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2 Electricity and Electric Circuit INTRODUCTION An electrical current is the motion of a charge through a medium.

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Presentation on theme: "2 Electricity and Electric Circuit INTRODUCTION An electrical current is the motion of a charge through a medium."— Presentation transcript:

1 2 Electricity and Electric Circuit INTRODUCTION An electrical current is the motion of a charge through a medium.

2 2A-1 Laws of Electricity Ohm's Law Ohm's law can be written in the form V = I R Kirchhoff's Laws Kirchhoff's current law states that the algebraic sum of currents at any point in a circuit is zero.

3 Power Law The power P in watts dissipated in a resistive element is given by the product of the current in amperes and the potential difference across the element in volts: P = I V 2A-2 Direct-Current Circuits Series Circuits

4 2A-2 Direct-Current Circuits Series Circuits

5 The Voltage Divider V 1 = I 1 R 1 = IR 1 a b Voltage dividers: (a)fixed attenuator type and (b)continuously variable type (potentiometer).

6 Parallel Circuits Current Splitters Just as series resistances form a voltage divider, parallel resistances create a current divider, or current splitter.

7 Latihan Dari rangkaian di atas hitunglah: a.Arus I b.Tahan pengganti (Rp) c.Arus yang melewati tiap tahanan


9 2A-3 Direct Current, Voltage, and Resistance Measurements FIGURE 2-4 Uses of a DVM.(a) Measurement of the output t', of a voltage source. (b) Measurement of current I,through a load resistor RL. (c) Measurement of resistance R, of a resistive circuit element.

10 ALTERNATING CURRENT CIRCUITS FIGURE 2-5 Examples of periodic signals: (a) sinusoidal, (b) square wave, (c) ramp, and (d) sawtooth

11 FIGURE Sinus waves with different amplitudes (I p or V p ) and out of phase by 90 deg or  /2 radians.

12 REACTANCE IN ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS FIGURE 2-8 Behavior of (a) a series RC circuit and (b) a series RL circuit.

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