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Reducing Sutton Grammar’s Energy usage Carbon Trust Pilot Scheme Sutton Grammar Eco-School Team.

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1 Reducing Sutton Grammar’s Energy usage Carbon Trust Pilot Scheme Sutton Grammar Eco-School Team

2 Why should we reduce our energy consumption? SGS has one of the highest energy bills per pupil of any secondary school in the borough We produce 300 tonnes of CO 2 per year and this has a pollution payment attached to it 54 tonnes of CO 2 could be saved through simple and even zero-cost measures over an 8-year period. This would save the school nearly £9000 in this time. Many savings can be made within a year. We should also feel a sense of duty to avoid unnecessary impacts on the environment.

3 Eco-School Bronze Award The pilot study will help us to meet the criteria for our Bronze award: The school has identified an Action Team which has met on at least four occasions. The Action Team has completed a formal Environmental Review and has recorded the results. The Action Team has produced a basic Action Plan and shared the plan with the rest of the school community. The school has a prominent, designated noticeboard, web pages or newsletter which details Eco-Schools activities. The school can indicate that some environmental issues have been covered within curriculum work. The Action Team can identify progress towards achieving elements of the Action Plan.

4 Environmental Survey Results We conducted a survey around the school on Monday and Tuesday this week We looked at: Who was in each room How many lights were on What IT equipment was on Whether window blinds were closed The results were not good although unsurprising!

5 Environmental Survey Results We surveyed 37 rooms around the school in every department and building; before school, at lunch and after school With a few access problems, we managed to make a total of 296 observations about energy use We observed 74 unnecessary uses of energy This is an EPIC FAIL of 25% wastage!!!!!


7 Environmental Survey Results Unnecessary Energy Use

8 What are we going to do? 1. Active Labelling of Lighting Lighting controlled by multiple switches Not all lighting normally needs to be on Identify unnecessary rows Agree with class teacher Mark up switches

9 What are we going to do? 2. Lighting Switch Off Nominate lighting monitor Assess amount of natural daylight regularly Switch off lights accordingly Ensure appropriate use of blinds Keep windows free from obstruction Switch off lights when room vacated

10 What are we going to do? 3. IT Switch Off Identify all IT equipment Is it left on unnecessarily? Traffic Light Coding System Green: anyone can switch off Amber: check with user before switching off Red: don’t touch Communicate – whole school to switch off

11 What are we going to do? 4. Heating Overheating by 1ºC can increase consumption by 10% Overheating of 3 to 4ºC is not unknown –18º C recommended for classrooms –15º C recommended for gyms & corridors We have purchased thermometers and will be mapping temperature around the school in order to adjust our heating. We will need your feedback

12 Conclusion of the Project The pilot project will end at Christmas but our work should continue indefinitely We will be taking meter readings every week and hope to be able to report energy and money savings to you during, and at the end of, this period We will have a newsletter keeping you and your parents up to date This needs you to drive it forward – pester teachers (politely) to do the right thing!

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