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View this slideshow in “play” mode to see the notes I’ve added about each photo.

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Presentation on theme: "View this slideshow in “play” mode to see the notes I’ve added about each photo."— Presentation transcript:

1 View this slideshow in “play” mode to see the notes I’ve added about each photo.

2 Vietnam War and Protest Photos


4 Frank Wolfe, October 21, 1967 (NARA) Protest rally in Washington D.C.

5 Bernie Boston, October 21, 1967

6 _war_/html/10.stm

7 Burning Draft card, Central Park, NYC 1969

8 Bill Couch, October 20, 1967 Police officers clash with draft protesters in Oakland

9 Eddie Adams, February 1, 1968

10 Huynh Cong "Nick" Ut, June 8, 1972


12 John Filo, May 4, 1970

13 Grateful Dead, 1968, by Baron Wolman

14 THE JUST WAR DOCTRINE War must be the last resort and used only after all other means have failed. War must be declared to redress rights actually violated or for defense against unjust demands backed by the threat of force. The war must be openly and legally declared by a legal government. There must be a reasonable chance of winning. The means used must be in proportion to the ends sought. Soldiers must distinguish between armies and civilians and not kill civilians on purpose. The winner must not require the utter humiliation of the loser

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