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“For something a couple is enough, for some other – we must be more!”

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1 “For something a couple is enough, for some other – we must be more!”

2  The biggest social organisation and the largest representative trade union organisation in Bulgaria, established on 17 th February 1990  Recognized as a full member of the European and world trade union community through its affiliation to ETUC and ITUC  The strongest voice of the workers` interests in the country representing about 350 000 members What is CITUB?

3 CITUB` Member Organisations CITUB is a big and many-sided family which unified: CITUB is a big and many-sided family which unified:  34 affiliated sectoral / branch federations, trade unions and unions  16 territorial trade unions  Associations of artists, musicians, dancers, domestic workers, people with disabilities, pensioners, young people etc. All united with one common aim: Decent Life, Decent Work and Decent Future for workers and their families!

4 CITUB` Regional Structure  27 Regional Councils all over the country  196 Municipal Coordinators

5 Our main responsibility:  Free labour, free choice of working place;  Fair working conditions – working time, paid annual leave, holidays etc.;  Health and safety at work;  Equal chances and no discrimination at working place;  Professional orientation, vocational education and training, qualification and re-qualification;  Freely and voluntarily association in trade union organisations;  Decent payment and living standards;  Social security and social assistance;  Collective bargaining;  Legal advices and protection rights and interests of specific groups (youth, women, disabled people, pensioners, unemployed people etc.) Representation and protection of workers` interests and rights:

6 Together with its NGO partners, CITUB is every day next to you! Institute for Social And Trade Union Research Workers` Education & Training College Public Women`s Parliament “Save the Children” Association YOUth Forum 21 st Century Institute for Industrial Relations and Management “OKOM” CITUB

7 Why to join CITUB?  Free legal advices from a high qualified experts of CITUB in case of problems at work and violation of the labour rights (face-to-face, by e-mail or by phone);  Participation in different training courses (language courses, communication and presentation skills, project management etc.) organized by WETCO;  Free “Life” insurance;  Preferential bank credits, credit cards with 1.5% discount of every purchase;  Special trade union offers for holiday packages in and outside Bulgaria at very low prices;  Participation in musical, cultural, sport etc. events, organised by the union together with YF 21 and other partners;  Open youth forum in the CITUB` website where young workers can discuss on-line their problems or share experience and good practices.

8 Some reasons shared by our members

9 CITUB support you and fight for protection of your rights You want your voice to be heart and your rights at work to be respected and protected => BE ACTIVE! & JOIN THE UNION! Think about your rights!

10 How you can join CITUB? It`s simply! 1 st step: contact our nearest representative at enterprise or local level and fill the application form. Or visit our website: CONGRATULATIONS – You are already our member ! 2 nd step: monthly payment of your membership fee 2 nd step: monthly payment of your membership fee - Same rule for all workers and employees: 1% of your net salary 1% of your net salary - Students and unemployed people – individual membership in territorial trade unions and the membership membership in territorial trade unions and the membership fee is min 0.5 Euro /month or 6 Euro/year fee is min 0.5 Euro /month or 6 Euro/year

11 1, Macedonia Sq. 1040 Sofia, Bulgaria Tel. 00359 2 4010 524 Fax 00359 2 987 70 65 E-mail:

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