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FNHSO PANORAMA DATA GOVERNANCE FORUM Regular Forum Meeting March 8, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "FNHSO PANORAMA DATA GOVERNANCE FORUM Regular Forum Meeting March 8, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 FNHSO PANORAMA DATA GOVERNANCE FORUM Regular Forum Meeting March 8, 2016

2 Agenda Roll-call Review of items from last PDGC meeting (Feb 23) Finalized ISA Compliance Assessment Tool Early Years Centre Data Request Approval QUEST HPV Program Evaluation Data Request Communication to Committee Members re: Reactivation of First Nations Clients in Panorama PDGC Process Orientation Support Request Roundtable review (i.e. future agenda items; other items; etc.)

3 Role Call KDC TCHSS WFN Tla’amin OKIB NTC Seabird Saulteau Cowichan Scw’exmx Nazko Pauquachin ITHA Na’kazdli Simpcw Ktunaxa Splatsin Sto:lo

4 Finalized ISA Compliance Tool Refer to MS Excel File

5 Early Years Data Request (1) “The North Okanagan Early Years Council is a coalition of agencies, school districts, IHA representatives, municipal representatives, MCFD and other stakeholders tasked with community development and capacity building to ensure that families with children aged 0-6 have access to community services that support healthy development. The Provincial Office for the Early Years is providing funding opportunities for Early Years community tables to provide integrated service delivery through a collective and collaborative approach. Having local data on the numbers of children born each year and in which communities helps us to play strategically to meet the needs of the communities under our jurisdiction.”

6 Early Years Data Request (2) “We need locally-specific data about the number of children born in the community as an adjunct to the data we receive from the Human Early Learning Partnership (HELP) at UBC Vancouver, School District 22 implementation of the Early Development Instrument (EDI)” Data requested is: Non-identifiable Single dataset No linkage is required Request has been approved by the PDGC

7 QUEST HPV Program Evaluation Data Request (1) “This is evaluation being conducted on behalf of the Ministry of Health and CD policy committee. It is a longitudinal evaluation of two cohorts of adolescent female volunteers to determine if a 2 dose regime of Q-HPV is non-inferior to a 3 dose schedule in the prevention of type specific HPV 16,18,6 or 11 infection in young women. This evaluation was requested and approved by CD Policy in 2010. Ethical approval has been received for ten years.”

8 QUEST HPV Program Evaluation Data Request (2) “This data request was previously approved by iPHIS governance council. Parent/girls names/contact information and immunization history for girls from the 2008 to 2011 Grade 6 cohorts has already been provided to the evaluation team. However, due to the implementation of the 2 + 1 dose regimen in 2013/14, the girls who received 2+1 doses girls cannot be included in the evaluation of the 2 dose regimen. As such, we need to invite girls from 2012 to 2014 Grade 6 cohorts in order to meet our sample size.” No First Nations data / attributes requested Data Request approved by PDGC

9 Reactivation of First Nations Clients Communications were provided to PDGC committee regarding the reactivation of incorrectly inactivated First Nations clients in Panorama Details were provided on how impacts to existing coverage statistics would be analyzed and communicated Generally, information was provided about the role of FNHSOs with respect to immunization, First Nations-level coverage reporting, etc.

10 PDGC Process Orientation Support Given turn-over in the PDGC membership, some members are finding it difficult to gather the necessary background and context that supports the functioning of the committee Many original PDGC members were directly involved in the development of the Panorama Data Governance Framework and reviewed the ISA in-depth and as it developed A request was made to the PDCG Secretariat to develop an orientation program for new members of the PDCG

11 Roundtable Questions? Request for agenda items to be included in next meeting?

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