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Vocabulary Power Plus Lesson 10. Brash Carl is usually very polite, so his brash tone of voice surprised everyone.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Power Plus Lesson 10. Brash Carl is usually very polite, so his brash tone of voice surprised everyone."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Power Plus Lesson 10

2 Brash Carl is usually very polite, so his brash tone of voice surprised everyone.

3 Brash Adjective – hasty in thought; offensively bold

4 Buff The movie buff could quote lines from hundreds of old films. When you finish waxing the car, please buff it until it shines.

5 buff Noun – an enthusiast Verb – to polish with soft material

6 intemperate One intemperate remark during the interview cost the applicant the job.

7 intemperate Adjective – excessive in behavior; unrestrained

8 Interrogate The detective interrogated the suspect until he was sure that the man was innocent.

9 Interrogate Verb – to question formally

10 moot The teacher began each class by making a moot statement about a sensitive topic.

11 Moot Adjective – subject to debate – disputable; doubtful

12 opaque The opaque curtains in the bedroom block out the morning sun.

13 opaque Adjective – impenetrable by light; not transparent or translucent

14 pragmatic When working on an engine, the pragmatic mechanic first eliminates the simplest causes of malfunction before opening manuals or disassembling the whole car.

15 pragmatic Adjective – practical; concerned with facts and observation rather than theory

16 Prestigious I once received a prestigious award for my essay on politics.

17 prestigious Adjective – esteemed widely; distinguished

18 prodigy The musical prodigy composed his first symphony at the age of ten.

19 prodigy Noun – a person with extraordinary ability or talent

20 savory The fast food looked savory in the advertisement, but it looked unappealing at the restaurant. To be an FBI agent, you must have a savory background that shows you can be trusted.

21 savory Adjective – appetizing Pleasingly respectable

22 sedate The veterinarian sedated the dog before the operation. The sedate colonel did not even blink as enemy bombs exploded around the bunker.

23 sedate Verb – to tranquilize; to calm Adjective – calm and reserved

24 singular Management honored the singular worker with a raise in salary.

25 singular Adjective – exceptional; distinguished from others

26 spontaneous The family took a spontaneous trip to the state park for a hike and a picnic.

27 spontaneous Adjective – unplanned

28 usurp Macbeth usurped the throne by murdering King Duncan.

29 usurp Verb – to take over illegally; to seize by force without right

30 whimsical Many children’s books feature whimsical characters.

31 whimsical Adjective – playful; fanciful

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