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Happy last Monday of 8 th grade Take out your ch. 15 vocabulary packet and study for a few minutes while I take attendance Quiz in 10 minutes.

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Presentation on theme: "Happy last Monday of 8 th grade Take out your ch. 15 vocabulary packet and study for a few minutes while I take attendance Quiz in 10 minutes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Happy last Monday of 8 th grade Take out your ch. 15 vocabulary packet and study for a few minutes while I take attendance Quiz in 10 minutes

2 When you are finished with your quiz, turn in to the bucket Finish 15.4 green worksheet (questions) Read “Analyzing Lincoln’s Speeches” Emancipation Proclamation Complete the sentence deconstruction and the excerpt analysis For period 6, this will be extra credit

3 The Battle at Gettysburg Read pages 497-500 Discuss: Why was the of Gettysburg a significant battle in the Civil War? synonyms: notablenotable, noteworthy, worthy of attention, remarkable, important, of importance, of consequence, signal; Morenoteworthyremarkableimportantsignal sig·nif·i·cant si ɡˈ nifikənt/ adjective 1.1. sufficiently great or important to be worthy of attention; noteworthy. "a significant increase in sales" 2.2. having a particular meaning; indicative of something. "in times of stress her dreams seemed to her especially significant"

4 Sentence Deconstruction for Emancipation Proclamation Connector Words Historical Actors (who is doing this?) Action words (verbs/verb phrases) Who, What, Where (Message) Questions or conclusions Who are the “persons” Lincoln is referring to and where do they live? Heldas slaves within any State or designated part of a state, whereof (in rebel states)Shall than beIn rebellion against the United States shall beThen, thenceforward, and forever free… andfurther declare and make known, How will this proclamation affect the Union military? thatwill be receivedinto the armed service of the United States…

5 Sentence Deconstruction for Emancipation Proclamation Connector Words Historical Actors (who is doing this?) Action words (verbs/verb phrases) Who, What, Where (Message) Questions or conclusions Who are the “persons” Lincoln is referring to and where do they live? The slaves in the Confederate states All personsheldas slaves within any State or designated part of a state, The people whereof (in rebel states) Shall than beIn rebellion against the United States Persons held as slaves in rebel states shall beThen, thenceforward, and forever free… andI (Lincoln)further declare and make known, How will this proclamation affect the Union military? Freed slaves will now be able to serve in the Union army thatsuch persons of suitable condition will be receivedinto the armed service of the United States…

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