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Objectives: Vietnam Years at Home a)List what factors contributed to the rise of the protest movement b)Describe how Americans at home responded to the.

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Presentation on theme: "Objectives: Vietnam Years at Home a)List what factors contributed to the rise of the protest movement b)Describe how Americans at home responded to the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objectives: Vietnam Years at Home a)List what factors contributed to the rise of the protest movement b)Describe how Americans at home responded to the War in Vietnam S1.Cp.PO4  Tet Offensive  Anti – War Protests

2 Vietnam Years at Home Objectives: a)List what factors contributed to the rise of the protest movement b)Describe how Americans at home responded to the War in Vietnam S1.Cp.PO4  Tet Offensive  Anti – War Protests

3 While fighting occurred in Vietnam, the American people disagreed over the war. The war seemed to split America: Generation Gap

4 Many who opposed the war were part of the counter culture. Students started protesting the draft. The law required all men to register for the draft when they reach 18.

5 Counter Culture A.K.A. Hippies

6 Questions: page 878 What are draft deferments? Who received them? How might the draft deferments discrimination against poor people? Who were conscientious objectors? How did some protestors show their opposition against the war?

7 Support or Oppose the Military Draft What is the military draft? 2 Pros and 2 Cons of the Military Draft Is the Military Draft Constitutional? Write a 1 paragraph blog in response to the question.

8 Doves Students and people against the war

9 Hawks Supporters of the war

10 Even though these two groups had different views, they both did not like President Johnson. In October 1967, more than 50,000 people marched to the Pentagon, to protest the war. *Pentagon: defense department

11 Pentagon: Defense Department


13 What do you see?


15 Tet Offensive: Turning point of the war  Who was involved?  What was the Tet Offensive?  When?  Where?  Why was the Tet Offensive the turning point in the war?  Outcome?


17 Tet Offensive turned many more Americans against the war because: Vietcong killing Americans at the Embassy was on national TV

18 Freedom of the Press What does free press mean? Who represents the press? Create a T – Chart: 2 Pros and 2 Cons of Free Press Should the government place limits on the media? What about during war time?

19 The President Responds (LBJ)  No more bombing the North  Let’s talk peace agreements  LBJ won’t run for president again

20 Violence Erupts (1968)  Dr. King killed…riots broke out  Robert F. Kennedy killed

21 Dr. King

22 Robert F. Kennedy

23 Election of 1968: Hubert Humphrey (Dem.) George Wallace (Ind.) Richard Nixon (Rep.)  Nixon pledged to represent the Silent Majority. * Majority of Americans who are not shouting and protesting.

24 Humphrey vs. Nixon

25 George Wallace as running Independent

26 Who won the election? Richard Nixon

27 Pros (+) of Vietnam War Fight against Communism Once we start a war, we should finish it South Vietnam asked/needed USA’s help N. Vietnam attacked 1 st at the Gulf of Tonkin Cons (-) of Vietnam War Civil War in Vietnam…USA should not get involved Hurting domestic programs Argument over the military draft Many lives lost Cost too much $

28 Would you be a hawk or a dove? Your answer needs to be at least 4 sentences. You must cite specific evidence from your notes (events, people, etc.) or the adult interview to support your answer.

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