26 NEW TECHNOLOGY – Reduce Size
Conventional 360 Gantry PRONOVA SC 360

27 Accelerator Evolution
F2800 Ironless variable energy SC synchrocyclotron (no degrader necessary) MIT – ProNova Collaboration ProNova Development Sumitomo - ProNova Collaboration

28 U.S. Proton Therapy Centers
1 Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston 2 Loma Linda University Medical Center, Calif.  3 MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston (PTCH) 4 University of Florida Proton Therapy Institute, 5 ProCure Proton Therapy Center Oklahoma City, 6 University of Pennsylvania Health System, Philadelphia 7 Hampton University Proton Therapy Institute, Hampton 8 ProCure Proton Center, Chicago 9 ProCure Proton Center, New Jersey 10 ProCure Proton Therapy Center, Seattle 11 Washington University, St. Louis 12 Provision Center for Proton Therapy, Knoxville 13 Scripps Proton Therapy, San Diego 14 Willis Knight Shreveport LA Ackerman Cancer Center, Jacksonville Mayo Clinic – Rochester MN Robert Wood Johnson, NJ Texas Oncology, TX St Jude’s, TN Maryland In Operation (22) 10 sites currently operating in the US. 32 by June 2018 Under Construction (10) Under Development (20 or ?)

29 How can more people get access to Protons?
Equipment costs are coming down + project time lines are decreasing rapidly  time = money Virtual Proton Centers – Interim Solution Participate in a network of existing proton centers PCPT is an open center Other physicians / Physician groups can participate through a credentialing process The Virtual Proton Center will Perform the consult Develop the care plan Conduct the CT scan + other imaging required Create the treatment plan Proton therapy treatments would then occur at PCPT Follow-up will be at the virtual proton facility

30 Conclusions Protons – employing pencil beam scanning - will have the largest impact in large distributed targets The next steps in technology advancements will make protons much more affordable and available PBS changed the radiation therapy landscape over the past 3 years and PBS is the future of Proton therapy The only problem with protons is “the lack of protons”

31 Thank You

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