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STRESS MANAGEMENT Dr. Girish Patel Psychotherapist,

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Presentation on theme: "STRESS MANAGEMENT Dr. Girish Patel Psychotherapist,"— Presentation transcript:

1 STRESS MANAGEMENT Dr. Girish Patel Psychotherapist,
International Trainer & Author, Mumbai

2 BOSS: Burn Out Stress Syndrome

3 is neither necessary nor natural nor normal
STRESS is neither necessary nor natural nor normal

4 Cotecholamines Motivation Tension Cortisol Concern PERFORMANCE Stress

5 Endocrine Disturbance Imbalance of Brain chemicals
Effects of Stress Sympathetic Arousal Endocrine Disturbance Imbalance of Brain chemicals 5

6 Negative emotions reduces capacity of DNA to repair itself

7 Situations are lifeless…
We give life to the situations as per the meaning we attach to it

8 Awareness It is a very important step because most individuals become aware of the Toxic emotion only after the Anger reaches great height. 8

1. Accept 2.Listen 3. Introspect


11 Use experience of the past in the Experiment of present So that Expectations becomes a reality

12 Think high of your Self for
The World takes you at your own Estimate.

13 RIGHT ATTITUDE Great Psychologist – The most important discovery of
20th Century is that by Changing our Attitudes we change our perceptions.

14 We gravitate in the direction of our dominant thoughts
THOUGHT MANAGEMENT We gravitate in the direction of our dominant thoughts

15 To see the problem in the same magnitude as it presents to you.
RIGHT THOUGHTS To see the problem in the same magnitude as it presents to you.

16 Converting SCARS into STARS OR Threat into Opportunity
Many times when one door closes more doors open elsewhere. Don’t keep on looking at the closed doors but look for the door which has opened.

17 PAIN PLEASURE Everyone has learned from NO ONE has LEARNED
anything from PLEASURE

18 to ENEMY is forgiveness to opponent is Tolerance
Best things to be given to ENEMY is forgiveness to opponent is Tolerance

19 To understand every thing is :
To forgive everything and then there can be love

20 Trying to solve PROBLEM BY ARGUMENT is like clearing the TRAFFIC JAM by HONKING the HORN

21 ANGER is like ATOM BOMB in breaking RELATIONSHIP


23 But the BIG question is how to relax??
Analgesics relieve headache Antacids relieve acidity Similarly Relaxation relieves Stress. But the BIG question is how to relax??

24 MODEL OF CONSIOUSNESS Conscious Subconscious Unconscious
Hatred Guilt Revenge Anger Fear Failure Conscious (Mind & Intellect) Enthusiasm Concentration Optimism Patience Satisfaction Subconscious Unconscious (Sanskars/Impression) 24 Supraconscious

25 AWAKEN THE SUPRACONSCIOUS Meditation is the best method to go beyond the awareness of the physical body. Affirmations have best effect if they are given while coming back from the deepest state of Meditation.

26 Effects of Meditation Parasympathetic activation
Harmony in Endocrine system Balance in Brain chemicals 26

27 We are unconditional spirits trapped in conditions as the sun in ECLIPSE.

28 SOUL is like SIM CARD Remove from Mobile - NOT AVAILABLE

29 Experience of Innate Qualities
Knowledge Peace Love Bliss Mercy Purity Power

30 Blocks Relaxation Meditation

31 Rajayoga Education & Research Foundation
Thanks for Being with us on this enlightening Voyage to Stress Management. We wish you a lot of Success in Your Life’s Journey Ahead Rajayoga Education & Research Foundation

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