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Water Pollution.

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1 Water Pollution

2 Major Sources Of Water Groundwater Surface water
found below the ground where it accumulates in between soil and rocks. Surface water found on the earth’s surface in lakes, rivers, dugouts and reservoirs

3 Drinking Water Should Be
Clear Colorless Odorless It SHOULD NOT Contain Disease causing micro-organisms Harmful chemicals

4 Drinking Water and You Effects of contaminants in drinking water
Aesthetic – Tastes, smells or looks bad; can cause stains on laundry, sinks, toilets and bathtubs Cosmetic – Visible illnesses (skin rashes, or mottling of teeth) Acute – Effects seen within hours (diarrhea and/or vomiting) Chronic – Serious health issues with no symptoms (liver disease, cancer)

5 Drinking Water and You Minerals, nutrients and
chemicals can affect human health As water moves, it dissolves and carries with it things it contacts Many salts and minerals found in water are necessary for our bodies, but at certain levels, can be considered contaminants

6 Where Do Contaminants Come From?
Erosion of rock and soil Farmland Landfills Residential discharges Sewage Industrial discharges Wastewater treatment plants Intense livestock operations Motor boats such as Jet-skis

7 Types of Pollution – Biodegradable
Waste made by humans and animals. Many cities and towns treat the waste before it enters the water source but there are still some cities and towns that empty their sewage right into their local water source without treating it! Wastes from animals most often enter the water source by run-off.

8 Types of Pollution – Nutrient
Farmers and gardeners will add manure or fertilizers to the soil, which will provide more nutrients for the plants. But sometimes, too much fertilizer and manure is used and the plants can not use up what is in the soil. The extra nutrients are washed into water sources and become pollution.

9 Types of Pollution – Thermal
When water sources warm up, it is usually from industrial waste that is being pumped into the water source while still hot. If enough hot water is added to the water source the temperature of the water will rise.

10 Types of Pollution – Sediment
Another danger with sedimentation is that before the suspended particles settle out, the water is cloudy. Cloudy water (or turbid water) absorbs more sunlight than clear water and that absorbed sunlight makes the water warmer, leading to thermal pollution. The cloudy water also blocks the sunlight from reaching the bottom, where plants grow and require sunlight for photosynthesis.

11 Types of Pollution – Chemical
A wide variety of chemicals are used every day in industry, agriculture and around the home. Everything from cleaning products to pesticides to solvents is used to make products and food or to keep places clean. It might not sound like a type of pollution but think about what is also on the streets and fields.

12 Types of Pollution – Chemical
There is oil and gas residue from the vehicles, any fertilizers or pesticides the people have sprayed on their yards, and garbage that people just will not pick up. From fields there can be manure, fertilizers, and pesticides or other chemicals used to control insects and diseases on crops.

13 Types of Pollution – Radioactive
Radioactive materials can be released into the air and water. When naturally occurring radioactive materials are disturbed by digging, mining or oil and gas production they can enter the water in greater amounts and become a serious concern. These have been linked to birth defects and even deaths

14 Point Source Pollution
Water pollution that can be traced to a specific spot because it is discharged into the environment through pipes, sewers or ditches. Ex - factory or sewage treatment plant

15 Non-Point Source Pollution
Pollutants that enter bodies of water over large areas rather than being concentrated at a single point of entry. Ex - agricultural fertilizer runoff and sediments from construction

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