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А.Б. Коганов. Сучасна англійська мова. Частина II, ст.307 Пєстрякова. 151 розмовна тема, ст.104.

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Presentation on theme: "А.Б. Коганов. Сучасна англійська мова. Частина II, ст.307 Пєстрякова. 151 розмовна тема, ст.104."— Presentation transcript:


2 А.Б. Коганов. Сучасна англійська мова. Частина II, ст.307 Пєстрякова. 151 розмовна тема, ст.104

3 Asia Africa Europe

4 503.700 sq. km. 603.700 sq. km. 703.700 sq. km.

5 The Red and The White seas The Black Sea and the Sea of Azov The Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea

6 The Desna The Dnipro The Tissa

7 The Rocky Mountains and the Crimean Mount The Grampian Mountains and the Carpathian Mountains The Carpathian and the Crimean Mountains

8 The blue rivers and yellow flowers The blue sky and yellow wheat field The blue seas and yellow sun

9 Hoverla Everest Roman Kosh

10 Ben Nevis Hoverla Roman Kosh

11 The Supreme Court The Verkhovna Rada The Cabinet of Ministers

12 The President The Supreme Court The Cabinet of Ministers

13 The state symbols

14 The head of the state is the president

15 The highest body of the legislative power is the Verkhovna Rada

16 The highest body of the executive power is the Cabinet of Ministers

17 The highest body of the juridical power is the Supreme Court

18 V. Lytvyn is the Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada

19 Kyiv – the capital of Ukraine

20 New Year’s Day – January, 1 Christmas Day – January, 7 Mother’s Day – March, 8 Victory Day – May, 9 The Constitution Day – June, 28 The Independence Day – August, 24

21 glorious – славетний powerful – могутній, міцний, сильний craft – ремесло heroic deads – героїчні вчинки grave – могила ancient – стародавній cathedral – собор


















39 The state of Kyivan Rus was set up … There are many places of historical interest … Kyiv was already celebrated … There are many monuments, museums, … In Chernihiv region there is …

40 Near the small town of Kanev … In Dnipropetrovsk there are … The village Kapulivka is famous for … In Zaporizhy there is famous island of … There are a lot of places to see …

41 Ukraine has a long and glorious history. The state of Kyivan Rus was set up in the 10 th century. It was a powerful state with low developed culture.

42 Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine and one of the oldest cities in the Eastern Europe. In Lviv region there is Literary and Memorial Museum of O.Dovzhenko. Near the small town of Kanev the monument to the Ukrainian national genious Lesya Ukrainka is situated.

43 In Dnipropetrovsk region there is the village of Kapulivka famous for the grave of Ivan Sirko. In Odessa there is the famous island of Khortytsya. Island of Khortytsya was the centre of Zaporyzhzhyan Sich.

44 When was the state of Kyivan Rus set up? What kind of state was it? How old is Kyiv? What monuments are there in Kyiv? What places of historical interest are there in Kyiv?

45 What museums are there in Chernihiv Region? What is Kanev famous for? What places of interest are there in Dnipropetrovsk region? What is Zaporizhiya famous for? Where are the most interesting places of historical interest situated?

46 Держава Київська Русь була заснована на території України в 9 столітті. Це була могутня держава з високо розвинутою культурою і різними ремеслами. Є багато визначних історичних місць у Києві. Найвідоміші пам’ятники, музеї, церкви, собори розташовані у Києві.

47 У Каневі розташований пам’ятник Тарасу Шевченку. У селі Капулівка Дніпропетровської області є могила Івана Сірка, ватажка Запорізьких козаків. У Запоріжжі є відомий острів Хортиця – центр Запорізької Січі. Ми раді, що живемо у країні з багатьма історичними пам’ятками.

48 History has Ukraine long a glorious and. Kyiv of Ukraine the oldest in the Eastern Europe is the capital and one of cities. But places of not only interest in Ukrainian are situated Kyiv.

49 Near the Kanev the monument of small town Taras Shevchenko to the genius is situated national Ukrainian. Even was born the house, where, he is preserved. As you see its any place, interesting is own in way.

50 A g r i c u l t u r eA g r i c u l t u r e






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