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Review Game.  The period of political tension following World War II was known as ________.

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1 Review Game


3  The period of political tension following World War II was known as ________.

4  The Cold War

5  What nation was ruled by an oppressive, communist, military regime known as the Khmer Rouge?

6  Cambodia

7  The military alliance between the Soviet Union and various communist, Eastern European countries was known as the _____.

8  Warsaw Pact


10  Not only was the Cold War an arms race, it was also a race to achieve technical prowess. The best example would be how the U.S. and U.S.S.R tried to best each other by being the first to reach ______.

11  Space

12  Built to prevent East Germans from leaving and defecting to West Germany.

13  The Berlin Wall

14  In China, the Communists defeated the Nationalists led by _____________, who would become the first leader of the newly established People’s Republic of China.

15  Mao Zedong


17  Winston Churchill coined the phrase “the __________”, which described the divide between the Europe’s democratic West and the communist East.

18  The Iron Curtain

19  The event known as the _________, led to the highest tensions during the Cold War, started when the U.S.S.R. was storing weapons on the island of Cuba.

20  Cuban Missile Crisis

21  A Muslim leader who sparks an Islamic Revolution in Iran which leads to the overthrowing of the Shah as well as the capture of many Americans at the U.S. Embassy and a 444 day hostage standoff.

22  Ayatollah Khomeini


24  During the ________, due to the ongoing deaths, military draft and protests at home, it was eventually decided to withdraw American troops by 1973.

25  Vietnam War

26  Just as it appeared the UN had defeated the North Koreans by invading into their country, ______ sent over 300,000 troops in support of North Korea. The war would turn out to be a draw.

27  Chinese

28  As the Cold War starts to fizzle, President Nixon signs a treaty with China and the USSR. The treaty, known as SALT, stands for __________.

29  Strategic Arms Limitations Talks


31  In February of 1945, before World War II was even over, leaders from the U.S., Soviet Union and Great Britain met at _______ to discuss a postwar plan.

32  Yalta

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