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Chapter II First and Second Conjugation Verbs; Principal Parts; Properties of Verbs: Number, Person, Tense, Stem; The Infinitive; Subject and Verb Agreement.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter II First and Second Conjugation Verbs; Principal Parts; Properties of Verbs: Number, Person, Tense, Stem; The Infinitive; Subject and Verb Agreement."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter II First and Second Conjugation Verbs; Principal Parts; Properties of Verbs: Number, Person, Tense, Stem; The Infinitive; Subject and Verb Agreement

2 Fābula, Fābulae, f. Confabulate- to talk together informally; chat Fable- a story, frequently involving animals, whose purpose is to impart a moral lesson Fabulous- having no basis in reality; mythical

3 Fōrma, fōrmae, f. Formalism- insistence on outward forms or traditional ceremonies, especially in religion Vermiform- shaped like a worm

4 Patria, patriae, f. Expatriate- to force to leave the country; banish, exile Repatriation- returning or being allowed to return to one’s country Patriotic- having or expressing devotion to and vigorous support for one's country

5 Amatory- causing or showing love Amō, amāre, amāvī, amātum

6 Ambulō, ambulāre, ambulāvī, ambulātum Amble- to walk in a relaxed, leisurely manner Perambulate- to walk through, over, or around Ambulance- a vehicle specially equipped for taking sick or injured people to and from the hospital, esp. in emergencies

7 Cūrō, cūrāre, cūrāvī, cūrātum

8 Dēbeō, dēbēre, dēbuī, dēbitum Debit- the entry showing something owed in an acount

9 Exspectō, exspectāre, exspectāvī, exspectātum Expectations- a strong belief that something will happen or be the case in the future

10 Habeō, habēre, habuī, habitum Habitat- the natural home or environment of an animal, plant, or other organism

11 Nārrō, nārrāre, nārrāvī, nārrātum Narrative- a spoken or written account of connected events; a story

12 Sum Entity- an individual thing that exists

13 Parō, parāre, parāvī, parātum Preparations- the action or process of making ready or being made ready for use or consideration

14 Teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentum Abstinence- giving up certain pleasures, such as food and drink Appertain- to belong as a part Sustain- to keep in existence Tenant- a person who occupies and pays rent for land, a room, building etc. Tentacles- a slender flexible limb or appendage in an animal

15 Videō, vidēre, vīdī, vīsum Visage- face Visionary- a person who sees visions Vista- a view through a narrow passage or opening Video- a movie or other piece of material recorded on videotape

16 Vocō, vocāre, vocāvī, vocātum Advocate- to recommend publically Convoke- to call together for a meeting Evoke- to call forth, draw forth, elicit Invoke- to call on (usually a spiritual being) for help, support Provoke- to excite to some action or feeling, often anger Revoke- to repeal, rescind, cancel

17 Diū

18 nunc 2011

19 Nōn

20 First and Second Conjugation Verbs; Principal Parts

21 Conjugations Conjugation- a class of verbs that all follow a certain pattern – The declension of verbs Four in Latin

22 Principal Parts Identify conjugation How to conjugate different tense of a verb 4 parts – 1 st Principal Part – 2 nd Principal Part – 3 rd Principal Part – 4 th Principal Part

23 Principal Parts you need to Understand Now 1st Principal Part First person Singular Present Indicative Active 2nd Principal Part Infinitive

24 For kicks…but you should still memorize these 3 rd Principal Part First person Singular Perfect Indicative Active 4 th Principal Part Supine...gross…let’s deal with that in the Spring after our end of course test

25 2 nd Principal Part 1 st Conjugation – Nārrāre 2 nd Conjugation – Habēre

26 Exercise 1 1. Videō, vidēre, vīdī, vīsum 2.Habitō, habitāre, habitāvī, habitātum 3.Nārrō, nārrāre, nārrāvī, nārrātum 4.Dēbeo, dēbēre, dēbuī, dēditum 5.Cūrō, cūrāre, cūrāvī, cūrātum 6.Exspectō, exspectāre, exspectāvī, exspectātum

27 Homework Exercise I on Pg. XXVIII (18)

28 Cogita Do the 1st two Principal Parts on your Chapter 2 Packets

29 Properties of a Latin Verb: Number, Person, Tense, Stem

30 The Anatomy of a Latin Verb Person Number Tense Mood Stem Voice

31 Mood 3 moods – Indicative – Subjunctive – Imperative Don’t worry too much about this

32 Voice ActivePassive

33 Person Shows the relationship with the subject and the verb 1 st person- I / We 2 nd person- You / Y’all 3 rd person- S/he/it / They

34 Number Singular: AmbulatPlural: Ambulant

35 Tense When the action took place and it’s duration

36 Showing person Add personal endings to the stem First Person-ō or m-mus Second Person - s-tis Third Person - t-nt

37 Exercise III Nārrās Vidēs Aedficat Habēs Dēbēs Dēbēmus Vocant amat

38 Stem Part of the verb that you add endings Contains the meaning of the word and some basic information about tense – Past versus Present Amō, Amāre, Amāvī, Amātum Amāre – āre + a (linking vowel)= Ama

39 You try Ambulō, ambulāre, ambulāvī, ambulātum Nārrō, nārrāre, nārrāvī, nārrātum Dēbeō, dēbēre, dēbuī, dēbitum Videō, vidēre, vīdī, vīsum

40 How to make a verb Stem + ending = action!

41 Conjugate Videō, vidēre, vidī, visum VideōVidēs Vidētis VidetVident

42 Conjugate Amō, Amāre, Amāvī, Amātum AmōAmās Amātis AmatAmant

43 Exercise 5 Vidēs Dēbet Ambulat Habeō Tenēs Amō habitat

44 Exit ticket Conjugate one of your vocabulary words for chapter 2.

45 Homework Update Grammar Handbook Conjugate your choice of 3 verbs from this chapter

46 The Infinitive and Subject Verb Agreement

47 Cogita Oral Exercise 2 on pg. 22

48 In-Fīnī-itive In – prefix meaning not Fīnī- base meaning end What does it mean?? Not end; no end Thus, this is a verb form that doesn’t have a personal endings, but it does have tense and voice

49 The Present Active Infinitive The 2 nd Principal Part

50 The Present Active Infinitive The 2 nd Principal Part - re ending – āre, ēre, ere, īre To + verb = Infinitive

51 Subject Verb Agreement Yet another concept you already understand! The subject has to match the verb in number Marcus walks Marcus ambulat.

52 QUIZ Flavia loves dogs. A.Flavia canem amas. B.Flavia canem amo. C.Flavia canem amat. D.Flavia canem amamus.

53 I love dogs. A.Amas canem. B.Amat canem. C.Amo canem. D.Amatis canem.

54 You tell a story. A.Faulam narras. B.Fabulam narro. C.Fabulam narrat. D.Fabulam naratis.

55 Y’all tell stories. A.Fabulas narro. B.Fabulam narratis. C.Fabulas narrant. D.Fabulas narratis.

56 Easy as pie!

57 Exercise 8 Menaechmus Sosiclēs et Messeniō Menaechmum ________ (vidēre). Vident Menaechmus Sosiclēs tells Messeniō Menaechmus: “Tū fābulās _______ (nārrāre).” Nārrās Messenio asks Menaechmus: “Quōmodo ego et Menaechmus Sosiclēs tē vocāre ______ (dēbēre)?” Dēbēmus

58 Menaechmus answers: “Tu et Menaechmus Sosiclēs mē Menaechmum vocāre ______ (dēbeō). Dēbētis After Menaechmus Sosicles asks: “Quam patriam habēs?” Menaechmus exclaims: “Quam patriam ego ______ (habēre)? Sum Syracūsānus. Habeō

59 Homework Read Chapter 3 – Remember to take notes over words that you have to look up. – NO WRITTEN TRANSLATIONS!

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