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1 CM 220 College Composition II UNIT 5 Seminar Professor Vicki Muzika General Education, Composition Kaplan University.

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Presentation on theme: "1 CM 220 College Composition II UNIT 5 Seminar Professor Vicki Muzika General Education, Composition Kaplan University."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 CM 220 College Composition II UNIT 5 Seminar Professor Vicki Muzika General Education, Composition Kaplan University

2 UNIT 5 Learning Activities Reading: Introduction to unit; The Kaplan Guide to Successful Writing, chapters 7, 13, 14 (pp. 167-168) Invention Lab 1: Map ideas for draft Invention Lab 2: Formal and informal communications of big idea (letter to editor and post on Facebook, for example) Seminar: Organization and development of ideas for draft, audience, comparison of letters to the editor 2

3 Getting Started with your Big Idea In unit 6, you will submit a 3-5 page draft of your Big Idea. Why is beginning early, in unit 5, helpful to you as a writer? What can you do to GET STARTED? If you have trouble with Writer’s Block, how can you solve this problem? For ideas on how to get started writing and avoid Writer’s Block, consider reviewing this Writing Center Workshop: e&pbMode=normal 3

4 Audience and Purpose How are audience and purpose KEY to successful writing? Who is the audience you would like to communicate to? What do you know about them and what do you need to know about them? What do you want to communicate to that audience? How can you best communicate your information to that audience? 4

5 More about Audience and Purpose For an excellent workshop on audience and purpose, review this Writing Center video: her=false&fcsContent=true&pbMode=nor mal 5

6 Organizing and Developing your ideas Establish a thesis Consider writing an outline (it can be changed later) Take the ideas in the outline and brainstorm each concept/argument Begin researching and incorporating evidence to support your argument/claims 6

7 More help with developing ideas Review the following Writing Center Workshop for help with fleshing out your ideas: Content=true&pbMode=normal 7

8 Letters to the Editor 8

9 Letters to the Editor Activity, 1 Truth and fiction on the stimulus bill [Editorial]. (2010, February 20). The New York Times. Retrieved from Take charge: The stimulus bill requires President Obama’s intervention. [Editorial]. (2009, February 1). Retrieved from dyn/content/article/2009/01/31/AR2009013101535.html dyn/content/article/2009/01/31/AR2009013101535.html The immigration law fallacy: Will Texas be next? [Editorial]. (2010, June 16). Retrieved from Dallas-Tea-Party-Examiner~y2010m6d16-The-Immigration-Law- Fallacy-Will-Texas-Be-Next Dallas-Tea-Party-Examiner~y2010m6d16-The-Immigration-Law- Fallacy-Will-Texas-Be-Next 9

10 Letters to the Editor Activity, 2 Are these letters effective? What is the argument each makes? Are the facts that the authors use credible? You can go to to read credible information on this Select at least one argument in each letter that you can verify, or not, and discuss how this adds to or detracts from the writer’s argument. 10

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