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Filled with the Holy Spirit, Mary prophesy : « Behold, all generations will call me blessed.» We too want to fulfill the prophesy and bless you, God.

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Presentation on theme: "Filled with the Holy Spirit, Mary prophesy : « Behold, all generations will call me blessed.» We too want to fulfill the prophesy and bless you, God."— Presentation transcript:



3 Filled with the Holy Spirit, Mary prophesy : « Behold, all generations will call me blessed.» We too want to fulfill the prophesy and bless you, God our Father, for the wonders of love that you made in Mary, the mother of your Son. God, you are blessed forever!

4 If Jesus is the rose that blooms on the street rod of Jesse, you, Mary, you are the rosebush wearing it. Truly, the Lord did you wonders. God, you are blessed forever!

5 If the sun of righteousness that rises to the plight of the world, you, Mary, you are its dawn. The Lord did wonders for you. God, you are blessed forever!

6 If it is the source of living water gushing up to eternal life, you, Mary, you are the fountain that makes up the well. The Lord did wonders for you. God, you are blessed forever!

7 If it’s wheat that gives bread who satisfies for eternal life, you, Mary, you are the field that ripens. The Lord did wonders for you. God, you are blessed forever!

8 If he is the Emmanuel, God with us, that unites heaven and earth, you, Mary, you are his dwelling. The Lord did great things for you. God, you are blessed forever!

9 If he is the Son of Light in whom the Father has put all his kindness, you, Mary, you bear him in your womb. The Lord did great things for you. God, you are blessed forever!

10 If he is the face of infinite mercy, the Father's tenderness that comes from heaven, you, Mary, you are his mother. The Lord did great things for you. God, you are blessed forever!

11 We praise you and we bless you, God our Father, Lord of all wonders. It is your love that fills the Virgin Mary with grace at the first moment of her existence, even before she could say thank you. It is your love that chose her to be the mother of your Son, it is your love that glorifies her as Queen of Heaven. Save us in the name of that love, we are her children and Jesus is our brother for ever and ever. Amen!


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