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Inhalation & Exhalation

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Presentation on theme: "Inhalation & Exhalation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Inhalation & Exhalation
Antagonistic Muscle action in ventilation External and internal intercostal muscles & diaphragm and abdominal muscles as examples of antagonistic muscle pairs Ventilation involves 2 pairs of opposite movements that change the volume and therefore the pressure inside the thorax.

2 Inspiration Diaphragm moves downward and flattens Ribcage moves upward and outward The volume inside the thorax increases, pressure decreases Pairs: Antagonistic Diaphragm contracts – moves down, pushes abdomen wall out Muscles in abdomen wall relax External intercostal muscles contract, move ribcage up and out Internal intercostal muscles relax

3 Expiration Diaphragm moves up and becomes dome shaped Ribcage moves downward and inward Volume inside the thorax decreases, pressure increases Antagonistic Pairs: Diaphragm relaxes, pushed up into dome shape Muscles in abdominal wall contract pushing diaphragm up External intercostal muscles relax Internal intercostal muscles contract, pulling ribcage in

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