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Physics Simulation for E<7TeV T.Mase. Contents The energy spectrum of gamma and neutron at < 7TeV The radiation damage Schematic example of 2009-10 LHCf.

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Presentation on theme: "Physics Simulation for E<7TeV T.Mase. Contents The energy spectrum of gamma and neutron at < 7TeV The radiation damage Schematic example of 2009-10 LHCf."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physics Simulation for E<7TeV T.Mase

2 Contents The energy spectrum of gamma and neutron at < 7TeV The radiation damage Schematic example of 2009-10 LHCf run Summary

3 Simulation study <7TeV Simulate the energy spectrum in front of the LHCf detector with each models The detector performance is not considered Not include the beam pipe, only magnetic field 20mm calorimeter in the beam center Simulated for 450GeV, 1TeV, 5TeV collision 1.0x10 7 collision for 450GeV and 1TeV 1.0x10 6 collision for 5TeV

4 450GeV: 1x10 6 inelastic collision DPMJET3 QGSJET2 QGSJET1 SIBYLL

5 450GeV: 1x10 7 inelastic collision DPMJET3 QGSJET2 QGSJET1 SIBYLL

6 1TeV: 1x10 6 inelastic collision DPMJET3 QGSJET2 QGSJET1 SIBYLL

7 1TeV: 1x10 7 inelastic collision DPMJET3 QGSJET2 QGSJET1 SIBYLL

8 5TeV: 1x10 6 inelastic collision DPMJET3 QGSJET2 QGSJET1 SIBYLL

9 7TeV for neutron include the detector performance summing up the energy deposit of each layers tiggered succesive 3 layers >150MeV DPMJET3 QGSJET QGSJET-II SIBYLL

10 Simulation for radiation damage Estimate the radiation damage of the particles from the collision (include the beam-pipe) 450GeV and 7TeV Hadron interaction model; DPMJET3 1.5x10 6 collision (150sec@L=10 29 ) for 450GeV 1.0x10 6 collision (100sec@L=10 29 ) for 7TeV Summing up the energy deposit in each layers Concerning the effective area, convert the energy deposit to dose (Gy=J/kg)

11 Dose estimation in 450GeV Max : 2.0 x 10 -5 Gy/150s => 86days/Gy 1.9×10 -5 Gy/150sec 20mm calorimeter 40mm calorimeter 1.5 × 10 6 collision L = 10 29 cm -2 s -1 150seconds

12 Dose estimation in 7TeV Max : 3.0×10 -2 Gy/100s => 60min/Gy, 10hour/10Gy 2.5×10 -2 Gy/100sec 20mm calorimeter 40mm calorimeter

13 Position dependence of Radiation Damage Previous estimation is average dose in each scintillator For only 7TeV, the position dependence was obtained The maximum point is 1.6 times larger than average

14 Radiation damage for various energys and garage position The former presentation shows the dose of the each layer with 450GeV and 7TeV Summing up the energy in front of the LHCf detector (= energy flux) The center of the calorimeter in the 7TeV, it is already known = 0.04Gy/100sec exchange the energy flax to dose using this factor w/ pipe : 450GeV, 7TeV w/o pipe : 450GeV, 1TeV, 5TeV, 7TeV

15 Energy flux in front of LHCf detector Energy flux for 7TeV GeV/s/cm 2

16 Dose estimation 6.940.041.14 Gy/100s Gy/h h/10Gy 7TeV w/ pipe 450GeV w/ pipe 7TeV w/o pipe 5TeV w/o pipe 1TeV w/o pipe 450GeV w/o pipe

17 Basic data taking length in LHCf run Basic data taking unit ~10 4  0 (E beam >3TeV) at 2~3 detector positions at 2 different HV settings (High, Low) ~10 4 n

18 Schematic example of 2009-10 LHCf run

19 Summary The energy spectrum in front of the LHCf detector was obtained in various energy not including the detector response Neutron spectra in low energy The radiation damage 1hour/Gy in 7TeV @ L=10^29 In garage position, 50days/Gy even in 7TeV Low energy estimation is estimated Schedule of 2009-10

20 Simulation summary DoubleArm(w/ pipe)End2End (Arm1)End2End (Arm2) 450GeVDPMJET31.5x10^6 QGSJET24.5x10^6-- QGSJET1--- SIBYLL--- 1TeVDPMJET3--- QGSJET2--- QGSJET1--- SIBYLL--- 5TeVDPMJET31.5x10^6-- QGSJET2--- QGSJET1--- SIBYLL--- 7TeVDPMJET31.5x10^61.2x10^6- QGSJET21.5x10^61.2x10^6- QGSJET11.5x10^61.2x10^6- SIBYLL1.5x10^61.2x10^6-

21 Simulation summary DoubleArm(w/o pipe)End2End (Arm1)End2End (Arm2) 450GeVDPMJET31.05x10^7-- QGSJET21.05x10^7-- QGSJET11.05x10^7-- SIBYLL1.05x10^7-- 1TeVDPMJET31.05x10^7-- QGSJET21.05x10^7-- QGSJET11.05x10^7-- SIBYLL1.05x10^7-- 5TeVDPMJET31.5x10^6 - QGSJET21.5x10^6-- QGSJET11.5x10^6-- SIBYLL1.5x10^6-- 7TeVDPMJET31.2x10^71.0x10^7- QGSJET21.2x10^77.2x10^6- QGSJET11.2x10^7-- SIBYLL1.2x10^7--

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