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Strategic Commissioning & the Voluntary & Community Sector Thursday 18 th March 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Commissioning & the Voluntary & Community Sector Thursday 18 th March 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Commissioning & the Voluntary & Community Sector Thursday 18 th March 2010

2 Strategic Commissioning & the Voluntary & Community Sector Tracie Rees Personalisation and Business Support Leicester City Council

3 Welcome & Purpose of Today  To update you on what the Council is doing to improve delivery of outcomes for citizens, communities and service users in Leicester  To explore the link between commissioning and outcomes  To seek the views of the Voluntary & Communities Sector and how you can be involved

4 Purpose of Today  Having a common understanding of the role of the Voluntary & Community Sector in improving outcomes for people in Leicester  Enhance our relationship with each other and our ability to have open and honest debate

5 The Changing City Council  One Leicester One Council – Investing in our children – Planning for People not cars – Reducing our carbon footprint – Creating thriving, safe communities – Improving wellbeing and health – Talking up Leicester – Investing in skills and enterprise

6 The Changing City Council  New organisational structure 2009  Strategic Directors focussed on outcomes  Strategic Commissioning framework to support our new structure and way of working (December 2009)  Duty to involve 1st April 2009 (inform, consult and involve) Government & Public Involvement in Health Act 2007  Changes in government Policy e.g. Personalization agenda

7 Economic Climate  Reduction in public sector spending: – Need to better understand the needs of our services users and communities – Need to be focussed on better outcomes for them – Need to understand what works and what doesn’t (re-provision) – Need to demonstrate value for money

8 Role of the Voluntary & Community Sector  As the voice of communities’ (needs & aspirations)  As providers of services (knowledge & experience)  Vested interest in improving the outcomes for citizens (health and well being)  Work in partnership with City Council and other partners to achieve this

9 Role of the Voluntary & Community Sector  City Council is signed up to the Compact and the commitments set out in it, such as: – Work with the sector to plan services – Having a consistent approach across Council – A fair and open process for making funding decisions  Many of you are signed up and would urge those who have not to do so

10 Strategic Commissioning & the Voluntary & Community Sector Ray Flude Deputy Chair, Leicester Compact

11 Strategic Commissioning for Better Outcomes Julie Morley Team Leader Strategic Commissioning Leicester City Council

12 Overview  What LCC means by Commissioning  The Commissioning Cycle  The role of the VCS in commissioning

13 What Does LCC Mean By Commissioning? Our definition is: “Commissioning is the means to secure the best use of resources and deliver positive outcomes that meet the needs of citizens, communities and services users in Leicester”


15 Commissioning Principles  Centred on people  Outcome focussed  Collaborative  Better evidenced through more robust analysis  Sustainable  Challenging; and  Performance managed

16 Analyse – Understand What You Need  Gather data and intelligence  Consult and engage  Policy and legislation  Strategies/plans/targets  Review  Identify resources  Produce Needs Assessment

17 Plan – To Meet the Need  What will meet the need  What needs to change, stop or start  Consult, involve, inform  Agree Priorities  Allocate resources  Consider delivery options  Consider impact of your actions  Produce commissioning strategy

18 Do – Put Your Plans into Action  Implement your decisions  Design services and write specifications  Implement delivery arrangements  Manage and monitor contracts  Manage relationships with suppliers, partners and wider market

19 Review – Check What You’re Doing is Working  Review performance  Evaluate  Consult and get feedback  Carry out reviews  Decide what needs to change  Update commissioning strategy  START THE CYCLE AGAIN – AND CONTINUOUSLY IMPROVE

20 VCS Involvement in Commissioning – Working Together to Improve Outcomes? ANALYSE PLAN DO REVIEW ONELEICESTER Check what you’re doing is working Understand the needs & aspirations of service users, communities & the wider population Put your plans into action Put in place plans to meet the identified need

21 Strategic Commissioning for Better Outcomes Thank you and look forward to hearing your views today

22 Strategic Commissioning: What does it mean for the Voluntary & Community Sector? Simon Jenner Voluntary Action LeicesterShire Voluntary Action LeicesterShire is the trading name for Voluntary Action Leicester

23 Commissioning Definitions  A planning cycle with money attached  ‘…the cycle of assessing the needs of people in an area, designing and then securing an appropriate service’

24 National Context  Shift from grant culture to commissioning & procurement  VCS established as a deliverer of public services & contracting a major driver of growth  UK: 190,000 VCS organisations with an income of £36bn  Medium & large charities receive 40% of income from contracting  Public sector funding cuts imminent

25 Local Context  ‘One Leicester’ identifies priorities for City  Vibrant & diverse sector 1200 VCS orgs with £50m income  Leicester City Council receives £840m per annum  VCS funding in 2008-09 totaled £9.4m  NHS Leicester City - £500m per annum & £1.7m to VCS

26 Risks?  Is the VCS becoming ‘…the largest government department’?  Participation in procurement can detract from service delivery  Competition vs. Collaboration  Are processes narrowing the market?  Business sector competition  Decommissioning of services

27 Opportunities?  Engage in the City’s planning processes  Focus on planning in your organisation  Provide solutions for statutory partners  Form consortia to deliver better for your service users  Improve quality systems & evidence impact better

28 What can VAL provide?  Helpline: T: 0116 257 5050 or E:  Training Programme: groups  VCS Assembly: E:  Online Resource Centre:  VAL News & Weekly Ebriefing via database,  Procurement E-bulletin (E:

29 Voluntary Action Leicestershire “Helping people change their lives for the better”

30 Thank You Voluntary Action LeicesterShire working in the Leicester City and Leicestershire to “Help people change their lives for the better”

31  What have been some of the challenges (procurement)  What do you see as the solution  How can the VCS help to improve delivery Discussion 1: Secure Service Delivery “Doing”

32 Discussions 2-4: Analyse, Planning & Reviewing  What we understand the theme to mean  How can you input as a group/organisation  What role can/should the VCS play

33 Strategic Commissioning & the Voluntary & Community Sector Questions

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