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Chapter 6: Packing of Goods 商品的包装. sectionA: types of Packing sectionB: various kinds of marks sectionC: Packing Clause in the Sales Contract.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 6: Packing of Goods 商品的包装. sectionA: types of Packing sectionB: various kinds of marks sectionC: Packing Clause in the Sales Contract."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 6: Packing of Goods 商品的包装

2 sectionA: types of Packing sectionB: various kinds of marks sectionC: Packing Clause in the Sales Contract

3 sectionA: types of Packing  All commodities fall into three groups: nude( 裸装 ) commodities, bulk( 散装 ) commodities, and packed commodities.  3 kinds of Cargoes: 1.Nude Cargo 2.Cargo in Bulk 3.Packed Cargo

4 1. Nude Cargo ( 裸装货 )  Refers to those kinds of cargoes whose qualities are more stable. They are not easy to be influenced by outside circumstances and they become single pieces of their own. They are difficult to be packed or do not need any packing.  Example: such as steel products, lead ingot( 锭铁 ), timber( 木材 ), rubber( 橡胶 ), automobiles, etc.

5 2. Cargo in Bulk ( 散装货 )  Refers to those cargoes which are shipped on the conveyance ( 运输工具 ) in bulk and even sold without packages.  Example: such as oil, ore ( 矿石 ), grain, coal, etc.

6 3. Packed Cargo ( 包装货 )  Refers to those which need shipping packing, marketing packing or both. Most of commodities in international trade need certain degree of packing during the shipping, storing and sales process.  Shipping Packing  Marketing Packing  Neutral Packing

7 (一) Shipping Packing ( 运输包装 )  Shipping packing is also called big packing ( 大包装 ) or outside packing ( 外包装 ) or transport packing. According to the method of packing: single piece packing ( 单件包装 ) and collective packing ( 集合包装 )  Single Piece Packing  Collective Packing

8  Single Piece Packing ( 单件包装 )  The cargoes are packed as a single unit, in the transportation process.  According to style of packing : Cases( 箱 ), drums, cask (桶),bags (袋), bales( 大 包 ), bundles( 捆 ), bottle( 瓶 ), can/tin( 罐 ),etc.  According to material: Cartons, wooden casks, iron drums, wooden cases( 木桶 ), plastic cases, paper bags, gunny bags( 麻 袋 ), cloth bags, plastic bags, etc.

9  Collective Packing ( 集合包装 )  Collective packing is also called group shipping packing by which a certain number of single pieces are grouped together to form a big packing or are packed in a big container.  Container

10  Container ( 集装箱 )  A kind of tool used for transportation which can be thought of as a particular shipping packing of the cargo, and can be regarded as a component part of the conveyance as well, usually provided by the ship company to go around.  8`x 8`x 20` feet container  8`x 8`x 40` feet container

11  Example of 20` Container (20 英尺集装箱 )

12  8`x 8`x 20` Feet Container (20 英尺集装箱 )  Loading capacity: 18 M/T (max.)  Volume: usu. 24- 26 cubic meters  TEU (Twenty-feet Equivalent Unit) 集装箱计 算单位  8`x 8`x 40` Feet Container (40 英尺集装箱 )  Loading capacity: 22 M/T (max.)  Volume: usu. 54 cubic meters  FEU (Forty-feet Equivalent Unit) 集装箱计算 单位

13 Collective Packing  Example of Container (40 英尺集装箱 )

14  Kinds of Containers  Dry Container: ( 普通集装箱,又称 干货集装箱 ) Used for carrying general cargoes.

15  Refrigerator Container:( 冷冻集装箱 ) There is freezing equipment in the container. The temperature can be adjusted from -28 ℃ ~ +26 ℃.

16  Frame Container: ( 框架集装箱 ) There is no top part and two flank walls on the container. Cargoes can be loaded into or lifted out of the container through the two side- frames.

17  Open Top Container: ( 开顶集装箱 ) The open top container does not have the top part. Cargoes can be loaded or unloaded through the top of the container by elevating equipment. It is suitable for carrying extra-big cargoes.

18  Pen Container: ( 牲畜集装箱 ) The two sides of this kind of container are covered by metal nets, which makes it convenient to feed the live-stock and ventilate ( 通风 ) the container.

19  Tank Container: ( 罐式集装箱 ) The tank container is suitable for carrying liquid cargoes such as oil, etc.

20 1 、拼箱货流 拼箱货( less than cargo container load 简称: LCL )是指装不满一整箱的小票货物。把货物先用 卡车或其他运载工具从货主处装运到集装箱货运站 进行拼箱,拼箱后,将集装箱运送到码头堆场交由 集装箱船装船运输。




24 2 、整箱货流 整箱货( full container cargo load 简称: FCL ) 货物从发货人处装箱后一直到收货人拆箱为止, 一票到底。

25 集装箱码头堆场( container yard : CY ) 集装箱货运站 (container freight station : CFS)

26 集装箱货物的交接方式 1. ( Door to Door ) ( FCL - FCL ) 2. ( Door to CY ) ( FCL - FCL ) 3. (Door to CFS) ( FCL - LCL ) 4. (CY to Door) ( FCL - FCL ) 5. (CY to CY) ( FCL - FCL ) 6. ( CY to CFS ) ( FCL - LCL ) 7. (CFS to CFS) ( LCL - LCL ) 8. ( CFS to CY ) ( LCL - FCL ) 9. ( CFS to Door ) ( LCL - FCL )

27 二、 Marketing Packing ( 销售包装 )  Marketing packing is also called small packing ( 小包装或零售包装 ) , immediate packing or inner packing ( 内包装 ).

28  Hanging-up pattern:( 挂式包装 )


30  Spreading-up pattern:( 展开式包装 )  The goods have a special-structured cover. When the cover is opened, the picture on the other side of it sets off well with the commodity.

31  Transparent pattern and windowed pattern: ( 透明包装和 ” 开窗 ” 包装 )

32  Customary packing pattern: ( 习惯性包装 )  Using customary packing and modeling makes the buyers identify the quality of the commodity as soon as they see the packing.

33  Pattern for carrying about: ( 携带式包装 )  The modeling of this type is suitable for carrying the goods.

34  Pattern for easily opening:( 易开包装 )  This type has the characteristic of being easily opened.  Example: easily-opened cans, boxes, bottles, etc.

35  Pattern for spraying out: ( 喷雾包装 )  This packing is a liquid sprayer. When we press the button, the liquid will spray out automatically.  This style is suitable for everyday consumer goods and medicines.  Example: such as perfume, etc.


37  Pattern for forming a complete set: ( 配套包 装 )  The goods of different kinds and specifications, which are usually used simultaneously, are arranged into a group to form a complete set and unified packing.

38  Pattern for showing off a gift:( 礼品包装 )

39 [ 案例 ] 在荷兰某一超级市场上有黄色竹制罐装的 茶叶一批,罐的一面刻有中文 “ 中国茶叶 ” 四字, 另一面刻有我国古装仕女图,看上去精致美观, 颇具民族特点,但国外消费者少有问津。问其故 何在 ?

40 三、 Neutral Packing and Brand Designated by the Buyer  Neutral Packing ( 中性包装 )  There is no name of the origin and the name of the manufacturer on the packing of the commodity and the commodity itself. *transit trade (转口贸易) *Consumer limitation

41  2 Kinds  Accept the neutral packing with brands and trade marks designated by the buyers (中性定牌包装)  There is no trade marks or brands , nor name of origins designated by the buyers (中性无牌包装)

42 [ 案例 ] 菲律宾客户与上海某自行车厂洽谈进口 “ 永久牌 ” 自行车 10000 辆,但要求我方改 用 “ 剑 ” 牌商标,并在包装上不得注明 “Made In China” 字样。买方为何提出 这种要求?

43 sectionB:Mark in transport Packing ( 包装标志 )  Refers to different diagrams, words and figures which are written, printed, or brushed on the outside of the shipping packing.  Shipping mark  Indicative mark  Warning mark  Additional mark

44  Shipping Mark ( 运输标志, 俗称唛头 )  Shipping marks make it convenient for identifying and transporting the goods and make it easy to count them out and check them out.  Shipping marks should be simple, clear and easy to be identified.

45  4 Parts of Shipping Marks  Consignee’s code:( 收件人代号 )  the consignee’s codes is usually indicated by different geometrical diagrams, such as triangles, diamonds, circles, etc. with letters inside them as the main marks.  Reference number  Destination ( 目的港名称 )  Package number ( 件号 )

46 Shipping Mark ABC Singapore No. 1/ 100 ABCDLC536800 Hong Kong No. 1-200 ABCCO SC9750 LONDON NO.4 - 20

47  Indicative Mark ( 指示性标志 )  We usu. make use of remarkable diagrams and simple words to remind the relative workers of the items for attention when they load, unload, carry and store the goods.

48 Indicative Mark  Sample of Indicative Mark:


50  Warning Mark ( 警告性标志 )  Warning mark is also called dangerous cargo mark, which is brushed clearly and definitely on the shipping packing of the inflammable ( 易燃 ), explosive( 爆炸品 ), poisonous, corrosive( 腐蚀性的 )or radioactive( 放射性的 )goods, so as to give warnings to the workers.

51 Warning Mark  Example of Warning Mark:

52 environmentally dangerous substances

53  Additional Mark ( 附属标志 )  Sometimes, in accordance with the agreement entered into by the both parties or the regulations laid down by their countries respectively some additional marks are needed.  Gross weight; net weight; measurement; made in china

54 例如: Safety Boots Art No.JL608TS QTY.12PRS G.W.27KGS N.W.21.6KGS MST.50×35×78cm Made in China

55 sectionC: Packing Clause in the Contract  The packing clause mainly stipulates:  packing manner  packing material  packing expenses to be borne  the shipping mark

56 Example:  Packing: In new galvanized (电镀的) iron drums of 175 Kg each, net.  Packed in cloth bags of 80 sets, each set packed in a plastic( 塑料的 ) bag.  Packed in iron drums( 鼓型圆桶 ) of 185-190 kgs net each.  Packed in cartons( 纸箱 ), each containing 2- polyethylene (聚乙烯) bags of 10 kgs net.

57  In tins of 12 kgs net, 2 tins (罐子) to a 3-ply (层) -wooden case.  To be packed in poly bags,50 pounds in a bag,4 bags in a wooden case which is lined with metal. The cost of packing is for buyer’s account.

58  Avoid using “Seaworthy packing”, (适合 海运包装) “Customary packing”, (按惯 常方式包装) etc.

59  Packing Expense to Be Borne  The packing expense is included in the price of the cargo  The seller is responsible for the packing charges.  The seller supplies the packing, but he takes it back after delivery. The buyer should bears the freight of the recovery of the packing.

60  Shipping Marks  Shipping marks are usu. to be designated by the seller

61  each case shall be Clearly marked (on the different sides) in fadeless paint in English Language : The Package Number, Gross Weight, Net Weight, Length× Breadth ×Height, and the following marks: “KEEP AWAY FROM MOISTUPE’, “HANDLE WITH CARE", “THIS SIDE UP', as well as the shipping mark.

62 Each package shall be brushed with gross and net weights, package number, measurement, port of destination, country of origin and the following Shipping Mark: Each package shall be brushed with gross and net weights, package number, measurement, port of destination, country of origin and the following Shipping Mark: 89ZHPC-075 89ZHPC-075 GUANG ZHOU GUANG ZHOU

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