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> > > > Understanding Financial Statements. Balance Sheet What is a Balance Sheet? A statement that shows –(1) How much money a company has –(2) How much.

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Presentation on theme: "> > > > Understanding Financial Statements. Balance Sheet What is a Balance Sheet? A statement that shows –(1) How much money a company has –(2) How much."— Presentation transcript:

1 > > > > Understanding Financial Statements

2 Balance Sheet What is a Balance Sheet? A statement that shows –(1) How much money a company has –(2) How much money a company owes –(3) How much the company is worth (value of company) Follows the accounting equation Assets = Liabilities + Owner’s Equity

3 Sample Balance Sheet

4 Label the Balance Sheet

5 1. Company Name Balance Sheet Date

6 Label the Balance Sheet 1. Company Name Balance Sheet Date 2. Total Assets – how much you have

7 Label the Balance Sheet 1. Company Name Balance Sheet Date 2. Total Assets – how much you have 3. Total Liabilities – how much you owe

8 Label the Balance Sheet 1. Company Name Balance Sheet Date 2. Total Assets – how much you have 3. Total Liabilities – how much you owe 4. Owner’s Equity– how much you are worth

9 You make $400 (after taxes) and you owe $275 in bills. What is your worth? $400 (asset) - $275 (liability)= $125 (worth) C heck Point….

10 Income Statement What is an Income Statement? A statement that shows a company’s profit. How much was sold or made? ( revenue) How much was spent? (expense) How much is left over? (net income/profit) Revenue – Expenses = Net Income/Loss

11 Sample Income Statement

12 Label the Income Statement 1. Company Name Income Statement Date

13 Sample Income Statement 1. Company Name Income Statement Date 2. Total Revenue - how much was sold

14 Sample Income Statement 1. Company Name Income Statement Date 2. Total Revenue - how much was sold 3. Total Expenses - how much was spent

15 Sample Income Statement 1. Company Name Income Statement Date 2. Total Revenue - how much was sold 3. Total Expenses - how much was spent 4. Net Income/Loss- how much profit

16 You have $5000 in sales Your company had $1200 in expenses Did you have a Net Income or Loss? What was the amount? Revenue $5000 – Expenses $1200 = Net Income $3800 C heck Point….

17 Look at the Balance Sheet and Income Statements for Companies 1, 2 and 3. Answer the questions Do HO#2

18 Review…. What accounts would you find listed on the balance sheet? Assets Liabilities Owner’s Equity

19 Review…. What is the term used for how much you owe? Liability

20 Review…. How do you calculate how much you are worth? Assets – Liabilities = Owner’s Equity (worth)

21 Review…. What financial statement shows how much profit you made and how is this calculated? Income Statement Revenue - Expenses

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