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POLITICAL PARTIES & ELECTIONS Unit 3 Chapters 9, 10, 11.

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1 POLITICAL PARTIES & ELECTIONS Unit 3 Chapters 9, 10, 11

2 What is a political party? –A group of voters with common interests who want to influence or control decision making in government by electing the party’s candidates to office Terms: The “party agenda” (or how the party plans to address public issues) is set out by the “party platform” (the public issue). Each piece that makes up the platform is the “plank” (specifically addresses the platform component). Examples: IE: REPUBLICAN Party platform: national security Party agenda: help secure democracy in Iraq Party plank: Increase troops by 20,000

3 FUNCTIONS OF POLITICAL PARTIES 1. Gather people with similar values and views into a movement 2. To govern in a predictable way 3. To compete in elections & get their “candidates” elected 4. Inform citizens on issues 5. Manage government by filling government positions 6. Link together the different levels of government (national, state, local) 7. Act as a watchdog (the party that loses the election watches the other party to inform citizens when the party in power makes mistakes)

4 PARTY SYSTEMS ONE PARTY SYSTEM –One political party controls –Advantage: gets things done because of similar thought –Disadvantage: not all opinions are represented –Ex: China – Communist Party MULTI-PARTY SYSTEM –Allows for three or more competing parties; since no one party usually wins a “majority vote”, parties form a “coalition” or compromise on issues to form a majority –Advantage: more opinions represented; many choices in a platform –Disadvantage: may take long time to enact solution; divide country –Ex: Great Britain

5 TWO PARTY SYSTEM –Power shifts between two dominant parties; there are some “third parties” or minor parties that sometimes win elections. They exist to pull voters from one of the other two major parties, splitting the votes –“Grassroots” parties often get support from average citizens and people of lesser means. –Advantage: represents differences of opinions; not too diverse to cause too much gridlock –Disadvantage: may take longer to enact a solution; only two main choices, no gray area –Ex: US – Democrats & Republicans

6 P ARTY M ACHINES : W HEN GOOD PARTIES GO BAD... –A political party that turns into an organization led by a “boss” who controls the local government. This is a reciprocal relationship. Machines work because the boss ensures the needs of the people (job, housing, etc.) In return, the people vote to keep the boss and the party in power. Also, the boss uses “patronage” (giving political offices and jobs in exchange for support/votes) (also called the “spoils system”).

7 1.What does the tiger represent?4. What is the artist’s opinion 2.What has the tiger mauled? on political machines? 3.What is the setting supposed to resemble?

8 1.Who is the large man supposed to represent? 2.What is the artist’s opinion about votes in a political machine?

9 1.What and who does the thumb represent? 2.What is the artist’s opinion about votes in a political machine?

10 TYPES OF ELECTIONS: 1. Partisan elections: When knowing a candidate’s political party is important to the election 2. Non-Partisan elections: When knowing a candidate’s political party is NOT important to the election (Ex: Judges – fairness, do job without political influence) 3. General election: Candidates are chosen for a political office (held in November) 4. Primary election: Voters choose candidates to run on the ballot during the general election 5. Recall election: Can remove an elected official from office by a vote of the people (it begins with a petition signed by a certain percentage of voters) 6. Initiative: Citizens propose a law by petition and submit it to a vote 7. Proposition: A type of initiative placed on a ballot by a legislature or by a petition 8. Referendum: A direct, popular vote on issues (like taxes/bonds) 9. Presidential Election: Determined by the Electoral College, not a direct vote from the electorate

11 METHODS OF VOTING: 1. Plurality voting: Candidate with largest number of votes wins 2.Majority voting: Candidate with more than 50% of the votes wins Which one is required in a democracy?

12 CAMPAIGNING AND ELECTIONS Step 1: Political parties nominate candidates to run for office –Presidential nomination: “National Convention” is the meeting every 4 years of party delegates (representatives) from each state to nominate president & vice-president and they write a party platform –Other candidates are nominated for office at a political meeting called a “caucus”

13 Step 2: If multiple candidates are nominated or register to run for office, a “primary election” is held months before the general election, which is in November. –An “open primary” allows all people, no matter the party affiliation, to vote in the primary –A “closed primary” allows only members of the political party to vote in the primary

14 Step 3: IF any candidate doesn’t win a majority of the votes in the primary, a “run-off election” is held between the two candidates with the most votes.

15 Step 4: Candidates need money to campaign –The Federal Election Campaign Finance Act of 1971 set rules for donating and using money for campaigns –It can come from public funds. You can donate a few dollars from your tax refund check to the Presidential Election Campaign Fund. –It can come from private businesses or people (most money in campaigns comes from private sources) –“Soft money” is donations to candidates not designated for a particular purpose. In 2002, a law banned unlimited donations. Money is to be used for general purposes like voter registration drives and ads about issues. Most soft money goes to TV ads.

16 –POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTIES(PACs): are established by corporations, unions, and special-interest groups to donate money to candidates who support the PACs position on issues. The 1971 law makes PACs donate money to the political party, not the candidate. PACs can also donate an unlimited amount of money. –

17 –INTEREST GROUP – an organization whose members share common concerns and try to influence government policies that impact those concerns. –They use propaganda and lobbying to help make changes to public policy –They are most influential at the Congressional level. –They also make challenges to laws and policies in the court system. – Int_groups-online.ppt.pdf Int_groups-online.ppt.pdf –

18 –What’s the difference between a PAC and an interest group? PACs focus on influencing the outcome of an election; interest groups focus on influencing policies and already elected officials –LOBBYING / LOBBYISTS - attempting to influence decisions made by officials in the government, most often legislators or members of regulatory agencies. Lobbyists are often hired by PACs or special interest groups.

19 (Intro to lobbying) m/interestgroupspacs.htm (graphic) m/interestgroupspacs.htm (can lobbyists be good?) (Jack Abramoff – show 3 rd quarter)

20 Step 5: Candidates for the general election begin campaigning –Candidates seek “endorsements” from celebrities, other politicians, etc. to support them –Candidates “canvass” for votes – they go door to door or use the phone to ask voters how they are going to vote. They use this information to try to persuade undecided voters to choose them. –Candidates use “propaganda” to persuade the “electorate” (voters) to vote for them. They use “glittering generalities” (emotionally appealing words: patriotism, family values, the American way). The words sound good, but their meaning is “general”

21 They use the “bandwagon” approach (says everyone else believes or acts a certain way). Everybody’s doing it They use “stacked cards” (only show facts that support their view). They show positives, but no negatives They use “just plain folks” (says the candidate is like everyone else). It shows the candidate is like everyone else. They use “name calling” (referring to the opponent in a negative way). It’s also called “mud-slinging” They use “symbols” (visual pictures that are emotionally appealing). Like the American flag. They use “image molding” (experts use the media to portray their candidate the best way possible to all voters)

22 Step 6: The General Election: Go to your polling place (Elections are conducted by each state’s Board of Elections office - a RESERVED power) –To vote in the General Election, you must be 18, registered to vote, be a resident of your state for a certain time period (like 30 days), and a US citizen. Those who are eligible and vote are called the “electorate”. –You should be aware of your “voting district” and the candidates for whom you can vote. The district is divided into precincts and polling places (CHS is one of them).

23 (chuck norris) (godless americans) (sean haugh) (herman cain) (sarah palin – wolf hunting) (fibber kay) (obama ad) (romney) (arnold) (bushisms) (lipstick on a pitbull)


25 Step 7: VOTE on your ballot –There are several kinds of ballots: paper ballots, mechanical lever machines, punch cards, Scantron, butterfly (this type caused confusion in Florida in the 2000 election between Bush/Gore) –If you are not going to be near your polling place on the day of the General Election, you can vote early or fill out an absentee ballot before the election




29 Step 8: Exit poll –When you are leaving the polling place, the media may ask you who you voted for to get a random sample of who people choosing to find out who’s winning the election

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