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TOOLS VIS FINAL KARA MCNISH. LESSON DETAILS Objective: Students will be able to understand the components of a budget and create a budget of their own.

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Presentation on theme: "TOOLS VIS FINAL KARA MCNISH. LESSON DETAILS Objective: Students will be able to understand the components of a budget and create a budget of their own."— Presentation transcript:


2 LESSON DETAILS Objective: Students will be able to understand the components of a budget and create a budget of their own. Standards: 9.2.12.A.9, 9.1.12.B.6, 9.1.12.B.5, 8.1.12.A.3 Target Audience: 9th grade Financial Literacy students

3 KEY ELEMENTS To begin the lesson, students will make a copy of the guided notes given to them. Then they will watch the PowerPoint video on budgeting and remembering information from the video, they will complete the guided notes and put them in their Financial Literacy folder.

4 KEY ELEMENTS Students will show their understanding of the difference between fixed and variable expenses by completing a Google Form where they have to decide which expenses are fixed and which are variable.

5 KEY ELEMENTS Students will show their understanding through creating their own paycheck. They will decipher between gross and net pay through this exercise and show how tax deductions effect their take home pay. They will analyze tax tables to decipher what tax bracket they will fall under.

6 KEY ELEMENTS Students will be asked to comment on the post, as many budget categories as they can think of that would be in a teen’s budget.

7 KEY ELEMENTS Students will understand the common components of a recent college graduate’s budget. Then they will look at the concept of PYF “Pay Yourself First”. They will analyze the percentage and calculate how much they have to spend based on their monthly net income that they already calculated.

8 KEY ELEMENTS Students will create their own budget based on their calculated net income. They are given resources to research prices for each budget category. They must shop around for prices that they can afford and fit into their budget. They will create their monthly budget in the give Excel template.

9 SENSE & MEANING, EMOTION Does this make sense? Why do we have to know this? –These exercises will make sense to them because they are hands on and the students are given real life scenarios. If they don’t currently have a job, they eventually will and will have to recognize the difference between their gross and net pay and how that is determined. They will also all have to budget at some point in their life and some of them might even be doing that right now, maybe not a monthly budget but, a budget to save for events like prom and dances. –Students will know they have to know this through class discussion of budgets, expenses, and income. Students will become aware that this is what will be in their near future and are all terms and concepts they have to become familiar with. Emotion: –There is an emotional factor in this unit because students are able to chose their own career, something maybe they like or want to do in the future. They also get to research their own expenses, i.e. apartment, phone, transportation, etc. They can connect emotionally because they are able to chose things that they like.

10 BLOOM’S TAXONOMY Remembering: Students will have to remember information from the PowerPoint video to complete their notes and will have to remember information from their notes throughout the entirety of the lesson/exercises Understanding: Students will understand the concepts of a budget, income, and expenses. As well as the difference between a fixed and variable expense and gross and net income/pay. Applying: Students will be asked to apply their knowledge to complete a Google Form deciphering between fixed and variable expenses. Analyzing: Students have to analyze tax tables to determine what their tax rate is in order to complete their paycheck and calculate their net pay that they have to budget with. Evaluating: Students will have to evaluate their calculated net income, the budget categories and percentages and calculate how much they can alot to spend in each budget category. Creating: Students will have to create a budget by researching expenses that fit within their net income.

11 LEARNING STYLES Concrete Sequential: organized, perfectionist –Will prefer: step by step instructions of the website and the organized step by step layout of the website Abstract-Sequential: logical, conceptual learners –Will prefer: the notes taken, and the Excel/Google Sheets assignments Concrete-Random: practical, hands-on –Will prefer: the “real life” aspect of choosing their own career and researching their own expenses for the budgets (apartments, bills, etc.) Abstract-Random: spontaneous, social –Will prefer: the class discussions and collaborative work researching the different expenses as components of the budgets

12 CITATIONS Learning Styles. (2015, December). Retrieved from http://www.learning-styles- Next Gen. (2015, December). Retrieved from Sousa, David A. How The Brain Learns. Thousand Oaks: Corwin, 2011.

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